Critical Role EXU: Calamity Discussion (Spoilers)


...One thing I have considered is that there is a chance that the PCs might save Avalir from the Calamity. They might be destined for a tragedy - but they may end up with a choice of tragedies.

There were attempts to save the people of Aeor that failed. What if they succeed here? What if they send Avalir to another plane using Threshold Stones, move it forward in time with Dunamancy, or otherwise keep it intact so that the city, in all of its glory, can return to the modern Exandria? ...
A very distinct reference to the ability to move the city to another plane was made this week, as well as a discussion of time at the start of the 'vision' at the end of the session "You are in another time, andother plane...."

I think we'll know what happens to Avalir before the end of episode 3. They said it would not make it back to Melora's Grasp (land) and they're in the process of landing.

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Comedic Speculation:

City starts falling and plane shifts. Arrive in Mount Celestia. Immediately greeted by Border Patrol asking to see their paperwork. No paperwork? City is plane shifted back over the future Savalir Woods.


Jedi Master
So much love for Mulligan's portrayal of Asmodeus in episode 2. That scene between him and Xersus(?) was just incredible.

And was excited to hear mention that people all over the world are trying to take advantage of this period of magical convergence to do big things. Reinforces the idea that what is going on in EXU is about these specific characters and their choices and at this point, and I'm not sure if they are trying to stop the apocalypse or start it! My best guess at this point is that their actions will determine the fate of Avalir specifically, which is currently unknown in the existing lore.

I do wonder if Threshold Crest technology is known about at this point in the timeline. I wonder if Avalir could become an object lesson to others about what happens if you try and plane shift something that big without them...

Whether or not the Calamity is averted is not the adventure. That's the background.

Whether or not the city of Avril crashes is the adventure. That hasn't been determined. It is known that flying cities crashed, but we only know of one, and that's Aeor (I think). They won't be trying to save the world, but the city, their families, that which they care about. I think at this point the characters have all the agency they need.

(And it seems that Ep.2 is out)


Whether or not the Calamity is averted is not the adventure. That's the background.

Whether or not the city of Avril crashes is the adventure. That hasn't been determined. It is known that flying cities crashed, but we only know of one, and that's Aeor (I think). They won't be trying to save the world, but the city, their families, that which they care about. I think at this point the characters have all the agency they need.

(And it seems that Ep.2 is out)

Zemniaz crashed as well, giving the Zemni fields their name, and I think Kethesk partially crashed before the remnants became Draconia and crashed later. Those two plus Aeor are the only flying cities we had heard of before this series added Avalir and Lathras (the city Aeor is planning to run a weapons test on).

Zemniaz crashed as well, giving the Zemni fields their name, and I think Kethesk partially crashed before the remnants became Draconia and crashed later. Those two plus Aeor are the only flying cities we had heard of before this series added Avalir and Lathras (the city Aeor is planning to run a weapons test on).
Okay. But as far as I know, the question of Avril crashing, landing and not taking off again, or taking off and then crashing is still open.

Or, I could be wholly wrong. Even so, I would still argue at this point that we haven't seen anything severely limiting player agency. But, we'll see, I guess.

Okay. But as far as I know, the question of Avril crashing, landing and not taking off again, or taking off and then crashing is still open.

Or, I could be wholly wrong. Even so, I would still argue at this point that we haven't seen anything severely limiting player agency. But, we'll see, I guess.
There is a fallen city near the Savalir Woods that is still full of creepy things to this day. The elves called it Molaesmyr. We know the forest rot originates from there, it resembles a similar forest rot in Aeor, and that the elvish word for "Guilt" is Savalir.

We don't know if Molaesmyr is Avalir, but both are fallen cities, the elven word for guilt is awfully similar, and having a weapon similar to Aeor would put them around the same tech level.


Jedi Master
There is a fallen city near the Savalir Woods that is still full of creepy things to this day. The elves called it Molaesmyr. We know the forest rot originates from there, it resembles a similar forest rot in Aeor, and that the elvish word for "Guilt" is Savalir.

We don't know if Molaesmyr is Avalir, but both are fallen cities, the elven word for guilt is awfully similar, and having a weapon similar to Aeor would put them around the same tech level.
Molaesmyr 'fell' long after the Calamity, though. It was a thriving elven city post divergence. It's possible that Molaesmyr was the 'Throne' portion of Avalir, or built on the ruins of that part of the city. It's suggested that Molaesmyr caused the turning of the Savalir wood because the elves there were experimenting with powerful magics.


Jedi Master
It does Matt credit that people can discuss the lore of his campaign with such interest.
It certainly does. I'm fairly deep into it mostly because I used the EGtW as the setting for my last campaign, and Molaesmyr became a big part of Tier III and IV (though I filled in a lot of details, as there are only a couple of vague paragraphs about it in the CS).

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