Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

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Round 11
18: Olive takes advantage of Torn's distraction to continue fleeing into the darkness and escape her pursuer
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) double-moves in the direction that Lylamwyn went to protect him from any of the items that are on the cultist's body
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double-moves after Kerwyn to protect Kerwyn from the items on the cultist's body
6: Belaver (-18) uses his Pearl of Power to recover a Cure Light Wounds spell
6: Neshi (-26)
6: Lenya (-21) double moves in the direction that Torn and Olive went
6: Lylamwyn (-13) commands the bear to follow him and starts back
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-48) draws his wand and casts CLW on himself (heal 9)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 5 rounds) flees into the darkness in the direction that Olive went, but afraid not pursuing
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Round 12
18: Olive takes advantage of Torn's distraction to continue fleeing into the darkness and escape her pursuer
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) double-move towards the cultist's body
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double-move towards the cultist's body
6: Belaver (-18) casts Cure Light Wounds on Neshi (healing 8)
6: Neshi (-18)
6: Lenya (-21) double moves in the direction that Torn and Olive went
6: Lylamwyn (-13) double moves towards the party
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-39) uses his wand of CLW to heal himself (heal 8)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 4 rounds) can act normally
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Round 13
18: Olive takes advantage of Torn's distraction to continue fleeing into the darkness and escape her pursuer
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) double move towards the cultist's body
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double move towards the cultist's body
6: Belaver (-18) uses his wand to cast Cure Light Wounds on Neshi (healing 9)
6: Neshi (-9)
6: Lenya (-21) double moves in the direction that Torn and Olive went
6: Lylamwyn (-13) double moves towards the party
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-31) uses his wand of clw to heal himself (heal 4)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 3 rounds) flees into the darkness in the direction that Olive went, but afraid not pursuing
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Round 14
18: Olive takes advantage of Torn's distraction to continue fleeing into the darkness and escape her pursuer
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) arrive at the cultist's body and begin looting
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) arrive at the cultist's body and begin looting
6: Belaver (-18) uses his wand to cast CLW on Neshi (healing 9)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) double-moves and sees Torn in the distance
6: Lylamwyn (-13) arrives back near Belaver and Craven
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-27) uses his wand of CLW to heal himself (heal 4)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 2 rounds) babbles incoherently
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Round 15
18: Olive takes advantage of Torn's distraction to continue fleeing into the darkness and escape her pursuer
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) and Toriah drag the cultist's body back to the party
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15)
6: Belaver (-18) uses his wand to cast CLW on himself (heal 2)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) double moves and catches up with Torn
6: Lylamwyn (-13)
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-23) uses his wand of CLW to heal himself (heal 4)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 1 round) attacks Lenya (2+ misses)
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Round 16
18: Olive continues fleeing into the darkness
7: Dire Bear Skeleton
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) and Toriah drag the cultist's body back to the party
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15)
6: Belaver (-16) uses his wand to cast CLW on himself (heal 7)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-13)
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-19) uses his wand to cast CLW on himself (heal 6)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confusion ends) decides to destroy the evil tapestries and starts heading back to the altar room (attack caster result on confusion)
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First Post

Torn dashes efficently back into the alter room, then pauses, sighs and plops down to sit. She holds her head in her hands. "I have been a fool. Under a spell. I am very sorry to have let you down. Normally, I do a little better. Perhaps someone else should get the halfling. She probably fears me now. I see some of you are wounded. Let me help you."

Torn will drop comprehend languages, obscurring mist and command to cast CLWs on Lenya, Craven and Lylamwyn(1d8+7 each). She will then drop zone of truth and augury to cast cure moderate wounds on herself and Raner(2d8+7 each).

OOC: Standard Spells (6/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1)
1st – Protection from Evil(D), Comprehend Languages, obscuring mist, shield of faith, hide from undead, command
2nd – Spiritual Weapon (D), Augury, Bulls Strength, Silence, Zone of Truth
3rd – Magic Circle against Evil(D), Dispel Magic, Stone Shape
4th – Holy Smite(D), Summon Monster IV


First Post
On the way back towards the others, Torn stumbles over one of the warriors who were slain by the Dire Bear. The warrior, a woman, appears to be wearing Torn's +1 full plate armor.

ooc: how long is Lenya looking around for Olive? 1 second? 6 seconds? 1 minute? 10 minutes? 1 hour? Are you calling her name or just looking?

Also, I'm still waiting for posts on what Kerwyn & Lylamwyn are doing in rounds 11+

Voidrunner's Codex

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