Excursion to Gronar's Tomb (Full)

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Tym Human Bard

Tym follows Jem, glad to be moving away from the burning rats. He shouts to those of his companions still behind him, "Come on there is no glory in facing down a hoard of rats, let us be away and try again after they pass."


You notice that the combination of the burning oil trap and Grotz's Burning Hands spell killed about half of the swarm. The swarm reconfigures itself into a different form.The whole party retreats from the rat swarm, but the rats keep coming.

Round 3

The remaining rats make a double move to get through the fire. The burning oil does:

d4 = 3

points of fire damage to them. Here is where you stand as of that point of round 3.


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Tym Human Bard

As they make haste away from the rat swarm Tym hands Kamvul a flask of alchemist's fire. "Be a good fellow and drop this over your shoulder and perhaps a few more of those vermin will choose to cook themselves."


OOC: I'm assuming that you will repeat your pattern (retreat, burn the rats...). If there is any problem, I can edit of course ;).

You continue to strategically withdraw, with the rats in hungry pursuit. Tym hands a flask of alchemist fire over to Kamvul, pours its content on the floor. The swarm runs through the fire taking 3 points of damage. The rats disperse in random directions, giving up on their targets. The corridor reeks of burning rats, but you have survived.


Face ghostly pale, Jem tries to make a hurried retreat, away from the current of rodents. Finally she registers Tym's voice behind her, "Jem ... uh, Jem ... hey, JEM!! You can stop running now - Look! They're going away!"

She returns to her companions, unable to completely hide the telltale blush of embarassed shame from her face. "umm... I guess my tactics worked? put fear into their hearts ... or something?" she says with a sidelong glance.


Tym Human Bard

Tym takes a few steps down the corridor to Jem and hugs her supportively with one arm, "You were brilliant as always dear lady; your tactics were exactly in accord with my own ideas and we have successfully routed them." After a brief moment he releases her, "shall we continue to our target." He pulls out a handkerchief and covers his nose and mouth trying in vane to block out the terrible stench.


Grotzkoshter hold his breath and takes several unburned rat's tails and ears and puts them in a little jar.
For my spell research he says and smiles to them.
Let's continue


OOC: Lady and gentlemen, today's update :).

After killing the rat swarm, you retrace your steps back to where you were, and then continue on. After you travel about 400 feet more down this tunnel, it comes to a T intersection. According to your map, Gronar's tomb is to the right, but in the intersection you see an interesting sight. It looks like a group of adventurers fought some skeletons, and the adventurers lost. On the ground is a half-elf in banded mail, a human in robes, and a warforged with a wooden shield and a scimitar. There are bones scattered all over the place.


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