Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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Lenya will look for Olive about a minute before heading back to the others, she does not want to seperate herself too long.

She will call out Olive's name and say that Torn is under control now, but only shortly before heading back to the others, wary of the attention she might draw by making noise.

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Lylamwyn would have gone to get the bear back in control mainly. Lylamwyn has no intention to wander off to search for Torn and/or Olive, unless most of the party leaves to search.


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Round 17
18: Olive continues fleeing into the darkness
7: Dire Bear Skeleton follows Lylamwyn
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) and Toriah drag the cultist's body back to the party
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15)
6: Belaver (-9) uses his wand to cast CLW on himself (heal 4)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-13)
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-13) uses his wand to cast CLW on himself (heal 9)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) is heading back to the altar room
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Round 18
18: Olive continues fleeing into the darkness
7: Dire Bear Skeleton follows Lylamwyn
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) and Toriah drag the cultist's body back to the party
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15)
6: Belaver (-5) uses his wand to cast CLW on Lylamwyn (heal 9)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4)
6: Raner (-24)
6: Craven (-4) uses his wand to cast CLW on Raner (heal 2)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) is heading back to the altar room and discovers the slain warrior wearing her full plate armor
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Round 19
18: Olive is ?
7: Dire Bear Skeleton follows Lylamwyn
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) and Toriah drag the cultist's body back to the party
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15)
6: Belaver (-5) uses his wand to cast CLW on Raner (heal 6)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4)
6: Raner (-16)
6: Craven (-4) uses his wand to cast CLW on Raner (heal 2)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) is heading back to the altar room, half-carrying and half-dragging the slain warrior wearing her armor
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Round 20
18: Olive is ?
7: Dire Bear Skeleton follows Lylamwyn
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) arrives back where Belaver and Craven are
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) arrives back where Belaver and Craven are
6: Belaver (-5) uses his wand to cast CLW on Raner (heal 7)
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4)
6: Raner (-7)
6: Craven (-4) uses his wand to cast CLW on Raner (heal 7)
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) arrives at the Northwest entrance to the altar room
5: Four humans and two Ogres enter the altar room from the Northeast entrance. The Ogres wear chain shirts and carry Giant-sized Great Swords. One of the warriors wears black plate armor, a black cloak, and carries a shield emblazoned with a red dragon. Two of the warriors wear banded mail and are armed with longbows. The fourth human is tall and looks as strong as an ogre and wears a jade mask, a black cloak, and is carrying a staff. The fourth human calls out in common, "Send them back to the Abyss!" The warrior in black armor holds forth his sword and a gust of wind hits Raner seventy feet away so hard it feels like a hammer (touch attack 3+10=13 hit, dmg 7). The archers shoot arrows at the party, but miss (10+, 9+). The Ogres charge (6+ vs. Raner, miss; 16+7+2-3 pa=22 vs. Craven, hit, dmg 18). The human with the staff rebukes the skeleton dire bear (rebuke check 20+, hit dice 7+8+4=19, bear is rebuked).
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Round 21
18: Olive is ?
7: Dire Bear Skeleton (rebuked)
6: Kerwyn (shield, -14) tumbles (19+) and attacks an Ogre (5+8+2=15, miss)
6: Toriah (barkskin, -15) tumbles (11+) underneath the Ogre and stabs straight up in a vulnerable spot (19+/9+, critical, dmg 25)
6: Belaver (-5) begins casting Summon Nature's Ally 3
6: Neshi
6: Lenya (-21) looks around for Olive
6: Lylamwyn (-4) casts Glitterdust, covering the two archers, the human wearing plate armor and the human with the jade mask in golden sparkles (both archers blinded 3+,10+; warrior in plate blinded 1+; human in the jade mask can still see 10+)
6: Raner cuts down both Ogres with a powerful two-handed swing of his axe (16+11-7=20 hit, dmg 31, cleave 13+11-7=17 hit, dmg 30) and then moves 20' towards the evil humans
6: Craven (-4) double moves towards the evil humans
6: Torn (-26, barkskin) sends raw holy power at the evil cultists as she casts Holy Smite (dmg 25, DC 16 will: black armor 7+ fail, archer 8+ fail, archer 4+, jade mask 13+ pass), killing the two archers and wounding the other cultists
5: Human wearing Black Plate armor (-25, blind for 6 rounds) says "I can't see" as he waves his sword back and forth
5: Two Human Archers: dead
5: Human wearing Jade Mask responds "Don't worry. I have your back." And he runs back down the northeast corridor from which they came.
5: Two Ogres: one dead, the other -31: Dying Ogre does not stabilize
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"Uh-oh." Lylamwyn tries to make a safe distance to the bear and other enemies, and cast Glitterdust to affect as many enemies as possible (Naturally watching out for allies. The humans are the preferred targets, especially the armor and staff/mask dude.). If he can't affect at least three enemies, he'll cast Haste at the party instead (Raner, Craven, Kerwyn, Toriah, Torn, and himself).
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Torn drops the man she was dragging and raises her arm, muttering "Heironeous smite thee!"

OOC: Cast Holy Smite at the four humans (20 foot radius should get all of them. If any of the ogres are still w/in 40 feet of the humans, she would try to get them in the spell as well. She assumes (perhaps erroniously) that the PCs are all of good alignment, and thus would not be affected by the spell.)

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