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Eberron: Requiem of Death (Full)


First Post
Okay, got the background written up for my submission. It's kinda weighty, I hope I don't get a tl dr. :p

Mechanically he'll be a NE Elf Rogue. I'll work on statting him up now, but I thought I may as well post this since it's finished.

Oh, I guess I should include a warning; there's some somewhat mature content. Nothing explicit, but it's not too pleasant.

[sblock=Background] Jale Arideth always knew he was destined for great things. His father was a retainer for House Phiarlan. He was never favored or even noticed by the higher echelons of the House, and he was happy that way. He was an unambitious man, devoted to his wife and children, happy to make an honest wage. Jale's brother and sister both took after their father, content to live quiet and unassuming lives. Jale was different. Growing up amid the comings and goings of Phiarlan's troupes and agents, all of them so graceful and sophisticated and glamorous, he knew he could never settle for just serving these people. He wanted more than that. He wanted to be one of them.

The fire of that ambition drove him throughout the years of his youth, filling him with a relentless urge to self-improvement. He was a perfectionist, never satisfied with anything he did until it was effortless and impeccable. His attitude alienated him from his family, and though he was popular and had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances he always felt alone in the world. That was the price he paid for self-reliance.

His dedication bore fruit. Almost no sooner had he started work, alongside his father, than he began to surpass him. Valeting for Lady Iselle Lacere d'Thuranni one night he apparently made an impression; she asked after him the next day. She was a celebrated songstress, a great beauty, and a rising star within the House. Before long he was on her personal staff, and making more money than his father ever had. From there his ascent was meteoric - within weeks it was rumoured that he was Lady Iselle's lover, and half the young scions of the House were taking an interest in him.

When gradually word started to spread that he was himself a talented actor and musician and that he might also have the required subtlety and discretion to handle the House's more sinister activities, his success was assured. He was soon established as a trusted agent in his own right, and there was talk of marrying him off to one of the House's eligible young females.

On the eve of the great rift in the House, the marriage had been decided and a date set: he was to be married to Alandre Kalind d'Phiarlan, a girl of only ninety who was herself something of a nonentity but for her title. It was still a great honour; the marriage would cement Jale as a member of the House, and there was no reason for his wife's mediocrity to hold him back. With little ambition of her own, Alandre unthinkingly followed her father's conservatism as far as the political situation was concerned.

All was not straightforward, though. Jaler's ties with Iselle were still strong - and she was far from conservative. She was known as one of the chief radicals within the family, and during her liaisons with Jale she would whisper sweet promises to him. Soon there would be a split, and if he would but throw his lot in with her she would see to it that he would be highly favored within the new House. He wouldn't have to tolerate an expeditious marriage to a tiresome, vapid girl like Alandre - he would be a scion in his own right, accorded all the respect and freedom he could wish.

Against his better judgment, he allowed himself to be seduced by her promises. As the situation deteriorated, he declared himself openly on the side of the emergent House Thuranni.

And then suddenly, with a switch of nightmarish swiftness as if by some incredible sleight of hand, Iselle had switched sides. Perhaps she'd had a better offer, or perhaps she'd been a double agent all along - Jale was never again able to get close enough to her to figure it out. But when the schism came there she was, firmly entrenched in House Phiarlan. He'd lost his patron in Thuranni, and thrown away all his chances with Phiarlan. He was lost, caught between the two sides.

He did the only thing he could - he disappeared, lest somebody who had taken offense at his duplicity should decide to take advantage of his exposed position.

And so he spent the next few years in hiding, making a living as a petty criminal and brooding over the way Iselle had betrayed him. A violent hatred had taken root in him, and as these years passed in ignominy and squalor it flourished and bore bitter fruit.

His fortunes changed eventually, once more with the advent of another woman in his life. Whether for better or worse, it's not easy to say. Lit appeared to him in the guise of a flower girl on the streets of Sharn at first, but that was only one of her many forms. She rarely came to him with the same face twice, preferring to take on a different shape for every passing day - sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes young and sometimes old. It was only much later that he realized that, by a whim of hers, all her guises were people she had killed.

Their romance was sweet and carefree at first, giving back to Jale some of the energy and life that he had lost since his fall from grace. She appeared to him as innocent and delicate as a flower, and he even had the folly to think that it was he who was corrupting her when she listened to his embittered tales and his desire for revenge.

She urged him on, giving him back his confidence and self-assurance, making him believe that he could still have his revenge on the woman who had wronged him. He came to believe it, and a new purpose consumed him.

Meanwhile, very slowly, Lit began to introduce him to her world. At first it was innocuous - friends of hers who seemed charming and intelligent. Then as time went on it began to seem deliciously dangerous - new and exotic games in the bedroom, libertine strangers with amoral philosophies and mad gleams in their eyes, midnight gatherings where they would smoke pipes of strange-scented smoke and indulge in disjointed and depraved conversations and interactions.

Drunk on Lit's charm and the sense of excitement that all this brought him, he allowed himself to be drawn into her world. Somehow it became a part of his new lease of life, tied up inextricably with his restored sense of drive and purpose.

By the time Lit told him that the people they were mixing with were all devotees of the Dragon Below, he wasn't surprised. He'd already reached his own conclusions, and they weren't so far from the truth. He didn't care any more; in fact he felt a kind of exultation. He continued his plans to bring about Iselle's downfall even as he began to be introduced openly to the rites of the cult, witnessing horrors that only a year ago would have appalled him.

Meanwhile he was gaining a reputation for himself as a force to be reckoned with within Sharn's criminal underworld. He would engage in anything from drug deals to contract killing, in the same spirit that he had taken up pretty criminality after his expulsion from the House. But whereas then he had been scrambling to survive, he now found that things came easily to him. He could deal easily with the criminal elements of the city - his whole bearing and the efficiency and grace with which he fulfilled his contracts earned him respect without him ever having to try.

When finally his plans came to fruition and Iselle fell into his clutches, there was none of the great surge of joy that he had been expecting. There was merely a quiet satisfaction of a long-awaited gratification, and the dark pleasure at finally reversing the power dynamic between them. She had never looked as beautiful to him as she did then, wide-eyed with fear and disbelief, entirely at his mercy.

It was many days of exquisite agony before she was allowed to die.[/sblock]

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First Post
Character now finished, complete version below. :)

EDIT: Changed to reflect merged Hide/Move Silently. Yay!

[B]Name:[/B] Jale Arideth
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 4 
[B]Race:[/B] Elf
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Breland
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Evil
[B]Action Points:[/B] 7
[B]Deity:[/B] The Dragon Below 
[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)		[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 6000/10000
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4 (8p.)		[B]BAB:[/B] +3		[B]HP:[/B]  (4d6)
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 (4p.)		[B]Grapple:[/B] +4	
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)		[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	[B]Stat Increases:[/b] 1 Dex
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)		[B]Init:[/B] +4
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)		[B]ACP:[/B] -		

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+4	+0	+4	+0	+0	+0	18
[B]Touch:[/B]	14	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 18

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+1	+1	+0	+0
[B]Ref:[/B]	+8	+4	+4	+0
[B]Will:[/B]	+1	+1	+0	+0
+2 Racial Bonus on saves vs. Enchantment spells and effects
+1 on Reflex Saves vs. traps

[B]Weapon			      Attack		Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
+1 Rapier			+8		1d6+1	18-20/x2
Masterwork Dagger		+8		1d4	19-20/x2	10 ft
+1 Rapier			+6		1d6+1   18-20/x2
 and Masterwork Dagger	      and +6          and 1d4   19-20/x2	10 ft
Masterwork Light Crossbow	+8		1d8	19-20/x2	80 ft

+2d6 Sneak Attack

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Daelkyr, Elven, Goblin

Low-light vision
Immunity to Magic Sleep effects
+2 Racial Bonus on saves vs. Enchantment spells and effects
+2 Racial Bonus on Listen, Search and Spot checks
Automatic search for secret doors
Sneak Attack 2d6
Trap Sense +1
Uncanny Dodge

[B]Feats: [/B] 
Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Finesse

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 70 [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3  
[B]Skills			      Total	Ranks	Mod 	  Misc[/B]
Balance				+6	0	+4	+2 Synergy
Bluff				+8	6	+2
Diplomacy			+9	3       +2	+4 Synergy
Disable Device			+11	7	+2	+2 Circumstance
Disguise			+4	0	+2	+2 Synergy
Escape Artist			+10	6	+4
Gather Information		+7	3	+2	+2 Synergy
Intimidate			+6	2	+2	+2 Synergy
Jump				+3	0	+1	+2 Synergy
Listen				+2	0	+0	+2 Racial
Knowledge (Local, Sharn)	+7	5	+2
Open Lock 			+12	6	+4	+2 Circumstance
Perform (Sing)			+6	4	+2
Search				+11	7	+2	+2 Racial
Sense Motive			+5	5	+0
Sleight of Hand			+8	2	+4	+2 Synergy
Sneak                          +11/+12  7       +4      +1 in shadowy conditions
Spot				+2	0	+0	+2 Racial
Tumble				+11	7	+4


[B]Equipment:			Cost	Weight[/B] 
+1 Rapier			2320	2 lbs
Masterwork Dagger		302	1 lb
2x Dagger			4	2 lbs
MW Light Crossbow		335	4 lbs 
20x Bolt			2	2 lbs
Mithral Shirt			1100 	10 lbs
Darkweave Courtier's Outfit	130	- (worn)
Masterwork Thieves' Tools	100	2 lbs
2x Antitoxin			100 	-
Identification Papers 		2	-
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice	200	-
2x Sassone Leaf Residue		600
2x Oil of Taggit		180	-

[B]Total Weight:[/B]23 lbs	[B]Money:[/B] 27 gp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	33	66	100	200	500

[B]Age:[/B] 123
[B]Height:[/B] 5'6"
[B]Weight:[/B] 120 lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Dark Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Tanned

Jale is a darkly handsome elf, dressed impeccably in the latest style. His dark hair is medium length, longer at the front than the back and parted in the centre. His stance is upright but relaxed, and a rapier in an ornate scabbard hangs from his belt. Altogether he gives the impression of a diplomat or perhaps an agent for one of the Dragonmarked Houses.[/sblock]

In his dealings with others Jale is softly-spoken and polite, with a dry wit and the air of a man of the world. He is always composed and reserved, and gives the impression of being a good listener - though in fact he's just cultivated the skill of feigning interest and nodding at relevant moments.

Those who are unfortunate enough to see beneath his social veneer soon find him to be a sadistic psychopath, ready to put others through almost any degree of suffering to satisfy his own desires and impulses. He's not incapable of empathy or humanity, but he tends to reserve them for a select few. There are a scant handful of people he cares about or respects. For the rest of the world he has nothing but contempt.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background] Jale Arideth always knew he was destined for great things. His father was a retainer for House Phiarlan. He was never favored or even noticed by the higher echelons of the House, and he was happy that way. He was an unambitious man, devoted to his wife and children, happy to make an honest wage. Jale's brother and sister both took after their father, content to live quiet and unassuming lives. Jale was different. Growing up amid the comings and goings of Phiarlan's troupes and agents, all of them so graceful and sophisticated and glamorous, he knew he could never settle for just serving these people. He wanted more than that. He wanted to be one of them.

The fire of that ambition drove him throughout the years of his youth, filling him with a relentless urge to self-improvement. He was a perfectionist, never satisfied with anything he did until it was effortless and impeccable. His attitude alienated him from his family, and though he was popular and had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances he always felt alone in the world. That was the price he paid for self-reliance.

His dedication bore fruit. Almost no sooner had he started work, alongside his father, than he began to surpass him. Valeting for Lady Iselle Lacere d'Thuranni one night he apparently made an impression; she asked after him the next day. She was a celebrated songstress, a great beauty, and a rising star within the House. Before long he was on her personal staff, and making more money than his father ever had. From there his ascent was meteoric - within weeks it was rumoured that he was Lady Iselle's lover, and half the young scions of the House were taking an interest in him.

When gradually word started to spread that he was himself a talented actor and musician and that he might also have the required subtlety and discretion to handle the House's more sinister activities, his success was assured. He was soon established as a trusted agent in his own right, and there was talk of marrying him off to one of the House's eligible young females.

On the eve of the great rift in the House, the marriage had been decided and a date set: he was to be married to Alandre Kalind d'Phiarlan, a girl of only ninety who was herself something of a nonentity but for her title. It was still a great honour; the marriage would cement Jale as a member of the House, and there was no reason for his wife's mediocrity to hold him back. With little ambition of her own, Alandre unthinkingly followed her father's conservatism as far as the political situation was concerned.

All was not straightforward, though. Jaler's ties with Iselle were still strong - and she was far from conservative. She was known as one of the chief radicals within the family, and during her liaisons with Jale she would whisper sweet promises to him. Soon there would be a split, and if he would but throw his lot in with her she would see to it that he would be highly favoured within the new House. He wouldn't have to tolerate an expeditious marriage to a tiresome, vapid girl like Alandre - he would be a scion in his own right, accorded all the respect and freedom he could wish.

Against his better judgement, he allowed himself to be seduced by her promises. As the situation deteriorated, he declared himself openly on the side of the emergent House Thuranni.

And then suddenly, with a move of nightmarish swiftness as if by some incredible sleight of hand, Iselle had switched sides. Perhaps she'd had a better offer, or perhaps she'd been a double agent all along - Jale was never again able to get close enough to her to figure it out. But when the schism came there she was, firmly entrenched in House Phiarlan. He'd lost his patron in Thuranni, and thrown away all his chances with Phiarlan. He was lost, caught between the two sides.

He did the only thing he could - he disappeared, lest somebody who had taken offense at his duplicity should decide to take advantage of his exposed position.

And so he spent the next few years in hiding, making a living as a petty criminal and brooding over the way Iselle had betrayed him. A violent hatred had taken root in him, and as these years passed in ignominy and squalor it flourished and bore bitter fruit.

His fortunes changed eventually, once more with the advent of another woman in his life. Whether for better or worse, it's not easy to say. Lit appeared to him in the guise of a flower girl on the streets of Sharn at first, but that was only one of her many forms. She rarely came to him with the same face twice, preferring to take on a different shape for every passing day - sometimes male, sometimes female, sometimes young and sometimes old. It was only much later that he realized that, by a whim of hers, all her guises were people she had killed.

Their romance was sweet and carefree at first, giving back to Jale some of the energy and life that he had lost since his fall from grace. She appeared to him as innocent and delicate as a flower, and he even had the folly to think that it was he who was corrupting her when she listened to his embittered tales and his desire for revenge.

She urged him on, giving him back his confidence and self-assurance, making him believe that he could still have his revenge on the woman who had wronged him. He came to believe it, and a new purpose consumed him.

Meanwhile, very slowly, Lit began to introduce him to her world. At first it was innocuous - friends of hers who seemed charming and intelligent. Then as time went on it began to seem deliciously dangerous - new and exotic games in the bedroom, libertine strangers with amoral philosophies and mad gleams in their eyes, midnight gatherings where they would smoke pipes of strange-scented smoke and indulge in disjointed and depraved conversations and interactions.

Drunk on Lit's charm and the sense of excitement that all this brought him, he allowed himself to be drawn into her world. Somehow it became a part of his new lease of life, tied up inextricably with his restored sense of drive and purpose.

By the time Lit told him that the people they were mixing with were all devotees of the Dragon Below, he wasn't surprised. He'd already reached his own conclusions, and they weren't so far from the truth. He didn't care any more; in fact he felt a kind of exultation. He continued his plans to bring about Iselle's downfall even as he began to be introduced openly to the rites of the cult, witnessing horrors that only a year ago would have appalled him.

Meanwhile he was gaining a reputation for himself as a force to be reckoned with within Sharn's criminal underworld. He would engage in anything from drug deals to contract killing, in the same spirit that he had taken up petty criminality after his expulsion from the House. But whereas then he had been scrambling to survive, he now found that things came easily to him. He could deal easily with the criminal elements of the city - his whole bearing and the efficiency and grace with which he fulfilled his contracts earned him respect without him ever having to try.

When finally his plans came to fruition and Iselle fell into his clutches, there was none of the great surge of joy that he had been expecting. There was merely a quiet satisfaction of a long-awaited gratification, and the dark pleasure at finally reversing the power dynamic between them. She had never looked as beautiful to him as she did then, wide-eyed with fear and disbelief, entirely at his mercy.

It was many days of exquisite agony before she was allowed to die.[/sblock]
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First Post
Hmm... if you're not allowing psionics I can't imagine you'll allow Tome of Battle, but any chance I could roll up a Sword Sage? If not I've got a few ideas for a bard, but I thought I'd ask first.

Brother Allard

First Post
Here is the new version of Celeste. I'll SBLOCK the old version to avoid confusion.


chaotic evil gnome beguiler 4

Str 6 -2 base 8 (cost 0) - 2 race
Dex 12 +1 base 12 (cost 4)
Con 14 +2 base 12 (cost 4) + 2 race
Int 18 +3 base 17 (cost 13) + 1 level
Wis 9 -1 base 9 (cost 1)
Cha 14 +2 base 14 (cost 6)

Age 40
Height 3'1"
Weight 39 lbs

Description: Celeste is a slight girl, slender even for a gnome, with large, dewy eyes, and a quick, bright smile. And a carefully honed dagger concealed behind her back.

History: Celeste's father was a confidence man - a true master of the short con. With his young daughter in tow, he plied his trade primarily in Middle Dura: the Bazaar and Hereth's Folly. He had always had good relations with Boromar Clan, kept his dues current, and did whatever was asked of him. But as his gambling debts began to mount, the Clan began to require more and more of his services and sent him on more and more dangerous errands, until one night he simply failed to come home. Celeste was 17. From that point on, she has been on her own, using the skills he taught her to cloud the minds of her marks. She loathes the Boromars - nearly as much as she has come to loathe her father and his weakness - and two years ago approached House Tarkanan primarily as a way of avoiding Boromar's bruisers. Despite her growing penchant for casual cruelty, she has proven herself to be a very effective infiltrator, subject to neither fear nor remorse.

HP ?? (4+3d4+8)
AC 12 (10 base + 1 dex + 1 size)
Init +1 (+1 Dex)
Move 20 ft / x4

Fortitude 3 (1 base + 2 con)
Reflex 2 (1 base + 1 dex)
Will 4 (4 base + 0 wis)

Attack Bonus +2
Melee Attack +1 (2 BAB - 2 str + 1 size)
Ranged Attack +4 (2 BAB + 1 dex + 1 size)

Melee: ?
Ranged: ?

1 beguiler 1 aberrant dragonmark (cause fear)
2 beguiler 2
3 beguiler 3 spell focus (enchantment)
4 beguiler 4

* bluff +9 (7 ranks + 2 cha)
* concentration +6 (4 ranks + 3 con)
* diplomacy +13 (7 ranks + 3 cha + 2 bluff + 2 sense motive)
* disable device +5 (1 rank + 4 int)
* disguise +5 (3 ranks + 2 cha)
* hide +9 (4 ranks + 1 dex + 4 size)
* intimidate +7 (3 ranks + 2 cha + 2 bluff)
* knowledge (local) +8 (4 ranks + 4 int)
* listen +1 (0 ranks - 1 wis + 2 race)
* move silently +7 (6 ranks + 1 dex)
* open locks +2 (1 rank + 1 dex)
* sense motive +6 (7 ranks - 1 wis)
* sleight of hand +10 (7 ranks + 1 dex + 2 bluff)
* spellcraft +5 (1 rank + 4 int)
* tumble +5 (4 ranks + 1 dex)

skill tricks:
* conceal spellcasting: make a sleight of hand check to conceal spellcasting, opposed by onlooker's spot checks

Racial Abilities:
* low-light vision
* spell-like abilities: 1/day - speak with animals (burrowing), dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation
* +2 bonus on saving throws against illusions
* +1 modifier to the DC on all saving throws against illusions cast
* +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids
* +4 dodge bonus against giants
* +2 racial bonus on craft(alchemy) and listen checks

Class Abilities:
* proficient in light armor, and with hand crossbow, rapier, shortbow, composite shortbow, and short sword.
* trapfinding (ex): can use the search skill to locate traps with DCs higher than 20. Can use disable device to disarm magical traps.
* armored mage (ex): may wear light armor with chance of spell failure.
* cloaked casting (+1 DC) (ex): +1 bonus to spell's DC when target is denied it's Dex bonus to AC.
* surpise casting (ex): after a successful feint in combat, taret is denied Dex bonus to AC for next spell or melee attack.
* advanced learning (ex): may add new spell to list, provided it is a wizard/sorcerer spell of the enchantment or illusion school.

Equipment: 5,400 gp
* mithril chain shirt 1100 gp, 6.25 lb
* mw rapier 320 gp, 1 lb
* mw hand crossbow 400 gp, 1 lb.
* bolts [10] x4 4 gp, .5 lb.
* handy haversack 2000 gp, 2.5 lb
* glamerweave courtier's outfit 130 gp, 3 lb
* darkweave explorer's outfit 110 gp, 4 lb
* mw thieves tools 100 gp, 2 lb
* everbright lantern 212 gp, 3 lb
* silent portal disk 360 gp, -
* feather token (tree) 400 gp, -
* identification papers 2 gp, -

262 gp left to spend


Bragl Akgarann is the son of a retired Karrnathi military officer and the daugher of a notorious Kundarak banker who was expelled from the House after it came to light that he had cheated many of his debtors out of their holdings through the use of fraudulent practices and unscupulous thugs. To the dismay of his parents, Bragl took after his grandfather, but in some ways here was even worse.

At a young age, Bragl's natural talents came to the attention of a wealthy merchant who had been an aquaintance of his grandfather, and who was a member of the secretive organization of the rich elite known as the Aurum. He had the young dwarf schooled and trained to be able to work for the Kundarak Banking Guild, so that he would have someone on the inside to help him win favourable conditions for his business with the banks, and sometime to outright steal from them.

When their actions were discovered by another employee of the Guild, Bragl decided to add murder to his resume, and with some quick thinking managed to escape the notice of he investigators. Soon afterwards, he moved to another city and began practicing his new trade.

It came as a surprise to Bragl when he manifested the aberrant dragonmark. Though members of the House Kundarak, his had not been one of the bloodlines that carried the Mark of Warding, and so while he might of dreamed of it from time to time, he never thought to have a dragonmark. To be an aberrant, was quite the surprise, and he is perplexed as to how this was possible.

Bragl never sought out House Tarkanan, until they recruited him they had not even known of his existance. However, it seems to him to have been a stroke of good fortune. Backed by the Tarkanan's, his worst side can be let out to play a little more often...

(Pretty rough around the edges, but a little more detail... Think evil, avaricious, banker/mobster.)
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First Post
Damn, these have been some truly amazing submissions, it's going to be a tough cut. However, for questions...

1. Because of the requests, I'll allow a Sneak sysnthesis of Hide/MS.

2. Paranoia, I've never heard of a Sword Sage, but if you can send me the rules for the class, I'm cool with it.


First Post
Yeah I'll be happy to send you a short writeup, though I'll need your e-mail addy to do so. If you want a quick but not particularly detailed rundown of the class there's a wikipedia article here. That'll tell you the basics though it won't really tell you about specific class abilities much about how manoeuvres work. If you want that either send me your e-mail addy.

In the meantime this RPGnet review makes a decent guide to the basic concepts behind manoeuvres.


First Post
The Wikipedia article explained it pretty thoroughly Paranoia, throw up your sheet, then I'll make the decision once all are finished.

Voidrunner's Codex

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