Victoria Rules
The 5-minute work day isn't a problem if a) it's what the characters would do in the interests of self-preservation and b) they're not under any time pressure.
The problem comes when different class abilities are designed around different durations of rest. Someone can correct me as I might be forgetting something, but I don't recall 'short rest' being a thing in 0e-1e-2e: most things were either daily (spells), or x-times-per-day (many devices), or at-will (turn undead, swing weapon, etc.). So instead of making everything 'short rest' why not base it all on time - everything resets after the first 8-hour rest after midnight.
The problem comes when different class abilities are designed around different durations of rest. Someone can correct me as I might be forgetting something, but I don't recall 'short rest' being a thing in 0e-1e-2e: most things were either daily (spells), or x-times-per-day (many devices), or at-will (turn undead, swing weapon, etc.). So instead of making everything 'short rest' why not base it all on time - everything resets after the first 8-hour rest after midnight.