Flight of the Resistance (Star Wars)

Ty kind sir. Does it cost to begin investing in a tree like career specialization.

Sent from my SM-G935P using EN World mobile app

Nope. You only pay XP to purchase Force power.

Also, be aware of the Force rating requisite. Bind & Battle Meditation require 2+. Protect/Unleash requires 3+.

Narratively, it would help if you alert me to when you intend to buy a power from a NEW Force power tree; sometimes spontaneously exhibiting new powers makes sense, but sometimes we might want something a bit more narrative (e.g. Master Uvell makes an appearance, you discover something in a temple, a Force-sensitive species of Kabal teaches you something, etc).

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Would i too notice the free standing dias and would causing it to fall over kick up enough debris for adequate concealment?

Sent from my SM-G935P using EN World mobile app

I think it's safe to assume Arsinoë ( [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] ) would point it out to Rico?

And it's not freestanding. Sorry if that was unclear. It's a complex environment, doing my best to describe with words. The dais is like the top of a screw which might be made to raise up or lower down into the ground (if you knew the mechanism for doing so).

My apologies, my parents came to visit and I spent the last week as a chauffeur... I hope I haven't been holding anything up.

Nope, not at all. Sounds like a noble cause. I've been traveling, so haven't been posting much. Will be back to normal Saturday, April 8th.

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