Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

Round 22
18: Olive is out of sight
7: Dire Bear Skeleton (rebuked)
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) double moves toward last remaining cultist
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double moves toward last remaining cultist
6: Dire Wolf appears and charges the Armored Cultist (15+13+2=30 hit, trip attempt 14+13 vs. 2+, cultist is prone, dmg 21)
6: Belaver (-5)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4) moves and casts Haste at Kerwyn, Toriah, Raner, Craven, himself, and the Dire Wolf
6: Raner charges the Armored Cultist (2+12+2-7+1=10 vs AC 23-, PA for 7, miss)
6: Craven (-4) charges the Armored Cultist (9+11+2+1=23 vs. AC 22-6, hit, dmg 8)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) casts Cure Moderate Wounds on herself (heal 18)
5: Human wearing Black Plate armor (-54, blind for 5 rounds) attacks Craven, Raner, and the Dire Wolf in a dazzling display of swordsmanship for someone lying on the ground and blind (Whirlwind Attack, Craven: 4+14-4 prone=14 miss, Raner: 8+14-4 prone=18 miss on 50%, Dire Wolf: 5+14-4=15 miss on 50%)
5: Two Human Archers: dead
5: Human wearing Jade Mask is out of sight
5: Two Ogres: one dead, the other -32: Dying Ogre does not stabilize
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Torn will drop augury to cast cure moderate wounds on herself (2d8+7 each).

OOC: Standard Spells (6/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1)
1st – Protection from Evil(D), Comprehend Languages, obscuring mist, shield of faith, hide from undead, command
2nd – Spiritual Weapon (D), Augury, Bulls Strength, Silence, Zone of Truth
3rd – Magic Circle against Evil(D), Dispel Magic, Stone Shape
4th – Holy Smite(D), Summon Monster IV

Lylamwyn casts Haste at the party (Kerwyn, Toriah, Craven, Raner, Himself and Torn), and moves after the man with the mask if somebody else does so too. He'll try to cast Grease under the masked man to stop him.

OOC: The ones pursuing the masked man are priorities for Haste. That seems to be Kerwyn and Toriah.
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Round 23
18: Olive is out of sight
7: Dire Bear Skeleton (rebuked)
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) flank attacks armored cultist (4+8+1=13 vs. AC 16 miss)
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) flank attacks armored cultist (5+7+1=13 vs. ac 16 miss)
6: Dire Wolf kills the Armored Cultist (4+13+1=18 hit, dmg 17) and moves 80' after the fleeing masked cultist
6: Belaver (-5) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Neshi barks and guards Belaver
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Raner double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Craven (-4) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Torn (-26, barkskin)
5: Human wearing Black Plate armor: dead
5: Two Human Archers: dead
5: Human wearing Jade Mask is out of sight
5: Two Ogres: one dead, the other -33: Dying Ogre does not stabilize

Round 24
18: Olive is out of sight
7: Dire Bear Skeleton (rebuked)
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) double moves after fleeing cultist
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double moves after fleeing cultist
6: Dire Wolf howls after it pursues another 80' and pursuit is blocked by a portcullis of iron bars
6: Belaver (-5) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Neshi barks and guards Belaver
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Raner double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Craven (-4) double moves after the fleeing cultist
6: Torn (-26, barkskin)
5: Human wearing Black Plate armor: dead
5: Two Human Archers: dead
5: Human wearing Jade Mask is out of sight
5: Two Ogres: one dead, the other -34: Dying Ogre does not stabilize

Map attached shows the altar room at the top of the map and portcullis at bottom right


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Lenya goes as far as the room where the party discovered the Hydra, but is unable to find Olive. After a minute of hurried searching and quietly calling Olive's name, Lenya returns to the Altar room.

The party's pursuit of the fleeing cultist who wore the jade mask was blocked by the iron portcullis across the corridor. With the cultist out of sight, there was no way to stop his flight.

The party returned to the altar room to reorganize.

Searching the body of the warrior in Black Plate and the Bald Cultist with the goatee, the party finds several items that Torn recognizes as her own: periapt of wisdom +2, gauntlets of ogre power +2, long sword +1 Pearl of power, wand of CLW, and cloak of resistance +2. She recovered her Full Plate +1 from another slain warrior.

The party found several additional items on the warrior in Black Plate: +1 Full Plate (black), +1 Large Steel Shield (Red Dragon insignia), mw mighty composite longbow (str+3), +1 cloak of resistance, +1 longsword, potion of cure moderate wounds, and another magical longsword that seems more powerful than the first, with a silver circle set into the pommel. When the sword is unsheathed and held in the hand, a faint abjuration spell affects the wielder.

On the bald cultist, the party found the following beneath his ochre robes: 2 wands, +1 full plate armor, +1 large steel shield, masterwork light crossbow, 22 gp, 23 sp, 150 gp gold ring, the white censer, and another magical key.

Both of the magical keys you found (on Choranth and the bald cultist) look very similar, each has a silver circle on it and are made of the same material. Lenya notices faint transmuation auras on each. Kerwyn presses both keys tegether, and they stay stuck together. In fact, they now look like a larger key and the larger key radiates a moderate transmutation aura. After 15 minutes of being pressed together, the two smaller keys return to being individual keys.

Lenya thinks there is a Moderate Evocation spell that affects the entire room and a Faint Evocation spell that affects the altar area.

Craven detects a faint evil aura on the silver trumpet and the white censer, a moderate evil aura on the tapestries depicting Demons, and a strong evil aura on the altar at the center of the room.

When the party looks inside the room directly east of the altar area (room 73A), they discover a barracks room with no occupants. This room has ten bunks and a long table covered with clothing, gear, and food. A dozen stools are scattered around the room and the walls each bear a silver circle painted upon them.

When the party looks inside the room Southeast of the altar area (room 74), they discover a large bedchamber with a 2 1/2 foot ball of floating, reddish orange light almost entirely covered by swirling bone fragments that move about its surface floating 8 feet above the bed. The sides of the room have a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, and iron shelves covered with books. Lenya detects Strong Necromantic Magic on the Swirling Sphere and Craven detects strong evil.

The books appear to describe demons and air elementals. Searching through the wardrobe, Kerwyn and Toriah discover clothing that looks like Choranths and a locked box behind a secret panel. The lock of the iron padded box is picked and they discover a silver and pearl necklace (worth 350 gp), a bracelet (worth 200gp), and pearl earrings (worth 150gp each).

The party also finds the remainder of Torn's original equipment in Choranth's room.


“I'm afraid, I couldn't find Olive... whoops, what happened? Everything alright?”

After hearing what happened and examining the findings, Lenya asks: “Should we go through the portcullis and follow the one that escaped you, or rather try another direction for now, since we might just run into an ambush then, as they surely will gather more strength in case of a pursuit now?”

The party is fully healed after using wands of cure light wounds.

Lylamwyn (Knowledge Arcana 17+17=34) thinks the floating Sphere in Choranth's room might be a Spirit Sphere, a powerful binding of negative energy by necromantic magic to assist a necromancer in creating and controlling more powerful undead than they are usually capable of. Lylamwyn thinks it is possible that the Sphere could be destroyed if Craven or Torn channeled positive energy at it.

OOC: The following charges were used from wands of cure light wounds (including rounds 11-20 and post round 24):
Belaver: 12
Craven: 13
Lenya: 5
Torn: 5 (from her recovered wand)

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