Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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As the Huge Earth Elemental approaches the doorway into the room the Demoness entered, it appears obvious that the elemental is too large for the doorway and too large for the stairway beyond the doorway.

Neither the door nor the stairs nor Daagra's Demonic form slows down the Huge Earth Elemental.

The Elemental passes through the floor, the ceiling and the walls adjacent to the doorway. In the room beyond, the Elemental passes through as a tidal wave of earth and stone. Belaver, Neshi, and the Air Elemental can barely get out of the way in time before the Earth Elemental engulfs the demoness.

Round 11
22: Large Air Elemental moves and attacks Daagra (18+17=35 hit, 11+17=28 hit, dmg 21 )
22: Huge Earth Elemental (-34) enters the room and attacks Daagra (2+25=27 hit, dmg 17)
17: Torn pursues and arrives near the gaping hole of a doorway
17: Belaver (-9, Dire Bat form, flying in the room) bites at Daagra, but misses (12+5)
22: Neshi (-43) bites at Daagra but misses (7+)
16: Toriah (-5, sick) dragging Naquent's body
13: Craven enters the room, dropping down where the stairway once was
11: Kerwyn (-19) dragging Naquent's body
11: Lylamwyn (sick) carrying loot
9: Lenya (-12, sick) carrying loot
8: Winged Lion (-2, Lammasu) claws at Daagra but misses (7+)
7: Daagra the Demoness (-85) creates a cloud of fog that fills the room and disappears in the fog
6: Raner (-17) moves and arrives near the gaping hole of a doorway

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Belaver, Neshi, the elementals, Craven, and the Lammasu are in the room full of fog. Torn and Raner are at the entrance to the room. Lenya, Lylamwyn, Kerwyn, and Toriah are bringing up the rear, trying to catch up to the rest of the party.

Round 12
22: Large Air Elemental moves and scatters the fog, revealing where Daagra is hiding
22: Huge Earth Elemental (-34) crushes the revealed Daagra (2+25=27 hit, 17+25=42 hit, dmg 51)

After being slain, Daagra reverts to the form of a tall ugly hag.

The party regroups in the strange room. Craven heals Neshi for 16 points.

The Earth Elemental starts making a strange noise. Almost sounds like laughing.

Craven stares at the elemental, and then says in a shocked accusing voice, "Its an evil elemental. You summoned a servant of Ogremoch, Belaver."

Belaver doesn't know how it happened, as he normally can't summon evil elementals, but Belaver has a sinking suspician that the Earth Elemental is in fact an evil elemental.

The party finds the following equipment on Daagra's body: magical gauntlets, magical chain shirt, non-magical platinum bracelet (worth 200 gp), nonmagical longbow, nonmagical knife.


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After the party regroups, with all of the fleeing cultists accounted for, the party takes the time to remove the plate armor from Naquent's body and put it on Torn. Other members of the party wear the chain shirt and leather armor recovered from Daagra and the Trog. The Ogres wore plate armor, but it was much too large to be useful for humans other than as improvised breastplate armor.

After casting some healing spells, the party then moves towards the firedoor to recover the missing equipment.

The party walks approximiately 300' feet to the south, passing several elaborately decorated halls.

(42) Spreading out both vertically and horizontally, this large chamber is dimly torchlit so that the full 60' vaulted ceiling is visible. The walls and ceiling have been elaborately painted iwth images of men and women (mostly human) dressed in ochre robes. In the middle of the room is a dais with bronze statues depicting six more similarly dressed individuals. The man with the most elaborate robes and insignia looks identical to the man you saw in the strange chamber (38) cocooned in some terrible device.

(44) Another vast hall, this time with a vaulted ceiling 30' high, is furnished with a number of long wooden tables flanked by benches. A raised area along the east wall holds another table with four chairs on one side, so that those seated in them would face the rest of the room. Behind the table are six long purple banners with alternating black triangles with inverted Ys and black upside down two step pyramids. The west wall has a shelf about ten feet up, upon which rest gargoyles of grey stone. An archway of carved skulls girds each of the entrances to this hall.

The party finally enters the Dragon's Den, to discover to their dismay that the Dragon and his hoard are missing. Opening the secret trapdoor in the floor, they discover that all of their equipment and the treasures from the trapped alcoves are also gone.

Not even a copper piece was left behind.


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“So much for that... what do we do now? Without weapons for Raner and Craven and Lylamwyn's spellbook I see little point to go up against them.”


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Craven, wearing a makeshift breastplate from pieces of Ogre sized plate armor and armed with an ogre-sized knife, responds to Lenya with a dreamy wistful quality in his voice, "I'm not afraid of the Hordes of the Abyss."

Then he adds with a more pragmatic tone:

"It has been many weeks since we left Hommlet. Perhaps we should report what we have found to our superiors and tell our families and loved ones that we are still alive."

Paxus Asclepius

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Endur said:
Then he adds with a more pragmatic tone:

"It has been many weeks since we left Hommlet. Perhaps we should report what we have found to our superiors and tell our families and loved ones that we are still alive."
Belaver chirps and nods in agreement.


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Toriah adds, "But what about the rest of Torn's adventuring party? And this ambassador they were trying to rescue? And these Doomdreamers and their plot to end the world?"


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We'll still rescue and stop them, respective-like. But if'n we get captured again I doubt they'll give us another chance to escape.


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“The rest of the adventuring party is of no concern anymore. It has taken far too long and we have found zero traces of them, which we could follow. If we happen to stumble upon them at some point, and they are not yet dead, or worse, then we will rescue them, of course, but we should focus our attention on other, more pressing goals now. We need to re-equip ourselves in order to stand a chance. We need protection against this spell the priest used to disable all of us with just a few words. And we need to stop the doomdreamers, better sooner than later, so let's hurry!”

Voidrunner's Codex

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