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EverQuest d20 starter module


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Hi everyone, I don't think the game has many players these days, but I've created a very basic starter module for the EverQuest d20 game and posted it on Media Fire. There is a color version and a black and white version. I finally have a small group who is interested in playing EQ and I wanted to test my skills in module making (which I haven't done in well over ten years). Even if you don't play, feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. Even if you think it sucks (not EQ, the adventure), what changes could be made to benefit it, etc. Remember, it is for a small group that haven't used d20 mechanics before so I wanted it to be short and kind of basic. Thanks all!

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Oops, looking back I think I put this in the wrong thread. Sorry guys, I am new here and I made my first mistake, lol! If the mods need to move it, I understand.


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Nice, I'm an EQ fan as well. =) Although I thought it was amusing you used EQ1 photos instead of EQ2. =P

The module as written is rather railroad-y. However, after thinking about it I think this is good thing for a module intended for new RPGers. But if you want your future modules to have broader appeal, you might want to starting thinking about pieces of your module as "interesting sites" (Gahh I don't want to say "points of light") rather than a straightjacket story chain where you go from A to B to C.

Another thing to remember is that brevity is the soul of wit. There's a lot of un-necessary sentence fragments in there, such as:
It shouldn’t happen, but if the
heroes fail their rolls, they can’t roll again
for another hour. This is highly unlikely, but
you never know.

(Not to pick on a certain part of the text, this is just one of many examples)

Also sorta in-line with this, I think the module is a bit too heavy on the scripted location and event descriptions. That sort of stuff can be easily made up on the fly; what I tend to look for are the things that I want in my campaign, but take up a lot of time to think of and balance. Examples include: monster tactics, NPC/group motivations and conflicts, dynamic events that occur while the PCs are adventuring, alternate adventure paths (so there's not simply one railroad to get to the end), and most importantly....maps and stat blocks.

I do think your adventure is great for new RPGers though. If you make more of them, please continue the thread =)


First Post
Knight, thanks for the reply. I used EQ1 pics because that's all I play, but also because they give a feel for the world we are playing in.

I agree with everything you said. I think hearing it from someone else rather than from my head helped put it in to focus. The module is intentionally rail-roady. I want to keep it short and to the point. Not so much as a complete rp'ing event, but more of getting familiar with some of the more basic mechanics. Hopefully that will work out well. I am defenitely going to have to work on getting rid of the railroad aspect of my writing style though, lol.

Another thing I noticed but for some reason have a problem with is keeping my sentences down to a normal length. I tend to draw all of my sentences out too much. I hate that about my writing stye. :)

I really appreciate the feedback. This is the first RPG adventure I have tried to write in over 10 years. I thought it turned out ok, but the more feedback I get (good or bad), the better it will turn out. And the better I will do in the future. Thanks again, and I want to get MORE feedback from you guys!

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