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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Nice kill sonny. Beatrice says nodding to Dox. My grandson Sheridan is an assassin. Killed Good King Bernard in broad daylight while he was making a speech. Heard he was applauded for that too. We were able to put in a puppet king soon afterwords. I would buy you a drink but it looks like this girl is supplying it here.

So my gooodfornothing grandson it up to his no bad trick eh? she says turning to Phoenix. He always had a dragon obsession, always wanted to ride on them as a child. Nearly got his hand bit off by a red. The clerics had a fun time sowing that one back on!

Always the white sheep of the family, that one.

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Another Hand?! Lady is active these days. Must be glee from the expected influx of souls, hm?"

asks Rocco his group in general, but loud enough to carry.

He eyes the newcomer suspiciously and turns so that he can see his own shadow.

OOC: Nice entrance

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The man inclines his head and them makes his way to two ladies, one young, one old. 'Shroud of the Unliving.' Very expensive; our order reserves it for very special cases.

"What'd that guy do to deserve a death so fancy it has it's own special name? Maybe I should come up with special names for my... talents, but there's only so many ways you can say burn." She smiles and insubstantial flames dance around her for a moment before subsiding.

Glancing at Beatrice, Phoenix nods. "Red would be my choice of dragon, for obvious reasons. And I suppose I could afford to buy a round, have a bit of spare change - enough to tide me over until the next hunt that is."

She leans back casually and speaking to both at once says, "I don't suppose you've heard of someone named Rhagast, have you?"

Her voice seems calm, but a deep red halo surrounds her form, an angry red glow like the embers of a hell forge.


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The Cursed One whispers angrily to the empty chair beside him:

"Damn you all to the Hells. How do you always manage to lead us into these dens of Evil overrun with villains and monsters?! What kind of place is this that the undead drink with the senile after killing a man in broad daylight?! Curse the Star! Pray we find a quest quickly and leave or the floor will soon run red ..."

OOC: Changing text colour is the dark red is a bit too dark and not so easy on the eyes ... lets see how ice blue looks.

Man ... the tone of the tavern just took a dive. Murdered by a Shade... And noone flinches?


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The Cursed One whispers angrily to the empty chair beside him:

"Damn you all to the Hells. How do you always manage to lead us into these dens of Evil overrun with villains and monsters?! What kind of place is this that the undead drink with the senile after killing a man in broad daylight?! Curse the Star! Pray we find a quest quickly and leave or the floor will soon run red ..."

Kruor hears The Cursed One's hisses and whispers. The machine lumbers forth, making no effort to be subtle.

"You...you no like monsters?" Kruor rumbled. An arm comes up to touch his face, the soft contact breaking away bits of fragile rust and dried blood. You see that the fingers of this robot have been replaced with glass vials with pointy needles at the tip.

Kruor sheaths his arm back under his cloak. "Me sorry. Me no want be born like this..."

"But who you talking to...if not me..."


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You would not be able to tell by looking at him, but Quan is quite disturbed by the sudden appearance of an assassin. A similar fate awaits him should his betrayal to his homeland be discovered. He shifts his position, watching the assassin while standing with his back to a thick post.

He only finds comfort in his thoughts, Must have been a personal vendetta or the guy is a complete rookie. The kill is witnessed by multiple people. He stays to drink with the hot, yet disturbed, mage.

Quan strings his bow, Or he's crazy. Probably crazy.


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As the undead Goliath enter, Jarel-karn instinctively draw his sowrd."Was that undead after you again, Rocco?" asks Jarel-karn, seeing the undead Goliath getting killed. "I really got tired of undead and Gods of death..." murmurs the Genasi to himself.


First Post
"Damn you all to the Hells. How do you always manage to lead us into these dens of Evil overrun with villains and monsters?! What kind of place is this that the undead drink with the senile after killing a man in broad daylight?! Curse the Star! Pray we find a quest quickly and leave or the floor will soon run red ..."
Oh lighten up dearie, the old lady says rolling her eyes. Maybe he deserved it? Killed someone's father or mother on one of his adventurers perhaps? Just because adventurers fight evil, does not mean that evil does not have any family or loved ones you know! My son Roland was a smuggler and he was killed by adventurers! Murder is much worse than smuggling I'll have you know!

She leans back casually and speaking to both at once says, "I don't suppose you've heard of someone named Rhagast, have you?"
Sorry dear, never heard of him, I have been out of town for ten years. she says with a smile. If you want someone offed I would suggest hiring this gentleman she says pointing to the shade.


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A passing barmaid pauses with her armful of mugs, "There's a Missus Rhadagast, that widower who hangs about the steps of The Temple of Open Hands Eyes and Minds feeding birds and flogging flowers. Any relation? No, oh, sorry don't mind me dearie, only trying to help..."

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