EN World City Project: Protecting the City (Guard Submissions)

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Added class and levels to Miltary NPC post above. Have no stat block on either Outland Rangers and couldn't find information on Styria or Treygar Wolfgard.

Plenty of room for more military NPCs, not to mention private guards.


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Was going to write up all of Saul's Squad, but didn't get around to it yet - want those, Jdavis? I've also got Saul's roommate, Jeremy Marlin, who runs the night shift at Southgate. I can polish him up and send him along if you want.


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GladiusNP said:
Was going to write up all of Saul's Squad, but didn't get around to it yet - want those, Jdavis? I've also got Saul's roommate, Jeremy Marlin, who runs the night shift at Southgate. I can polish him up and send him along if you want.

Post them on the NPC thread, I'm just keeping a running list here to keep up with who is who and where. All I need here is name, race, class, level and which service they are in.

Not many of the shop owners or NPC's are members of the militia either, we could keep track of who joins the militia here too. I think the actual NPC write ups should stay with the NPC or craft thread to keep them organized, just need name, race, class, level and which service they are in posted here.


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Hiya jdavis,

I think the Rangers could use one or two Arcane Archers, don't you think?

Just trying to make sure we cover all the SRD prestige classes. ;)


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Conaill said:
Hiya jdavis,

I think the Rangers could use one or two Arcane Archers, don't you think?

Just trying to make sure we cover all the SRD prestige classes. ;)

If there are any Elf NPC makers out there yes that would work, the NPC's should also be attached family wise to the Silk fishers as there are very few Elves in the city and they are mostly involved with silk fish.


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Ok so the deadline for submissions to this thread is set, Wednesday April 30th. May 1st the final copy of the Military archive will be posted here (and/or anywhere else I'm asked to post it to).


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Idea about North vs. South rangers.

Northern and Southern rangers will have different feats and fighting styles. I see Marcus Fleetfoot as a Northerner (he has to know how to deal with people) and the head lady as
a southerner. (I've forgotten her name). I like giving game effects to flavour text, so...

The Northerners tend to be involved more in hunting down predators, protecting property, settling disputes, and warding off poachers. They have Favored Enemy: Animals and/or Beasts, tend to train in tracking, Handling Animal for runaway livestock, Animal Empathy to maybe calm down a raging ram, or get a bear to leave. Most are hunters, and use archery to very good effect, since the moors are clear of land. Many of them are also skilled horsemen, since they must patrol the vast north in a short amount of time, and the moors are more esily covered on horseback. They will wear Chain Shirts, and most use swords if forced into hand-to-hand combat.

Feats - Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Shot on The Run. Some choose to learn Mounted Combat and Mounted Archery.
Skills - Wilderness Lore, Handle Animal, Animal Empathy, Ride.
Multi-class - Some to Barbarian, others to rogue or Bard to help in dealing with people.

The Southerners are much tougher. Many of them spend months out in the swamp, surviving off what they hunt while observing the orc tribes. Nearly all speak both orc and goblin, and some also learn giant. They Have Favored Enemy: Orcs and/or Goblinoids, and train in tracking through the swamp. They tend to be slightly superior at survival to the Northerners, and also learn swimming (they do work in a swamp), how to find their way using only the sun, stars, and the land around them, and are constantly on the alert for orcs - though sight is less effective in the swamps. They are also excellent at all manner of stealth. Most train in ways to kill many enemies very quickly. Since the mist, trees, and water of the swamp make archery less effective, most are trained in the axe - which doubles as a way to cut down trees, to aid in setting snares. They wear very little armor - it's tough to survive quicksand in chainmail.

Feats - Alertness, Power Attack, Cleave, Skill Focus (Wilderness Lore).
Skills - Wilderness Lore, Swim, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Intuit Direction (most only put a few ranks into this - you only every need to succeed at DC 15).
Multi-class: Mainly to Druid.

Well? Workable?


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We never actually settled the discussion about how many Rangers there should be, and what their duties should include.

Last I heard we were still arguing whether we should have just a dozen Rangers, or up to 30 or so. One thing's for sure, we cannot have just a dozen Rangers if they have to cover all this territory, man those outlying towers, and have non-military duties as well.
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Isn't the reason the Order of the Winter Storm's proposal was so well recieved was because the Outland Rangers were too undermanned to perform the duties they originallly had? So I agree - the Rangers do have too much of a job to do. They are going to fix it with the Order of the Storm. At one time, the rangers had even more men, and were very powerful - powerful enough to get a seat on the council (albeit a non-voting one). I think it stands to reason that the current breadth of duties is telling on the Ranger's depth.

IMHO, YMMV, and so forth.

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