Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Having consumed his cup of tea and several mugs of ale to wash it down, Len rolls his eyes at the sight of the tiefling. "Small world indeed..." he mutters as he staggers to the bar.

"Scuse th' horny fella over there, barkeep. He needs a few ales to loosen his lips. Soon as you see 'im half way finished with one drink, send 'im over another. Bit of encouragement, eh?"

Len zigs and zags his way towards the newcomer, somehow without spilling a drop of his own ale along the way. Settling into a seat at his table, Len looks at the tiefling with an enquiring smile.

"Me name's Len. We've met once, but I'd be surprised if you remember much of it. You were pretty tanked even before I got there. To be honest I'm surprised you regained conciousness at all! And you are..." Len furrows his brow in an effort to concentrate. "Izzy... no that ain't it. Asgard, Astley, Astro, no, no, no. Buggrit what's yer name again?"

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A tiefling enters the tavern, and heads towards the bar counter. He lays 1 silver piece on the counter. The bartender asks, "What would you like?". The tiefling points to a jug of ale, and the bartender brings it over. The tiefling takes a seat in the corner, facing the entire bar with a suspicious gaze.

Esraethan's interest is peaked by seeing another tiefling enter the bar. He tries to make eye-contact with the newcomer, tilting his head in one of the subtle gestures that tieflings have developed over years of persecution. This gesture asks the other if he wishes company or to be alone.


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The new tiefling responds to Len, saying "I'm Astheone" then gestures towards Esraethan, telling him to come over. He takes a large swig of ale and stares at Len, trying to remember the night he spoke of.
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Kamotz takes in Artemis, You remind me of an old friend, Kamotz. the shifter bashes his fist against his breast plate, and beams, I've always wanted to do that.

"Artemis Harks, at your service. It seems we are about to embark on a long journey together," he indicates the message board with all the signatures.

"I hope that soon, we too shall be old friends."


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"Astheone! Yes, of course!" Len bursts into laughter.

"That's right, I remember the song you sang about your name! Oh boy... what a night." Len can barely speak between fits of laughter. "That thing you did with the... And those girls were... And you said... Oh wow. I haven't had so much fun since. Good to see you survived!"

Len gives Astheone a hearty slap on the back, saying "See ya round, pal!" before returning to his own table.


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"Astheone! Yes, of course!" Len bursts into laughter.

"That's right, I remember the song you sang about your name! Oh boy... what a night." Len can barely speak between fits of laughter. "That thing you did with the... And those girls were... And you said... Oh wow. I haven't had so much fun since. Good to see you survived!"

Len gives Astheone a hearty slap on the back, saying "See ya round, pal!" before returning to his own table.

As Len leaves, Astheone mutters under his breath, "What is he talking about? I remember none of that," then takes another heavy swig of ale.


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The new tiefling responds to Len, saying "I'm Astheone" then gestures towards Esraethan, telling him to come over. He takes a large swig of ale and stares at Len, trying to remember the night he spoke of.

Esraethan slides into a seat across from Astheone, placing his wine glass on the table between them.

"Well met, Astheone. My name is Esraethan. What brings you here today?" All of this is said in a quiet voice, more out of habit than any insecurity brought on by the deniens of the inn.


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Astheone does not speak, but instead reaches into his pocket and pulls out his money. He has but a mere 4 gold pieces and 8 silver. With the prices of commodities around here, he will run out of money in a week if he eats and drinks modestly. What he has come for is clear.
He requires a job.
He takes another heavy swig from his ale and stares at the table, pondering what he should do about his currecnt situation.


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Astheone does not speak, but instead reaches into his pocket and pulls out his money. He has but a mere 4 gold pieces and 8 silver. With the prices of commodities around here, he will run out of money in a week if he eats and drinks modestly. What he has come for is clear.
He requires a job.
He takes another heavy swig from his ale and stares at the table, pondering what he should do about his currecnt situation.

"I see. I have signed up for a campaign which should be beginning shortly. Perhaps there is still time to sign up. If not, I'm afraid I don't have much that i can offer. Although I suppose I could pick up your next drink." Esraethan signals the barkeeper to bring another round.


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Astheone looks up, but it is unclear whether he is interested by the job or the ale. He chugs the rest of his current mug in one gulp and looks at Esraethan. "So this campaign you speak of. Can I have some more details?"

[sblock=OOC] What campaign are you in, and who is DM? [/sblock]

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