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D&D 5E Escape the Underdark, Fear the Madness, and get Out of the Abyss - IC


"The Duergar are not to be trusted. They betrayed their Gods and kinfolk making deals with Devils and such. Some even layin'down with Devils and breedin' unholy offspring. But I don't think they'd be fer killin us straight out! If'n we're goin' there..skulkin' may be worse fer us. They got plenty of patrols and we're likely t'be spotted. Best we act like we ain't hiding nuthin!"

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NPC_Buppido.jpg "We find a trade route, and we can make a choice based on where it leads. The derro and duergar have cave routes marked you just need to look out for them as we travel. Some lead to Gracklstugh, Blingdenstone, and Manthol Derith."

Deciding that moving was their best bet to start out they break camp and prepare to escape the Underdark.

OOC: Anything else please RP in something. Otherwise I will advance the game a couple days with what you find.



"Anything is better than starving out here in the wilderness." Finnan says morosely. "Though, it would be interesting to visit all these places." he adds with some enthusiasm. "Hopefully we won't have to kill anyone on the way out each time."

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]AC: 13 (DEX) or 16 (Mage armour)
HP: 27 HD: 4/4

Eldritch blast: +5 120ft 1d10+3F
Dagger: +5 5 1d4+3P OR +5 20/60 1d4+3P

Cantrips: frostbite, prestidigitation; light, mage hand, spare the dying; magic stones; Eldritch Blast, Friends
1/1 Level 1: Mage armour
2/2 level 2: dissonant whispers, arms of hadar, phantasmal force, mirror image, mind spike[/SBLOCK]


With a destination or two in mind, and something to look out for (trade route runes), the group makes its way into the Underdark.

Time is hard to perceive in a world with no sun or moon. It is told by the tiredness of your feet as you march in the endless darkness. The endless but not quiet darkness. It is your second day out from Velkynvelve when strange horrid sounds start to echo throughout the caves and tunnels. Terrible shrieks. moans, and incoherent gibbering all seem to form without any apparent origin. The hours of this play on your nerves as you wish whatever it is would stop, or show itself.

OOC: WIS saves from everyone DC 11

As you find a place to camp the sounds lessen and then dissappear altogether, at least you will be able to get some sleep, but you fear the nightmares the sounds may bring on. Then Derendil calls out, "LOOK!" he shouts pointing.

On a high ledge above the group a drow scout skulks behind a rock outcropping, before darting quickly into a tunnel. The drow have found you.

OOC: Drow Pursuit: 3
When it reaches 5 then the drow will be close enough to attack.

Current Food/Water
4lbs food, 3 gallons water (maximum group can hold)
Foraging rolls - none found by Eldeth
Foraging Rolls - none found by Stool

Everyone has been on half rations the past two days. Kildrak was the only one to find food and water and it wasn't much. The dwarf believes that the drow were probably foraging the area before the group, because their supply caravan was running late.

OOC: Time Chart:
2 days have past

OOC: At every 2 days, I don't expect Thia to last a week with these Wis saves.
Wis Save [roll0]

"Well, I really didn't expect them to pursue us. Oh, well. It's not like we can go off path down here."


"Ah, but we can go off-path." Old Grudach corrected Thia, "There are side-tunnels everywhere. We're just more likely to get lost or find ourselves falling into an endless pit."

Voidrunner's Codex

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