D&D 5E EB's ToEE and RttToEE Campaign - IC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Zanword recovers from the surprise of seing a bear in combat. Never quick on the uptake, he also doesn't bother with overanalyzing the situation. For now it is enough that the bear attacks their enemies. But he needs to pay attention to this new threat and he looks how he can prevent the next attack against Templeton and should he follow ettercaps...

The consequence of all that thinking is that one thing he usually does well, doesn't go well at all and he misses again.
*curses as only a sailor can curse*

Attack: [roll0]


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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Oh for pity's sake." Rana blithely walked between Hexiros and Zanword, by Templeton and the spider, to a spot by the downed spider thing -- near *under* the spider's arched legs, actually! "If you kids would go play farther away, please, the adults would like to have a little talk. (And *language*, Blackpearl!) There, there," she soothed the expectant mother as she laboriously knelt by her husband, "I'm sure it can't be quite that bad..." The witch matter-of-factly began to patch him up.

[Sblock=Actions]Walk over to the male ettercap and subtle use of Fey Presence to Charm everybody into thinking this makes perfect sense. :)

Medecine on the ettercap male: Strange bedfellows: 1D20+4 = [18]+4 = 22[/sblock]
Last edited:


Everyone's hair stands on end as the static from the Hexiros's bolt of lightning fills the area. For Aridha this is a weird experience to be sure.

Rana seems to have things in hand with the ettercap, but the spider is a different matter as it lashes out in rage.

OOC: Update tomorrow night. Ardiha and Gywlla still to go this round.


OOC: Out of Combat if everyone leaves the female ettercap alone.

Between flying force missiles and a very determined dwarf the giant spider falls quickly. When everything dies down everyone notices the puffball that is a grizzly bear standing in their midst.

Rana stops the ichor from flowing threw the lost arm of the male ettercap, and she now consoles a grieving female creature that doesn't look like it wishes to fight. The field is yours but you still have not solved the problem presented to you by Farmer Willis.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Thank you, child," nodded the old witch, looking at least reluctantly impressed.... "And how did you say you learned your magic?"

Rana tightened the last knot on her binding and then looked at each of the others, somehow darkly expectant....


Hexiros stands over Rana protectively, clawed hands gripping his halberd tightly. "The witch has spared your life. I'll offer no such compromise should she come to harm. Chose your actions wisely."



Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:09 PM
Round 0

Emmyr cleaned off his swords and sheathed them on his back, and then yanked his axes out of the spider, cleaning them as well, but keeping them in hand, eying the female ettercap warily.

“We keepin’ them alive?” he protested. “Damn spiders.”

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
16 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher


Templeton eyed the ettercaps dangerously. "So that's it then. We gonna let plumpkin o'er there lay a thousand lil eggs filled with nasties that can each summon a thousand creepy-crawlies and two or three horse size buggers with blades fer legs?" He looked down as his leaking leg. "Well that's a right fine bit o' business innit?"

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Hommlet/Inn of the Welcome Wench
25 Goodmonth
1:10 PM
Round 0

Emmyr growled. “I’m wi’ the ratcatcher,” he said, advancing on the ettercaps dangerously. “Bluidy spider-lovers. Almost as bad as the damn spider-kissin’ elves. Ain’t natural, I say!”

[sblock=Emmyr’s Rolls & Actions]
Bonus Action:
Object Interaction:
Action Surge:

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +1
Perception: 10
Speed: 25
AC: 16
HP: 23/23 HD: 2/2d10+3
Second Wind (1/R): 1d10+2 hp
Action Surge (1/R)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
16 sp
10 cp
Blue quartz, 10 gp
Necklace 200 gp (Rana)

Lady Rebekah - half elf bard charlatan noble
Gwylla - half elf wizard
Hexeiros - dragonborn fighter
Rana - feylock
Zanword - human fighter pirate
Aridhe - human moon druid
Templeton - human rogue ratcatcher

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