Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

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"Well done. It was brave of you to destroy those evil aritifacts. Olive has fled. To freedome, hopefully. I must stay and search for my captive companions. Are you with me? Let's proceed."

"Okay, so dwarven bodies can be mighty handy at times, despite the stubby legs," Kerwyn says when he gets out from under all the rubble.

ooc: Is the party proceeding along the Southeast corridor which the bald priest attempted to flee down or along the Northeast corridor that the masked cultist successfully fled down? Or in another direction entirely?

The party travels down the torchlit southeast corridor and reaches a bloody spot that marks the bald cultist's end at the top of a staircase.

The long staircase goes nearly a hundred feet deeper into the earth. As the party begins to descend the stairs, arrows and crossbow bolts whistle through the air (Half a dozen missiles bounce off the shields held by Craven and Raner).

One hundred twenty feet away is a high stone platform, upon which several archers are firing down upon the party. Lower on the ground, near the base of the stairs, the party sees several additional archers firing missiles up the stairs.

Manzanita said:
"Well done. It was brave of you to destroy those evil aritifacts. Olive has fled. To freedome, hopefully. I must stay and search for my captive companions. Are you with me? Let's proceed."

"I don't know as brave is the word I'd choose, but given the givens it was necessary." Raner responds while hammering a few of the larger dents out of his armor.


"Keep moving down the stairs. I'll give us some cover." Torn then focuses her attention through her holy symbol to conjure a shield of fog.

OOC: Cast obscuring mist.

OOC: Standard Spells (6/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1)
1st – Protection from Evil(D), Comprehend Languages, obscuring mist, shield of faith, hide from undead, command
2nd – Spiritual Weapon (D), Augury, Bulls Strength, Silence, Zone of Truth
3rd – Magic Circle against Evil(D), Dispel Magic, Stone Shape
4th – Holy Smite(D), Summon Monster IV

Turns left: 1 of 7

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