'Everything Is a Story' Inside Wyrmwood Gaming's Narcissistic Funhouse

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I was in the market for a gaming table a couple of years ago and did some looking around and found wyrmwood and then their video series. It was their own published videos that made me decide against using them. People in the article call wyrmlife propaganda - man, it failed in my case. I cannot imagine anyone who has worked with wood or in manufacturing watching wyrmlife and thinking it is a well run company.

A few years ago I made a game table (lots of lessons learned there lol) for a friend. Maybe I should start selling them lol. (ignore the legs, they were just temp in this photo)


Yes... but they don't pay very well, and that person was off work for a time while incurring medical bills. Can they afford the suit?

We will find out- per the article, the lawsuit is already filed. Because OF COURSE IT WAS.

You never terminate someone returning from injury. To me, that's yet another red flag of an incredibly poorly-run company.

Yes... but they don't pay very well, and that person was off work for a time while incurring medical bills. Can they afford the suit?
I don't know about the particular state laws there, but here in Oregon we have BOLI which will handle those complaints for you. Most states have something similar.

Any by serious injury, I meant permanent, like losing fingers, or serious, like breaking a hip from tablesaw kickback--something you need a hospital for. Things like this (it's ballistic gel, not actual body parts so it's largely SFW)


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