D&D (2024) Eldritch Blast as a class feature of the Warlock

They're definitely thinking of making Eldritch Blast a class feature of the Warlock, instead of just a cantrip. Already a lot of the Warlock invocations are centered around modifying or doing something with Eldritch Blast, without the other things about the Warlock saying that Eldritch Blast is their central ability. Can't think of any other cantrip that could be as important, unless its something like Green Flame Blade or Booming Blade (which isn't listed in the PHB lists but should be) for a Hexblade.

But I do miss the idea that Bards could have gotten Eldritch Blast just by having their Magical Secrets class ability or a feat.

I guess if they make Eldritch Blast a class feature, they can have it break the patterns of other cantrips too. Any ideas on how they might have Eldritch Blast break out of the standard cantrip progression and patterns if they do?

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They're definitely thinking of making Eldritch Blast a class feature of the Warlock, instead of just a cantrip.

Where are you hearing that?

Anyway, I hope they do. The only way for arcane/divine/primal spell lists to work is if spells that were intended to be class-specific become class features.

(Well, really I think "Eldritch Blast" is just about the dumbest concept ever and should never have been a thing. So there's this magical, spell-like thing, and anybody who 'signs a pact' with a powerful being...whether that's a demon, a dragon, a lich, a fey lord, or a being of incomprehensible inter-planar horror...automatically gets to learn it, but nobody else can? Really? I'm a 20th level Cleric and my deity is the chief god of an entire pantheon, and when I ask them if I can learn Eldritch Blast, because it would really help me to spread my deities will, the answer is, "Um, no, sorry. It's against union rules. You should have signed a pact with Orcus before you hit level 20."?)

They could simply change it back to how it was in 3.5e: 1d6 per 2 levels akin to the Rogue’s Sneak Attack progression.
Presumably if they do this though, it would have to lose its multi-attack option, which is the one thing that sets it apart from other cantrips (apart from all those invocations). I suppose they could let you split your damage but WB +Cha damage is already dishing out a LOT of damage.

I'm a 20th level Cleric and my deity is the chief god of an entire pantheon, and when I ask them if I can learn Eldritch Blast, because it would really help me to spread my deities will, the answer is, "Um, no, sorry. It's against union rules. You should have signed a pact with Orcus before you hit level 20."?)
Yesssss. Use your haaaaate...

Personally, I'm fine with that. There are many cantrips only available on the wizard list that your deity could not provide as well. I found Eldritch Blast to be a bit boring because I played in a group where half the other characters had it either from a dip or a feat. I ended up using Firebolt as my go-to cantrip and being eternally frustrated that there are no invocations to tweak any other cantrips, despite there being no obvious widespread balance issues in this regard. That feels more annoying than refusing to let any class use the warlock core ability.

(Well, really I think "Eldritch Blast" is just about the dumbest concept ever and should never have been a thing. So there's this magical, spell-like thing, and anybody who 'signs a pact' with a powerful being...whether that's a demon, a dragon, a lich, a fey lord, or a being of incomprehensible inter-planar horror...automatically gets to learn it, but nobody else can? Really? I'm a 20th level Cleric and my deity is the chief god of an entire pantheon, and when I ask them if I can learn Eldritch Blast, because it would really help me to spread my deities will, the answer is, "Um, no, sorry. It's against union rules. You should have signed a pact with Orcus before you hit level 20."?)
That's weirdly specific. Your 20th-level cleric's deity isn't going to teach you Wild Shape or Stunning Strike or Rage or Bardic Inspiration either. What's so special about Eldritch Blast?

Where are you hearing that?
Jeremy Crawford said it in one of the 1D&D videos, I think maybe the one where they discussed the results of the Cleric and revised species survey. Specifically, he said the reason Eldritch Blast hasn’t been on the arcane spell list is that they’re considering making it a Warlock class feature, but that they haven’t settled on that yet. He says that by the time the arcane classes playtest packet comes out, they’ll have decided.

I hope they bring back blast shapes and effects.
I used to love taking Hideous Blow to channel EB through my weapon. We used to have a small group so we played gestalt characters. I broke it playing a Rogue/Warlock using Hideous Blow and Sneak Attack with my rapier.

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