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Even Newer(er) Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Tristan gets up with near complete silence to follow Gil, and comes up beside him in such a way that the scholar doesn't see him when he looks back until he turns to face forward again. "Let us see if the hunt is on then," the elf says, his grin looking far less friendly than moments ago.

One of Ironheart's limbs moves with a creak. He silently salutes the elf as he leaves the tavern, acknowledging that he heard his discomfort with the dead wood around them even if he did not respond.

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The door to The Hanged Man bursts open and a young man with pack over his shoulder enters the common room. His eyes scan the common room for an exit and lock like a vise on the stairs to the floor above. With bounding strides, the rogue makes lopes across the floor and up the stairs.

Shortly thereafter (just long enough for the patrons to pretend that they didn't see anything) three men in mail shirts explode through the door. They are wearing insignias of Daunton's law enforcement patrol.

"Did anyone see a young man come in here?"

The crowd is silent, but one or two fellows eye the stairs a little too obviously.

"Alright, Willen. You take Heljord up the stairs and I'll make sure he doesn't get out the back."

The leader disappears through the front door while the others bound up the stairs after the rogue.

****Occurring upstairs in the main hallway among the boarding rooms****

TikChik lies in bed trying to forget his ordeal and get some sleep. As he removes his boots, he notices an odd, emerald-colored dust on the soles. He couldn't care less, but something makes him dust the boots off anyway. The dust smears and stains his claws. No matter, he thinks to himself. I'll wash it off in the morning. He snuffs out his lamp and drifts off.

Outside, footsteps clap down the hallway in a nervous hurry, as the sound of raised, nervous voices waft up from the common room.

Shaking with fear and desperation, the rogue tries each door along the hallway. They are all locked. No windows offer an escape, and at the other end of the hall, he hears the back door swing open and steps approaching up the back stairs.

One last time he tries a door, and is surprised to find it unlocked. He has barely enough time to hurl the stash onto the bed in the room and shut the door again before Willen and Heljord clear the corner at the front end of the hallway.

"Hold!" Willen shouts, producing a nocked crossbow, "Not another step thief!"

"Thief?" the rogue raises his hands in mock compliance, "I think you've got the wrong guy."

"Where'd you put the weapons, boy?" Willen isn't having it

"I don't know what you're talking about." Replies the rogue

"Wha's all this 'bout!?" Blaggarm puffs up the stairway and staggers around the corner into the hallway out of breath, "Ah know yahr tryin' ta keep th' peach Willen, butchya see this man's got nah loot. Ya got the wrong fellah." Blagarm puts a consoling hand on Willen's shoulder and gives the young rogue a wink, "Nah don' be wakin' mah customahrs."

Willen reluctantly lowers the crossbow and orders Heljord to stand down as well, "Sorry Blagarm," he apologizes, "We were just dead sure this was the guy, and that he stashed the loot."

"Sorrih Willen," Blagarm replies, "Bu' Ah'm all sold ou' an' alluh mah patrons lock their doors afore they bed down. See?" Blagarm demonstrates by pulling the handle on a door at random to find it locked.

"I suppose you're right." Willen turns to the rogue, "You can go about your business, but you can be sure we'll be watching you."

"Many thanks," the rogue entones, unclear as to whether his thanks should be directed at Willen or at Blagarm as he swaggers down the stairs, out the front door of The Hanged Man, and back out onto the street.

****In TikChik's Room***
The heavy sack lands on top of the thri-kreen with crushing force, "Mph! Hey! What the..." TikChik rubs his head where something hard and metallic struck it, and examines his situation. From without the room, raised voices interrupt the background of patrons in the common room below. Ignoring them for the moment, TikChik lights a lamp and rifles through the sack. The hard objects appear to be a motley array of magical items and weaponry.

As TikChik's claws pass over the weapons, the hand with the emerald dust brushes up against a jewel on one of the items in the sack.

Instantly, the thri-kreen disappears in a cloud of green smoke.

OOC: @renau1g : Click on the link.


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The door creaks open slowly and a a cloud of dust, weapons and ebony muscle enters the tavern. Head shaved smooth, eyes like hard black stone when he reaches the bar his voice rasps like the stone of an opening tomb. "Name's Leather. Hit me with whatever this will buy." A copper coin spins across the wooden surface.

He looks around the place and speaks up in a loud voice. "I'm looking for work. Any kind of work long as it pays."

OOC: Marcus Leather lvl 1 Brawler Fighter ready for action.


"Hit me with whatever this will buy." A copper coin spins across the wooden surface.
Blagarm eyes the copper on the counter and picks hit up. He starts a wind up, but stops himslef, shaking his head as if thinking better of it, Bloo'y fellah wouldn' get i' anyways.

"Drinksah five coppah's a pint!" he puts the piddly pay down on the counter waiting for its four friends and produces a wooden mug of the most putrid looking water seen this side of Daunton.

That'll teach the bloo'y cheapskate.
OOC: Sorry jbear. I couldn't resist.


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Blagarm eyes the copper on the counter and picks hit up. He starts a wind up, but stops himslef, shaking his head as if thinking better of it, Bloo'y fellah wouldn' get i' anyways.

"Drinksah five coppah's a pint!" he puts the piddly pay down on the counter waiting for its four friends and produces a wooden mug of the most putrid looking water seen this side of Daunton.

That'll teach the bloo'y cheapskate.
OOC: Sorry jbear. I couldn't resist.
Leather's face is a mask. Not even a flicker of emotion crosses it.

"That is my last copper. I can work for a drink and some food. I eat scraps. I eat anything. Not fussed. Been four days since my last meal. Need wood chopped? Stables cleaned? Debts collected? Like I said ... I'm not a fussy man."

Leather waits patiently for a response.

OOC: Hehehe, not a problem! At least Leather has someone to talk to!! But technically he doesn't even have the copper he just gave over! Completely destitute ... only the shirt on his back and the blades in his pocket to call his own ... so hows abouts ye' hand over that there drink pardner. *Spits tobacco across room. Pa-ting!*
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Blagarm shakes his head, "Ah got no wark fahr yah. P'raps yah can ge' one o' these fine ladies an' gen'lemen tah spot yah a drink," he nods in the direction of the clientelle, and sets about his business.


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As Blagarm moves away to set back into his work Leather's hand shoots out quick as a flash and grabs Blagarm's wrist.

"I believe you have my copper. My last copper. No drink. No coin"


Blagarm smiles and produces the copper, "Sorrih," he shrugs, "Farce o' habbut." He flicks the copper onto the bar next to the destitute fellow and goes back to work, or so he calls it.


First Post
The big barbarian chuckles and punches Kruk in the shoulder. "Hey, Stinkbeard, maybe we buy dis guy a drink? Ok Kane go buy it" Kane said and called over the serving girl and gives her a handful of silver.

She brings over a large pitcher to the newcomer. "Hiya! We need to find you a dragon to kills Kane kill one and gets lots of golds after one trying to hurt Mr. Lord Byron's mining island. Oh and kobolds too. Hmmmm, maybe we go ask Mr. Lord Byron if he has more dragon problems he need help with" the bugbear calls out across the tavern

Voidrunner's Codex

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