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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara (the Light Bringer, Goddess of Light, Wisdom and Life)

Shara smiles as she watches the birth of humans and the animals with a maternal joy. The evolution and utility of Traume's Watchers has not seen its end. She takes one of the Guardians of the Children of Moss and grants it a will of its own, similar to that of the humans. They will be children of the forest and animals, and its keepers. The Second Mortal Borne race, the Aelvs, are borne. Shara grants to them some of her wisdom and grants them the will to watch over the Plantae and Beasts, and Magic. Warring when needed to keep the balance and protect it.

The Aelves live in harmony with the Beasts and Plantae, taking what they need and replacing what they take. They go forth in small numbers to learn magic (arcane and divine) and take it back to their hidden forest homes. They watch on as the humans war, seeing the destruction from war and fire, and begin to worry. If they war with themselves they will also war with us. We must prepare to defend our homes and the Plantae from the damage that comes from humans and their warring.

Shara plants the seeds in their beings to serve Moss, Selanial, and Shara first, then U-Do, Tocho, and Toranna. She also plants the seed to encourage combatting those of Endovior and Jemal.
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OOC: Endovior/periculum, you guys haven't been playing close attention have you? I only have ONE Avatar. This unholy bloodbath you send against my followers can't exist, because there is only the radiation elemental hidden in the sun. I will also point out that this elemental was born of the explosion that birthed Endovior into this world and is probably strong enough in its own right to annihilate your smaller magical beings with ease (take into account that Endovior could not stop the explosive force, but mearly delay it). Also, my actions were clearly stated as an act to bring reality, and not vengeance. I did spare many of the followers and aided in their regrowth. But please, feel free to try your little vendetta. Just try to do it a little more accuratly if you will. Nobody worships U-DO.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara (the Light Bringer, Goddess of Light, Wisdom and Life)

A great creature of forged of molten rock and the souls of the mortal dead swells and bursts forth from the godling forged volcano to seek vengance on U-DO. It is joined shortly by the Wolves of Vengance. As they meet they understand each others duty and they understand that they are not neccesarily allies, but neither are they enemies at the moment for they have a common enemy to hunt.

As the creatures understand this a great white flame bursts forth from the ground in front of them and accompanied by a rumbling and piercing screech that resonates into their very beings. From the flames emerges a great bird of white flame and crimson feather. A Phaenix stands before you of a size that dwarfs any of the creatures present. Its wings fan out and heat rolls forth from the white flames licking from its being, The flames that roil forth, being neither being hot or harmful, dance in the wake of its opening wings. Its wings are wide and seem to obscure anything beyond it and all that seems to exist is the Phaenix as its prescence seems to pull you in. Its white luminecent eyes scrutinize you and know your meaning. A voice emantes from the creature to the Avatars of Vengance

"Balance has been achieved by those that warred - for many of those that warred are dead. War is its own equalizer, as those that practice it shall be culled or will grow stronger.

Magic is a tool to be used by those that would. It has its own balance. Those that use it are not so strong and it takes long to master. The mortals that use it to their advantage should not be punished, no more than they should be punsihed for using wood and metal to hunt and fire to cook.

This is finished. The only imbalance is that of the Godling's who have acted here.

The great Phaenix looks through the Avatars of Vengance to their Godling creators Endovior and Tocho, and then its gaze falls upon the Volcano and looks through it to U-Do. The Phaenix's great form immolates and the flame goes out as quickly as it sparked up and all is quiet. The Avatars of Vengance are left in the silence to make a decision.

[OOC: Updated timeline enclosed: Again, download the file, change the extension from .TXT to .HTML, and then view with your favorite browser.]


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First Post
War brings death, and bodies litter the forest. Long times pass, and still the bodies lay, unmoving, dead. Moss takes council with his most knowledgable creation, the Treants, and shares with them the newest change. And so, of the greatest treants, a single one is removed of it's leaves, cut down to the size of a man, and made soft.

Moss apologizes for the removal of what is the hallmark of the plantae, but promises them that they are just as important to him as any of the green life; he names the first of the race Fungus, Devourer of Corpses, Father of a Thousand Sons. As Fungus takes sustenance from the first of the dead humans, he sheds spores for hundreds of thousands of sons. From now on, no corpse shall be left without rotting.

U-Do brings forth his mountains and volcanos, to serve a warning for the human magic users.

He sees plants as nothing more than landscape, and wreaks havoc on the Plantae that, for a time, sheltered the humans on either side of the war. This unacceptable; Moss decries that any arcane power used by his children, the Plantae, shall name them heretics of the forest, and they shall be banned forever from the forest, to die in the dry wastes.

So it comes to past that the First of The Progenitor Races, the First of the Sentients, the Treants, mark all Arcane Knowledge heresy.

The Humans that abuse the power shall be sent over the Great Mountain, to the empty wasteland, to fend for themselves. So it comes to pass that, after a long struggle, the Tribe of the Magi find themselves exiled to the Great Waste, a land of no life and no water, to eek out an existance alone. Unfortunately, the magics they have abused are purely destructive in nature. Perhaps they shall find strength again in Divinity ; perhaps they shall die off.
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First Post
ooc: What? Endovior did nothing of the sort. U-DO was responsible for the eruption.
EDIT: Since some people seem to be responding to such, note that Endovior's vengeance is taking place on a more subtle level now, as U-DO lacks followers to slay (which I didn't notice). Instead of gross physical vengeance (an impossibility, it seems), he's scattering Artifacts around.
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First Post
ooc: hmm, forgot that U-Do only had one avatar. and now revealed no followers either. hmm, so nothing to strike out against.

"Shara is indeed the goddess of wisdom. All of her points are accurate, including the fact that magic is a tool whose use should not be punished. U-Do wronged when he punished the magi for their ability to overpower and destroy their opponents, such as the lion does to the lamb. This can not go unpunished, the magi had earned their place in the world. However, I will curb open hostilities for the moment." Thence my hounds ceased their fruitless search for a prey nonexistent, and were set upon the new task of tracking U-Do himself to keep him in line. Though no match for the deity, the hounds would still privide early warning, and possibly delay any transgressions attempted by the god.

"I whole heartedly support mosses decree. For he niether punishes the magi's abilities nor their accomplishments. rather he is punishing their transgressions against his creations, under the presumption that magic is bad for plants. and most, most! importantly, he is using his own followers to inflict the punishment, rather than calling down deific vengeance. Thus, his plantae followers, vs my magi followers, how could I, the god of competition, frown upon this?"

The rampant spread of magic among humans was thus curtailed, though not erradicated. Many humans not banished by the creatures of Moss still practiced the art, but with facing volcanoes and angry plants and such, did not focus on it so much. This pleased Tocho, as the art of magic should neither be ignored nor be all consuming.
These people, spurred by their competitive and independent nature, quickly advanced, and soon city states began to emerge. (ooc: don't know how everyone wants to progress with nations, but introductions have been made into the concept.)

The refugee magi wandering through the desert became more and more dependent upon their magics for survival. Many perished, knowing only destructive spells that aided them little in the harsh landscape. But some survived, and soon began to regroup and rebuild, with the power granted by Endovior, and began to plot revenge against the plants, and possibly the gods themselves. (ooc: Endovior, these people worship you more than me anymore, feel free to direct them as you please.)


First Post
Endovior, feeling sympathy for his followers, driven from their lands, sends them an Artifact of his own design, the Chest of Countless Relics. Within is the Decanter of Endless Water, and a note.

"Each day, this chest will produce a new magic item. Though you are weak now, eventually your power will grow. Use the items this chest grants wisely, and strike when the time is right; for if you do this, you shall eventually gain the victory."

And it is as Endovior claimed; and the tribe slowly increases in power.


First Post
U-DO approaches the great Phaenix. While your points are valid on many levels, you have neglected the actual source and reason for my actions. The fact that the magical tribe used magic, or even that they used it for war means nothing to me. The fact that they used this power to massacre the non-magic using tribe is what brought forth my actions. And balance is not the only intention of this either. You see, since they crushed the non-magic users, they may just figure that they themselves are too powerful to be affected by death. I have shown them that since they have killed, it is only balance that they too shal be killed. War is only a balancer if BOTH sides take losses, but in this case it was one sided. Now as for the plants that were killed, this is a balancing act as well. Moss declared that the humans should be forced to kill the animals, and not the plants, in exchange for the plant sevices. He and his plants decided to become a force of death, and therefore are now too entwined in its ever repeating cycle. The last thing I will point out, too all who would care, is that this was a lesson and warning. My destruction was not absolute, as it could have been, and I left the seeds of life to take their place in the cycle of death, the rebirth.

OOC: for those who do not know, the reason why I picked a volcano is because after a volcano erupts, the land becomes EXTREMELY fertile. This is why so many cities and forests are actually located near volcanos in the first place. Just figured you might wanna know so you can see I'm actually helping out life as well as causing death.

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