D&D 5E Easter Eggs in 5E


PHB Trinkets - 73, 53, something that ends in a 3 - One of the trinkets is a wine bottle with a label on it. It's a reference to module B7 Rahasia by Tracy & Laura Hickman.

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PHB Trinkets - 73, 53, something that ends in a 3 - One of the trinkets is a wine bottle with a label on it. It's a reference to module B7 Rahasia by Tracy & Laura Hickman.

It's 93. Speaking of the trinket table, I'm pretty sure item 34 is a 9-volt battery.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I don't know if, "cultural reference in plain sight," really counts as an Easter Egg.

It does. Also why are you messing with peoples fun with this weird meaningless linguistics argument?

As for other Easter Eggs, I think Morrus pointed out earlier that there is a Dr. Who Tardis on one of the PHB equipment pages.
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In the MM, the d text in the goblin entry (about "bree-yark") is a reference to the Keep on the Borderlands module.


First Post
I'd just like to remind you that instead of joining in on the fun, you are arguing over terminology. Which is no fun at all.

Are you sure this is what you want?
There's got to be a way to up the ante and turn this into an edition war.

(The potted plant is still my favorite. )


I haven't gotten the 5e books yet (a combination of having no group to play with and being SO. VERY. BROKE.) despite loving everything I read about this edition, but this thread somehow makes me lovingly remember the little cartoons in the 1st edition DMG. It's that bit of humor about the whole enterprise, combined with the freedom of "here are options, just roll something ...or don't!" that make me want to squee in furious glee (with my one Michael Jackson glove)...

Voidrunner's Codex

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