• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Ready for the appearance of more bugs, Vorik uses his Halbred to chop at a bug heading for the enraged half-dragon warrior.

[sblock=ooc]What can I heal here? I think we have to kill the bugs. [roll0] [roll1][/sblock]

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Cyric battles to pull clothes from the dirty man. Beetles of several colors fall free. Looking for a warming fire- he tosses the cloak into it- complete with beetles.

Vorik chops scurrying beetles as they scurry about. Some seem to be headed for the downed half-dragon.

A loud thud is heard as the half-dragon struggles to his feet after rolling the dead warforged to the side. Chevri points a clawed hand at him. "Stop or we will stop you."


"Ewwww, I don't blame you for Being worried my friend, BUT let us talk about other things. Do you have a family back home? Children? What's your hometown like?" Cyric smiles as he strips the man naked and tries to stand between him and onlookers, however, ultimately, his main concern is in dealing with the crawling bugs that try to escape. He either steps on them or kicks them into the fire.



Pulling the door closed, with a last look to see if any gaurds are coming from down the street, Dairken follows behind the others. Seeing the bugs making for the half-dragon, he hastens to interpose and stop their advance, aiming to put an end to their existence.


Torlank, the half-dragon warrior the shifter hard in the face. Blood spills freely from her flattened nose. Tarnemelk begins to concentrate on a new power from his mind. Glamour steps back. She is ill prepared for a close quarters fight with such a warrior as her friend.

Colored beetles skitter around and / or over the booted feet of everyone as they go for the prone warrior. The man being disrobed begins to scream out- horrified by the sight of the beetles and being stripped in public. As a shirt is pulled free and tossed he shrieks "NO!" and struggles to be free.

"A human, tired and hungry, heads for a tavern, the night sea [river] air seeming to push him toward the inviting pending pillow within. Hearing a lively action ensuing - regretfully with no entertaining music within - brings a smile; The smile proves short lived as he notices the door is closed on such a night. Being a curious sort, he heads for the door to open it."

You hear a roar of anger from inside then a lot of people speaking quickly to each other. There is something happening inside. Concerned that something is occurring within, you open it quickly. By the fire you see a crumpled man on the floor with a warrior type holding a scythe over him. His gaze goes between the unconscious man and a group of people standing over a big reptilian man. This creature is attacking a shifter. Next to him on the floor is the inert or dead remains of a smoking large warforged. Those not looking at the fight are watching the floor with signs of fear and great concern. Behind them, being ignored, is the bartender. He seems to be demanding everyone to leave his tavern.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Rolach du Buergois


Creatures of danger can come from any size, right down to swarms of deadly insects or plague ridden rats and mice. He glacceds about to see if he can spot what the ruckus is about.

He has had a bit of bad turnings with the constables in his line of work, so it is best to keep this situation closed.

ooc: Is there room to step in and close the door behind him?

spot check

spot check: 1D20+4 = [6]+4 = 10

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The bedraggled human closes the door behind him, clears his throat and asks, "Hello. What is with the circus?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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