D&D 5E EB's Storm King's Thunder - IC

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As you follow the tunnel...

This cavern, like the last, is lit with lanterns throughout. To the east, near the wall, you can see a small creature dressed in ratty furs, wielding a club. He stands in front of a stone chest that is even with his eyes. His back is to you, and you catch the sound of angry rumbling coming from his direction, but it is too faint to hear clearly. Then a yappy growl to your left alerts the creature, and it turns. It has the countenance of a terrible hill giant, but the stature of a goblin. It shrieks in fury: “Slayermighty the Giant will tear you apart and feed you to Blooddrinker!" He thumps his club on the ground ready to charge.



Buddy raises an eyebrow at the small hill giant before raising a hand and sending a stream of frost at the thing to slow it down.



Fareon sprung forward with a feral howl, wolf clung to his side protectively and bared his fangs in the direction of the unseen growling. Fareon used his momentum to hurl his javelin at the diminuitive giant with dramatic results.

Looking on the map on my phone I got turned around. Rewriting and rerolling actions.
Move to p29, Wolf to p28
Throw Javelin CRIT! for 10 points damage
rewrite for round throw javelin: 1D20+6 = [20]+6 = 26
1D6+4 = [4]+4 = 8

crit damage: 1D6 = [2] = 2

EB let me know if there is an issue with rerolling the attack die for the rewritten action as I did slightly better. ;)
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Squire Halruhk snorted, "Now, this'll make a Giant much easier t'handle!"

Then he rushed forward, pulling his great axe. He swung it at the smallish giant as he arrived in front of the creature.

[roll0] for [roll1] from T30.

Searinox follows Darian and readies himself just next to him, as he runs past Fareon he gives daggers a quick twist as he readies a spell to launch at the Giant. He then assumes a parrying stance next to Darian, Blades still spinning around his hand.

OOC: moves to P31
And uses his Action to Ready Prestidigitation.
If Slayermighty gets within 10' he'll create a sensory effect resembling Sparks flying from an Anvil in his face


[sblock=OOC] [MENTION=6776182]JustinCase[/MENTION] to finish the round.

EB let me know if there is an issue with rerolling the attack die for the rewritten action as I did slightly better. ;)

I saw your original post and was like WHAT? It is ok to re-post/re-roll if you get to it in say under 24 hours (as you did), but if you notice you miss read the map or what was going on later than that, please post in the OOC you want to try and redo your actions and will discuss it there.

OOC: moves to P31
And uses his Action to Ready Prestidigitation.
If Slayermighty gets within 10' he'll create a sensory effect resembling Sparks flying from an Anvil in his face

This is really a neat action, kind of the sudden jack in the box like effect. Please keep this and other similar effects listed as distractions that can be like a distance Help Action to give others advantage to their attacks. NOTE: they will get a save, not normal for Help Actions, and higher level creatures (those with a +6 or better save) will be immune.[/sblock]


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Wilhelm stands still, then laughs loudly. "Tiny giant! Hahaha!"

The warlock cannot help but cast another spell, this one designed to be rather insulting, as he conjures a big hand like that of a normal-sized giant, and pets the small creature on the head with it. It does not do any damage, however.

OOC: Casting Chill Touch. Ranged spell attack: [roll0] for [roll1] necrotic damage, and target cannot regain hitpoints until the start of my next turn.

Voidrunner's Codex

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