EoM Question: Summon Construct


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I was deciding on a new spell list to get the other day and I came upon this one. I have a question concerning summoning creatures with no intelligence.

Summon said:
You have no special control over the summoned creature. Creatures with an Intelligence of 2 or less are always Indifferent when they appear. Creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or higher are generally Unfriendly upon their arrival, and if they feel threatened or displeased, may depart as a free action, returning whence it came. You can use the Obedient enhancement, below, to make the creature arrive with the attitude Helpful, and prevent it from leaving. If a creature is willing to stay, you can spend a few minutes speaking with it, making a Diplomacy check to earn its services, though usually at a price.

So, if the construct is indifferent, how do you command it? Must you purchase the obedient enhancement to have control, or can you use diplomacy on something unintelligent?

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Ummm, not sure Diplomacy would work on an unintelligent being... closer to Handle Animal (1 or 2 Int)... though for 0 Int that might not even work... Either way just summon it... let whoever you are fighting think it's under your command and when they hit it, the construct will defend itself. Otherwise you'll need the obedient enhancement or a charm spell to make it friendly to you and angry towards your enemies... or a strong Compel to bend it to your will.

Hope this helps,
William Holder

I would require the Obiedient enhancement... this models the Golem that obeys only its creator quite nicely. No diplomancy or Handle X works...

Side note, my last EoM character was focused on Summon Construct... so this isn't just a DM point of view :)

Night Watchman

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I have a somewhat related question. As far as constructs go, what enhancements would one need to actually animate one, or animate anything for that matter? Would you simply use a summon enhancement to summon an animated version of the object effectively "animating" it, or would you use a Move enhancement?


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Well, that was pretty much what I was thinking; thanks for confirming it.

As for animating constructs, a Summon Construct or Transform Construct would work nicely. Check out the permanent creature rules (under permanent spells in the magic item section) for rules on that - it would be the best way for something intended to last.


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Move (Force) could do this...
EoM:R - Move (Force) said:
Move Force is used on its own, you can only move objects, and only in minor ways, with a base speed of 30 ft. You could cause a wagon to roll forward on its wheels, make a taxidermied bird fly around, or make a chair skitter across the floor.
Hope this helps,
William Holder

Summon construct would be cheaper, altho transform construct would be the 'proper' way of doing it.

Move Force would provide a user-guided item, not a fully animated object


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"Proper Way"

I don't know that Transform is any more proper than Summon. Summon doesn't have to be from thin air and I think it is probably the best way, all in all.


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Primitive Screwhead said:
...Move Force would provide a user-guided item, not a fully animated object
True... kind of like a stop motion Frankenstien with jerky arm movements... it just makes me happy :)

Using Move (Force) on any creature I see as being like Ella Enchanted. They don't want to do it but are forced to.
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Move Force

I don't know - that's a lot of fine control. I see it more as using something or someone as a battering ram/blunt object. I would force the same restrictions of Move Force - no damage, just grappling, tripping, etc.

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