D&D 5E Exclusive Spells?


Lord of the Hidden Layer
I like the idea 'my character has special training, and I have access to this special spell.' Keep the lists short, like Paladin Oath spells. The spells might do something unusual, like being an exception to the rule. (Fiendish Form: You gain the resistances common to fiends. You look fiendish. Runs out in 1 minute.) The spells might be from a 3e source. And be sure the special spells are not so much better than normal spells that every other spellcaster you meet would want to steal your copy for themselves.

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Elder Thing
One of my major gripes with 5e magic is it's all-in nature. That's part of why the warlock is my favorite caster, too; it has some of its own spells, each patron grants access to different ones, and is not allowed a bunch of other common magicks.

We are working on a "true specialist" variant for an upcoming product, and I think it works very well. Playtesters have expressed enthusiasm for it and it makes the different wizard specializations really feel different form one another.

We will see how it develops but hopes are high.

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