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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


A suffusion of yellow
The Sorrow of Traume Chapter 4 v1 - 22

"1And Traume saw the Light of the Worlds and became enamoured of it,
2and he sought to walk upon the Worlds of Life and to share the beauty that Shara had enfused within them.
3 but even as his feet first struck the ground Death and Entropy came with him
4 the ground began to crumble and the children of Moss were striken and withered -
5 thus was disease and dying brought into the Worlds of Life
6 And even the very light of the suns grew dim in his wake and shadows were cast upon the Worlds
7 - and thus did Winter came upon the Worlds
8 And the hunger of Death caused contention and slaughter to come upon the Worlds of Life

9 And Traume look upon that which he had wrought
10 and he wept knowing that he could not share the beauty of Life without destroying it.
11 Yet even his sorrow would become a curse.
12 The tears of Traume mixed with the Waters of the Worlds, mixing with them, tainting them with his nature,
13 and so death forever lingers in the Worlds of Life
14 and those who sip of the waters of Life will know death

15 and thus did Traume withdraw
16 and he decreed that never would he again enter the Worlds of Life
17 nor let any other bring such destruction as he had wrought.
18 But to those who passed into death becoming spirits he would provide a place for them and keep them in his care.

19 And he appointed Watchers to guard the borders between Worlds and Planes
20 that no evil intent should come upon the Worlds of Life.
21 And he appointed them also to guide those who pass into spirit form
22 that they may come into his care and not fall victim to the shadows and the things unknown

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First Post
I think we need Selaniel to be the "Keeper of Time" who records the order of events. ;)

OOC: <<
Hi Tonguez, good to see you
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer

Two suns, one yellow and one red hang lazily in the new skies of the new worlds as life begins. The yellow sun to be named, Volk, and the red sun to be named Valk, unknowingly by the sentient races, in honor of The Progenitors. The suns formed from the strength of the progenitor's spirits and divine energy in the aftermath of Shara's lifegiving burst. Farther in the distance a faint 3rd star can be seen. But we question how and why.

I had this completed before I noticed your (colindownes/Algennis) post. I think these will mesh well together. We both had 3 suns written.... interesting....
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer

[OOC: I have created a Timeline in Html format. Since we cannot upload HTML files I changed the extension to TXT. You can download it, change the extension from .txt to .htm and then view it]

As life is aflame and starting to grow Shara gains more and more energy - becoming more and more substantial with every passing moment. Motes of light coalesce and wink out at random intervals and small rays of brilliant light burst forth from her wounds and then quickly close as she her form begins to normalize.

Following the The First Transformation of Algennis, Shara smiles to him and nods approvingly. "I am beginning to wonder who rules over light and life. Your changes to my Lifeburst have allowed and brought both." She smiles even broader.

Following The Seeding Shara smiles again "You have brought the first sentient races and life to our existence. Thank you. What is it the is deep within the heart of Failure?

Will you treants grow to other planets so that all sentient species will remember?

A Touch of Trauma passes and Shara travels to Traume's plane "For every beginning there is an end. This is as it was for our Pregenitors, as it will be for us. our time will come to pass, as well. This is the cycle of existence. Do not weep for that which has come. It was necessary. You have ensured that our creations will follow the rules of existence. For that I thank you. Our creations should not be exceptions if we cannot be them ourselves. For them to be exceptions they might grow more powerful than us."

She then turns to K'netan and asks "How do you want your sculptures to manifest? As the element of earth from which they are composed or do you wish them to be the flesh and blood of mortals? She opens her hand and reveals a tiny mote of pulsing light. "Take this, it is a small portion of my life. Use it,as you wish, if you will give life to your works."

Shara then looks to Selanial and Nos and nods. Understanding and acceptance of what will come to pass covers her face as she states "I wonder what will pass with Torrana?"


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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, the Light Bringer

Moss created floura and First of the Progenitor Races of Creation - the Treants.
Traume created the Second of the Progenitor Races of Creation, his Watchers, to act as stewards and gaurdians to the dead and his newly created realm far from the Worlds of Life.

Shara created 12 points of light and imbued them with wisdom, light, and life. The points flared and flashed a light so brilliant and blinding that had her body not covered the rest of existence from the glare it may have immolated it. All that was may have been undone in a single moment. The points burned white hot and slowly grew in size to that of a small sun.

The flames burned down after a long while to reveal a huge charred eggs, some 20 feet in a mortal's height. The smell of smoke and ozone was ripe in the moment. The massive eggs burned with an internal flame and waves of heat could be seen pulsing from the blackened shells, reddening in places where the egg wore thin.

Eight of the eggs began to shudder and crack. Beams of white light and flames begin to seep out from cracked shells. The, now violently suddering, shells cracked even more and began pulse red faster and faster. Heat rolling off in waves. Voom! Light and heat flashes and are gone in an instant. What remains of the shell seems to be a orange, red, yellow, and white feathered 'egg'.

Moments pass and the feathered eggs begin to move in places and begin to unfold themselves to reveal a large, majestic multihued birds with divine flames being emitted from it. Eyes that are a pure white light show wisdom, and life. Their plummage is crimsom at the edge of the wings and towards the legs and moving its way from orange, yellow and white. White flames lick and dance from its wings, feathers and talons. The eight birds look to Shara, nod and fly away crossing the nothingness to the 7 planets and the last one heads to the faint star. Phaenix, The Children of Shara, have been born and will watch over and assist the sentient races as they form and evolve.

Shara, in a manner similar to Traume, creates a realm of her own from which to watch and rest. She moves the 4 remaining eggs there to keep them safe until they are needed. In her new domain, named Zhyreus, the Phaenix eggs shall be safe.
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First Post
Moss, Lord of Plantae

Shara's words travel across space and time, through the empty void that is marred only by three suns and infinite planets. Moss' response comes slowly, and it is only after the birth of the Phaenix that Shara would hear again from him.

As his words travel, all hear them. The Treants look to the sky. The Failure growls in it's pit of a planet.

The moss grows across the barrens of his Testament and Children.

With each word, his worlds grow more alive. Now, from the reaches of space, they are no longer grey and orange masses ; they are like eyes with pupils of green.



Moss's words are life for the Testament, and the Treants grow.

And in growing, come to understand.


Moss' lack of speech regarding Failure is a stronger statement than any words could create.


First Post
FreeXenon said:
She then turns to K'netan and asks "How do you want your sculptures to manifest? As the element of earth from which they are composed or do you wish them to be the flesh and blood of mortals? She opens her hand and reveals a tiny mote of pulsing light. "Take this, it is a small portion of my life. Use it,as you wish, if you will give life to your works."

K'netan is concerned that "life" may ruin the purity of his creations. Then he thinks of one of his masterpeices. The only one K'netan grudgingly admits that Algennis' touch improved. Algennis gave this scuplture wings to fly.

K'netan decides, with how much it has already changed, he can accept it changing further. So K'netan gives live to The First Dragon


Jemal: The Abomination, Unatural. The first being to be 'touched' by Traume's presence, The first to die, and also the first to arise again, no longer dead but no longer living. He had become a perversion of life. Some say he was brought back by the Twister, seeking to 'create', some say it was an accident, others say predestination.

Jemal says it doesn't matter, that there will be more like him.
"Death is inevitable thanks to Traume.. UNdeath, however, will be my gift to those who deserve more."


First Post
As Valkrath and Volkath battled for thousands of years, the fabric of the universe become torn and distorted. After the two gods slayed each other, A new series of gods arose and brought to the universe the gift of creation, rebuidling that which had been destroyed and bringing life back into the universe. And so the balance of things had begun to restore itself, and the pain which the universe had felt over thousands of years of battle began to subside into peace, followed by determination. Never again would the balance of the universe be so horribly desturbed. And a being began to form. The messenger for life and existence itself, and the bringer of balance into the universe. He would be known as U-DO, the Essence of Existence. This new-formed god, representing Karma and Balance, began to watch the other gods warily, prepared to make sure they would not impact the universe itself in any large negative way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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