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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


A suffusion of yellow
Jochannan said:
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Mortals, Inspiration
Domains: Knowledge, Creation, Destruction

Traume turns and sees something new rising from the ashes of the First War and is curious.
A new godling has arisen, one born from the hearts of mortals, for truely the spirit of the Divine is in the hearts of their mortal children.

He extends a paternal hand to this new young one curious of what he might become.

"Welcome Jo'Karr born of mortal hearts"

(ooc nice to have you on board. Your intro looks good to me, the only conflict you might have is with Tocho (Perriculum) in his role as god of competiton but inspiration and competiton seem like natural partners to me)

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In the wake of the destruction came Jemal, enraged beyond sanity, to deliver a mesage.

"You want death? You want destruction? You want to toy with these beings? Your creations bring nothing but pain and suffering. The only ones who have a chance at peace are those I have given immortality, for they need not worry about pain and death. We will bring our gift to the rest of the mortals so that all can benefit from it. I declare henceforth that the Undead will no longer peacefully co-exist with the living, for such is impossible. We will bring our 'gift' to all creation!"

And with that, the undead began their crusade against the living, Jemal watching but not directly interfering.


First Post
As death and the works of the gods spread throughout the worlds, a now rather crispy Jo'Karr stands as solid and motionless as before. To the gods and the sages and the priests, he speaks.

"In my first moments of life, I considered MAGIC and COMPETITION to be my allies, both give tools to mortals to shape their own destiny without actually interfering, as I do. Now I see only the boundless rage of the millions recently murdered by the genocidal recklessness of MAGIC and the divine intervention of the PLANTS. Unto DEATH, I extend thanks, for providing my creators with a fate worthy of them beyond their end. I say unto PLANTS, so yeh breed poison and unnecessary death, so now my creators take my INSPIRATION and form poisons to use against you, and the mages of mortals take my INSPIRATION to craft new spells with which to force you back. Unto MAGIC, I shall deal with you soon enough, but now it is the PLANTS who feel the passions of mortals. Let it be known to ALL!!! If there is a doom upon the mortals it will be of THEIR OWN CREATION AND NOONE ELSES!!!"


First Post
Endovior gets even more angry at this last by Moss, and his shout reverberates throughout the cosmos.

"You DARE to blame ME for this? You try to kill all animate life in the world, and you blame me for what occurs when I cannot stop you? Very well. Vendetta upon you, Moss. May you wither and die. Let the forests burn!"

Endovior sends chests full of Wands of Fireball to each guild in existence, with the following message: "Moss, the God of Plants, has declared war upon animate life. Protect yourselves. Use these wands to destroy all plant life, before it destroys you." As the mages mobilize, Endovior also sends his Elementals forth, as an army, to burn and destroy all forests. He also sends the Efreeti out (as leaders of armies), and even the Mephits are mobilized for war.

The result of this strike is devastating. Elementals are immune to poison, having no real anatomy, and they are invariably on the front lines. The rest of the army merely hides behind them, and uses their ranged abilities to burn as they please. As a result of this clever strategy, initial casualties are minimal as all forests near any portal are swiftly burned. This initial strike accomplished, Endovior's armies organize for assaults against larger, more distant forests.


First Post
And Moss looks out upon creation, weeping.

He sends a message to the deities who have shared their homes here.

I stepped into a world unlike any other
And I laid down the foundations for life
You took my efforts in jest; you kill what I have birthed
And no more shall I defend a forsaken world.

Moss goes silent as the Elementals reign their attack. With no Deity to lead them, the plantae are confused, and unprepared. Wildfires scorch the plants, and, in the time of a few weeks, the single massive forest is reduced to ash. In the wake of the flame, oxygen is used up en masse; it is not long before what little is left to breathe is clung to by the fleshy races; but, with time, they shall suffocate and meet their demise.

Moss's voice to the deities is no longer strong and full, but stricken with sorrow.

This universe is not worthy of life. It's deities do not understand the intricacies.
You kill for revenge, out of spite. These are not divine things.
I gave life to the Plantae, and I did what was necessary to defend them.
And in all things, you were hungry for power. You struck against them ceaselessly.

Leave Prime to the undead.
I beg you leave the Children to flourish, for they are untainted by your touch and the pains of free will.

If Moss still remains, no more is heard from him.


First Post
OOC:RobotRobotI, does this mean your dropping out, starting a new god or just staying quite for awhile (It'd be a real shame to lose you, you were a good player).

U-DO watched amused as the forces of Endovior drive through the planet, annihilating plantlife as they go. But Endovior fails to notice one thing. The volcano for some reason has not let up its plant defenses. The plants there are stronger, immune to fire, magic resistant, and capable of smiting even the fire elementals with ease. For Endovior, and the rest of the gods, caught up in their ideas of the "now", failed to realize that the volcanic eruption did not just destroy. Natural Selection had taken its course, and those that survived and regrew and were now many times stronger than what the origional inhabitants had been. And so now, a red forest grew, inhabited by fierce, fiery monsters and powerful trees that noone had seen the like of before. Moss and Tocho had given birth to their creations, but it was U-DO who gave them a motivation to evolve. As the red forest grew, U-DO decreed to Moss, "Even if you must go, dear Diety, the way of life shall continue. I shall assure this."


In the wake of the fires came the Undead, their numbers ever-growing and their hatred for the living reaching new bounds. What little plantlife remained protected by U-DO's Evolution could not make enough air for the mortals to breath, and those who could ended up living within it. Jemal saw this, saw the anger and the hatred permeating the entire planet, and opened the book, a book he had taken from Endoviors palace.

"Hatred begets hatred, from now on any soul that dies in anger, in hatred, in Sin, shall be sent to this place and spend the rest of eternity in suffering!" He read a page from the book out loud, arcane powers older than any existance, too powerful even for most gods, and the planet imploded upon itself. But somehow, the forest survived.. The undead survived.. The people survived. They weren't here anymore, but where on other planes of existance, ones Jemal then claimed as his own exclusive domain... HELL, and the plane of Negative Energy, the new source of the power of the Undead.

And so Jemal became not only the god of the Undead, but the God of the Damned.

OOC: I like Jemal as Satan. :D... also extends his 'competition' with Traume for souls.. hehe


RobotRobotI said:
(( We blew up the world.

Moss, the creator of plant life, is gone.

What's there left to do? ))

Theres always the option of creating a new god and a new world (After all there is more than one planet)


First Post
(( And start over from scratch?

No thanks. ))

(Edit: But... of course, Moss can't just leave the world alone. He needs to be worshipped, it's just how he is.)

On the First of the Children, the Third Planet from the First Sun, Moss has returned. This world is seperated into three continents; the northernmost continent, furthest from the sun and enternally frozen. The second and third continents are directly opposite eachother, on opposing sides of the planet, with a thin, long land bridge running along the equater to connect an eastern coast to a western coast.

This pair of twin of continents has already felt Moss's gift, and are covered in forest at the northern and southern reached, forming seamlessly into a sharp jungle along and near the equater.

Moss once again grants his gift of Sentience to this world, but takes a different approach. Rather than create a race of Knowledge [who, as we have seen, have a tendency to be slaughtered by their idiot neighbors], he creates a race of small, expedient creatures, bipedal and humanoid, but without the head; they are leafy and their bodies are covered in slime.

He calls them the vinemen. They will protect the world while the Treants grow from seedlings to return to their former glory.

Any other deity who touches upon this planet will be made aware that Moss will not simply combat outside influence : he will destroy it entirely. Any deities will be able to track the thought imbedded in them to the mass that floats across space; and the suggestion will be placed that they speak to him before interfering.
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