Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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Lylamwyn goes after the Cultist, and tries to hit him with a Grease spell (Range only 40 ft though). If the cultist is too far, he'll use Fireball instead...

OOC: Will not cast either spell if it's not possible to do so without affecting friendlies (including the bear). Save DC 16 for Grease and 18 for Fireball.
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Round 8
13: Large Air Elemental (-14) moves and attacks Lylamwyn (15+12=27 hit, dmg 7) (AOO's from Craven 1+, Belaver 17+, dmg 0, Neshi 16+, dmg 3)
13: The Cultist is lying dead in the Southeastern corridor
7: Dire Bear Skeleton moves to the cultist's body and rips and shreds it some more
6: Kerwyn (shield, -23) loads and fires his crossbow at the Air Elemental, but misses (5+ miss)
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) double moves towards the air elemental
6: Belaver (-18) casts cure moderate wounds on Neshi (healing 11)
6: Neshi (-22) charges the elemental, but misses (3+) (AOO 10+ hits, dmg 13)
6: Lenya (-5) moves and sends an empowered Eldritch Blast at the Air Elemental (9+7+1=17 hit, dmg 24)
6: Lylamwyn (-7) tumbles 20' away from the Air Elemental (tumble check 10+2=12 fail, AOO 4+12=16 vs. ac 13, hit, dmg 6) while calling for help (bear is too far away to be commanded)
6: Raner (-22) runs back towards the others
6: Craven (-36) double moves towards Lylamwyn and the Air Elemental
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 8 rounds) suddenly realizes that Olive the halfling bard is evil, Torn moves towards Olive, and orders her sword to attack Olive
6: Torn's Sword attacks Olive (7+7=14, miss), but Olive dodges the blade. The Sword then vanishes as the duration expires.
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Lylamwyn curses his short legs, tries to tumble away from the Elemental (preferably near/behind meatshields), and orders The Bear to attack the Elemental. "Help?", he shouts aloud.

OOC: Tumble +2 because of medium load.


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Round 9
18: Olive flees from Torn in the direction of the orcs and dwarven temple
13: Large Air Elemental (-38) moves and attacks Lenya (13+12=25 hit, dmg 4)
7: Dire Bear Skeleton stands aimlessly next to the cultist's body
6: Kerwyn (shield, -23) loads and fires his crossbow at the Air Elemental, but misses (15+ miss vs. ac 20+4 in melee=24)
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) tumbles and attacks the elemental (6+ miss, tumble check 17+)
6: Belaver (-18) moves up and heals Neshi (defensive casting CLW 18+, heal 9)
6: Neshi (-26) attempts to bite the elemental but misses (8+)
6: Lenya (-9) casts an Eldritch Blast defensively (16+10=26 success, dmg 15)
6: Lylamwyn (-13) double moves towards the bear
6: Raner (-22) charges the elemental, but misses (PA for 7, double handed, 3+11+2-7=9 miss) (AOO 7+12=19 vs. ac 19, hit dmg 9)
6: Craven (-36) charges the elemental (8+11+2=21 hit, dmg 11-5=6) (AOO: 11+12 hit, dmg 12)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 7 rounds) continues to pursue evil Olive towards the orc inhabitated caverns
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~Round 8~
Seeing the Dire Bear rending the remains of the cultist, Raner hurries back to the others.

~Round 9~
Once he's back with the others, Raner begins attacking the Elemental.


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Having realized, that the whirlwind is in fact an air elemental, Lenya continues to blast it, until it dissolves, defensively, as appropriate.


Kerwyn casts the stored CLW on himself, and then goes to pick up his dagger, seeing as he doesn't seem to get a good shot at the swirly-thing.


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Round 10
18: Olive flees from Torn in the direction of the orcs and dwarven temple
13: Large Air Elemental (-59) attacks Lenya (8+12=20 hit, 6+12=18 hit, dmg 12)
7: Dire Bear Skeleton stands aimlessly next to the cultist's body
6: Kerwyn (shield, -23) casts Cure Light Wounds on himself (healing 9)
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) attacks the elemental (9+ miss)
6: Belaver (-18) casts Cure Moderate Wounds defensivlely on Neshi (concentration check 7+4=11 fails) and is out of healing spells except for cure minor wounds and magical items
6: Neshi (-26) attempts to bite the elemental but misses (5+)
6: Lenya (-21) casts an Eldritch Blast defensively, missing the Air Elemental (17+10=27 success, 7+7+1=15 vs. ac 17+1 = miss)
6: Lylamwyn (-13) double moves towards the dire bear skeleton
6: Raner (-31) swings with his axe and the elemental dissipitates (not pa, 6+11=miss, 20/3 hits, dmg 7-5=2)
6: Craven (-48) sheathes his warhammer and lays on hands on Raner (heal 7)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin, confused for 6 rounds) can act normally and casts Dispel Magic upon herself, but she is unable to remove the confusion (DC 23 dispel check: 12+7=19 fails)
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The elemental has appearently been defeated. The party stands in the chamber that appears to hold an Altar to the Evil Elemental Prince of Air.

The body of the cultist and the dire bear skeleton are in the southeast corridor at the top of a flight of steps leading deeper into the Mountain.

Torn and Olive the halfling bard have appearently fled from the party back towards the orcs.

The Tapestries hang normally, now that the air elemental is no longer here to blow them about the room.

A silver trumpet lies upon the floor where the cultist dropped it when he drew a scroll.
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“We are getting closer to the air temple, but let's see where the halfling and our new friend have fled to.”

Lenya then follows the two.

Voidrunner's Codex

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