'Everything Is a Story' Inside Wyrmwood Gaming's Narcissistic Funhouse


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
And what's worse, is the guy decided to film himself making these comments about sexism, OSHA, HR, etc. Talk about making it easy for the judge.
You would really hope so. The narcissism, the inability to dummy up, should get them. But, I've been disappointed too many times in recent years to be overly optimistic about open/shut cases.

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Biological Disaster
And what's worse, is the guy decided to film himself making these comments about sexism, OSHA, HR, etc. Talk about making it easy for the judge.
Codega mentioned seeing at least one unedited video that was supplied to them, so theoretically if it does go to court whoever provided it to them may be able to prevent any attempts by the higher ups to hide the evidence.


If you ended up buying one and don't mind saying, who did you end up buying a table from? My wife and I've talked about it on and off, but Wyrmwood is the only company we're aware of.
I got a Hammered game table. I actually just picked it up over the weekend. It was well worth the wait.
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Echoing & amplifying that.

I’m interested in some of that kind of stuff, but realistically, not likely to buy any in the near future. But knowing of quality alternatives- and boosting their signal- would undoubtedly help me and other po customers find them.
For a more economical option I bought a Jasper from Board Game Tables some years back. We use it as a dining room table, and it’s held up nicely.

Voidrunner's Codex

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