As I said in the other thread, the question is now whether we're just going to see DMs Guild and PDF support, or whether, once the psionic and artificer rules are set, we'll be seeing something more substantial in the way of an actual published book. I have a feeling that once the necessary rules are in place (with a likely rules expansion book early next year for new classes and races), we'll...

As I said in the other thread, the question is now whether we're just going to see DMs Guild and PDF support, or whether, once the psionic and artificer rules are set, we'll be seeing something more substantial in the way of an actual published book. I have a feeling that once the necessary rules are in place (with a likely rules expansion book early next year for new classes and races), we'll be seeing a full book, and this is just to whet the appetite and get things started...

Lot of people asking about this for Eberron - not until the content is 100% sealed. Mechanics will run through UA and be updated in the PDF. Once those are done - and artificer added - we'll turn on POD.


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Lot of people asking about this for Eberron - not until the content is 100% sealed. Mechanics will run through UA and be updated in the PDF. Once those are done - and artificer added - we'll turn on POD.


Well, there goes my one gripe!

5 stars, would recommend

When asked regarding the artificer:
Not yet. Going through a round of edits before a Very Soon (not this month) UA.



Since I'm wrong, why would you presume that? Afterall, I did end those sentences with (? ) marks....

And no, I haven't looked since. Not likely to either as I'm not terribly interested in the setting. I just thought it'd be really stupid not to have rules included for the mechanical bits that make the setting different from others.

My apologies. I wasn't intending to be adversarial. I just noticed that (after your response to me) that someone else had already posted the table of contents, making my responding to your question unnecessary. So I thought I'd point it out. And then I went on to make fun of myself for not getting the page count right.

But in retrospect I can see how my response might be taken the wrong way.



Elder Thing
It's "telling," I suppose, because I absolutely am of the opinion that Eberron is not a subjectively good, or interesting setting, and considerably inferior to those that came before. Hence not being bothered to follow its support in 4E (which I also didn't bother with because I didn't like it.)

Sure. Not everybody likes the same thing, and that's fine. I remember people freaking out about Dark Sun back in the day because it was so different and how it "didn't feel like D&D."

Different strokes and all that.


The Eberron decision is a little more puzzling, but I assume they have some demographic data suggesting late 3.5-era players who cut their teeth on Eberron are a prime market. Players who started playing as teens in the early-2000s would be in their early 30s now? Prime time for nostalgia + disposable income. Maybe there are more Eberron 3.5 holdouts, since it was never converted to 4E and doesn't naturally dovetail with 5E like the earlier campaign settings do?

Yeah, it is puzzling.

I don't think 3e or 4e players make up that much of the 5e player base anymore. It's a chunk for sure, but enough to release a setting just for them? Maybe they think Eberron will be a better fit for the new non-hobby players than something like Planescape or Dark Sun.

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