Critical Role EXU: Calamity Discussion (Spoilers)


B/X Known World
The thing that had me start thinking in this direction was the name of the city: Avalir. Does it remind you of anything? It reminds me of Avalon, from Arthurian Mythos. If that was an inspiration for the name, it could have huge significance. Some of those Arthurian legends feature a wounded King Arthur being taken to Avalon to recover ... and waiting there to return to save Britain in the future.
There’s also the Savalir Wood. Names that close don’t tend to be happenstance in constructed worlds.

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The Age of Arcanum produced a surprising number of floating cities. IIRC before EXU: Calamity began we knew of Aeor, Draconia, and Zemniaz, all three of which have been destroyed. Now we have Avalir, which itself originated from a heretofore unknown continent called Domunas (though this could possibly be an archaic name for Wildemount, perhaps, just as Tal'dorei is known in this time as Gwessar).

BTW, wasn't it mentioned that Aabria's character was hypothesizing about plane shifting the city already? Perhaps the party could possibly end up sending Avalir to another plane (or even another Material Plane world) hopefully with less disastrous consequences than Aeor.

I think spending so much time on character introductions was... maybe not the right choice for a 4 episode run. But it's something Brennan normally does for his D20 games, so it's no surprise it happens here. On the positive side, it really gave us an in-depth look into how several (but not all) of the characters normally behave in their day-to-day lives, so there was merit to the choice even if I would have made a different choice at my own table.

It was an excellent episode overall. It's further proof that Brennan is a beast when it comes to quick improv comedy, and he managed to do a great job on the more somber and tragic tones. I got chills when he described Pelor, asked "whom did we betray", and posed the simple question of what lies above when the stars are beneath you.


TW, wasn't it mentioned that Aabria's character was hypothesizing about plane shifting the city already? Perhaps the party could possibly end up sending Avalir to another plane (or even another Material Plane world) hopefully with less disastrous consequences than Aeor.
They've mentioned both planar travel and time travel, but in roundabout ways.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I’d guess this is likely a scripted live play.
I very doubt it. Mulligan is all about improv, in and outside of D&D, and this sort of short story is what he does for a living, over at dimension20.

D20 seasons are about 12 episodes, 2 hours each, so this isn’t even outside his comfort zone.

They just built characters as a group, knowing enough of what is coming to aim toward interesting conflicts and such, and are all very good at this.

As for the idea that it won’t be a good intro to D&D, I couldn’t disagree more. Short campaigns with a specific theme in a somewhat geographically constrained setting are an excellent way to get into the game.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I think spending so much time on character introductions was... maybe not the right choice for a 4 episode run. But it's something Brennan normally does for his D20 games, so it's no surprise it happens here. On the positive side, it really gave us an in-depth look into how several (but not all) of the characters normally behave in their day-to-day lives, so there was merit to the choice even if I would have made a different choice at my own table.
He doesn’t normally do that, no. He often introduces one or two characters at a time, but it’s rarely that in depth. If I were running a similar game, I’d probably do the same. Not in a normal game, but here I think it’s nearly 100% the right choice. Necessary, even.


He doesn’t normally do that, no. He often introduces one or two characters at a time, but it’s rarely that in depth. If I were running a similar game, I’d probably do the same. Not in a normal game, but here I think it’s nearly 100% the right choice. Necessary, even.

Yes, here it's necessary because it's for an audience (if it wasn't there could have been individual sessions or even over email). But the game is introducing these characters to the viewers - as they are Wholey new.

Fortunately Brenan is pretty good at juggling that sort of thing. Though he did, very mildly, express a bit of frustration that after he'd gotten the whole group together they go and split into several different directions again.


Jedi Master
BTW, wasn't it mentioned that Aabria's character was hypothesizing about plane shifting the city already? Perhaps the party could possibly end up sending Avalir to another plane (or even another Material Plane world) hopefully with less disastrous consequences than Aeor.
Yes, and she specifically asked the question if the Solar bow would function as tuning fork for the plane shift spell before running back to the engine room at the end of the episode. Combined with the massive surge in lay line activity, seems like they'll have a chance to shift the city somewhere to try and protect it from the Calamity.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yes, here it's necessary because it's for an audience (if it wasn't there could have been individual sessions or even over email). But the game is introducing these characters to the viewers - as they are Wholey new.
I would never do that via email. That sounds terrible, and solo sessions sounds only slightly less terrible. The character emerges via play. In how the player chooses to respond to this or that input, at the table, with the other players.
Fortunately Brenan is pretty good at juggling that sort of thing. Though he did, very mildly, express a bit of frustration that after he'd gotten the whole group together they go and split into several different directions again.
I wouldn’t even take that too seriously. His main game features regular moments of razzing and crap talking, often just as a form of vamping.

Voidrunner's Codex

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