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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


A young, burly dwarf pushes the door to the inn open, steps in and looks around.
"Well met," he says, his voice gruff and gravelly, "I'm Rikkon. I hear this is where folks come to make a living round these parts."

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Son of Meepo

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A few moments later, the door opens again. This time a bald half-orc dressed from head to toe in animal furs with an array of blades adorning his body.

"Me name, Grog. Bar man, get Grog some grog!"

OOC: Since the person who maintained the Tavern Patrons thread disappeared, I have started a wiki page so that we can keep it up to date ourselves. Tavern Patrons wiki

Son of Meepo

First Post

We keep making those and they keep disappearing and falling out of use. The only way that works is posting in the tavern thread and saying, "I have an adventure, who's available?"

[sblock=ooc]People loved the thread, but it relied on one person to keep ot up to date and that person has since disappeared. Yes, it is possible that it will not be 100% correct, but I found the list valuable for 2 reasons.

1. I'm interested in running an adventure. I can see that there's a block of PCs around level x, so I submit an adventure around that level.

2. I want to make a new character. The characters in the tavern are lacking a certain role. I can create a new character of a given role to help fill out a party.[/sblock]


OOC: I'll propose getting rid of the "Not Looking For Adventure," "Ready to Adventure," and "Talking in Private" sections of that wiki page. The list should only contain characters who are actively looking for adventures. Otherwise they shouldn't be on the list.
I think those peripheral lists will require too much maintenance, and I'd like to keep the new list as simple as possible.

Son of Meepo

First Post
OOC: Sometimes people want to roleplay in character in the tavern, but don't want to have those characters adventuring.

The ready for adventure table is to show who has shown interest in an already posted adventure, again to steer those planning to only those still sitting around waiting for a new adventure to be offered.

Something catches Grog's attention. Without a word he heads outside to see what it is.

OOC: Since there are already a couple of level 1 defenders in the tavern, I'm going to withdraw the character for now and bring in an invoker instead.


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The rain crescendos and lightning crashes once more, the door to the Hanged Man once again swings open as the thunder rolls in. A lithe hand can be seen holding the door open, as a sandy colored dog struts into the tavern and shakes out. Patrons dash out of the way, a few call out Hey! Watch it! Following the dog is the elf who had opened the door to begin with.

His studded leather is dripping wet, and the staff he holds clacks against the floor with the sound of fine craftmanship. His gait is strong and confident, like a stallion among colts. Though he watches his companion, there is an aura about the elf that says he could just as easily sense the flit of a mosquito's wing in the rafters. He makes no apologies for his dogs nature, instead he props the door open with his staff. Nate. says the elf simply.

Grinding is heard, then what seems to be a rust covered metal giant enters. It looks timid, almost afraid, but also remorseful. The creatures face is covered, and a cloak obscures most of it's body. The parts that are visible look as if they have old dark brown stains on them, not rust, something else entirely... Blood maybe? The creature gives the Hanged Man's patrons a wide berth, standing closer to the elf than anyone else. Kru.. Kaarooo... Corey... says the machine made unliving.

The elf doesn't step away from the door still, and something fills the framework, something hairy. Upon further examination it seems to be a very large dire wolf, with two heads, carefully crawling into the tavern. Once inside, it is apparent that it is actually two creatures, a wolf-like man, on a dire wolf. Both begin shaking vigorously, AH! WHAT?! WHY?! screams the earlier patron, having just gotten himself dry from the dogs splashing. Several other patrons reflexively cover the tops of their tankards. Kamotz, and because I'm wet. says the shifter, as if that were explanation enough. The elf releases the door, holding his staff close, watching Kamotz carefully.

She'll be fine barkeep, kind of. Maybe you should have her trained at the Temple of Lauto, having a healer in here wouldn't hurt anything. Kamotz turns to Corey, Lucky that other one found her early. I still need to talk with him about all the property damage he caused in there though. Can't just go wrecking up places if you want to be here. The shifter looks around the tavern with interest, hoping to spot The Cursed One. Did you apologize to the barkeep yet? asks the heavily armored shifter of the construct. After this, straight to the Temple to arrange penance.

OOC: @FourMonos we're all here now.
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Not ten minutes after the shifter and his new friends return to the Hanged Man, the tavern doors burst open yet again. This time the doorway is not straddled by some young adventurer looking to make his name and fortune (not necessarily in that order). This time an old man, soaked by the rain and soiled by mud, falls feeble across the doorstep.

"Help! Help!" he cries weakly. The old man is wearing robes openly displaying hs worship to the god Apoli.

Just as the nearby patrons start to stand, the bouncer near the door helps the man gently to his feet.

Despite the soaked and dirty robes, Nathantiel, Kamotz and Kruor recognize the old man as the priest who was tending the barmaid at the nearby Temple of Apoli just a few streets away. It appears he recognizes the trio as well, rushing to speak to Nathantiel and Kamotz. Just as he cast disdain at Kruor at the temple, he tries to avoid nearing the warforge now.

"You! You were at the temple! You have to help me! Just after you left we were attacked. Robed figures stormed our peaceful temple! They threw the wounded into the streets. They killed my acolyte, demanding to know where it was! It! They had to be talking about... that... thing!" His hand points shakily at Kruor.

"Please, you must help me! I slipped away, but there were more people inside!"

OOC: Greetings all, this is officially the start of the adventure "The Undead Hunter" Recruiting has been ongoing, so I apologize if it seems like the spots are mostly spoken for. It was RP inspired right here in our little tavern, so the players involved do have some level disparities. As The Cursed One has left, I can likely pick up another low level character now. ([MENTION=36973]stonegod[/MENTION] sorry, but you're right about lvl 7 being too high. you will eat through my little monsters way too fast, in a 'not-very-fun-for-the-DM' kind of way.)

If previously committed people would like an out (as it is a short adventure), now is the time.

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