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Eyes Of The Lich Queen


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Noting how the other Lizardmen disapeared Aern decided to follow suit and change the color of his skin to match his surroundings. Though the song did not stop. Aerndel drifted off the path and into the forest in hopes to assist Rogan again as his help seemed to distract his opponent enough for Rogan to really make the simple attack count.

ooc: Standard action to use his shapechange and move into position.

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Jango will move foward (to M9, as long as he is outside a zone of silence). He will cast a magic missile at the first lizardfolk he see. If there is many in sight, he will take a wounded one. If none are in sight, he will ready his action and as soson as one appear, he will cast his spell.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ari curses. Three of lizards had vanished, and not a one amongst them had the area artillery of his native Aundair. He'd leave the last of the known living to rest, it was his turn to flush out some prey.

OOC: Move to C8; Spot check.


First Post
Caught up in the rush of the battle, Jina breaks away from the lizard as she sees Ari cleave into it and realizes that it must surely be done for. She makes for the archers' position, concerned that - whistle or no whistle - they might start calling for help if they were given the opportunity.

As soon as she starts moving she realizes that she can no longer see them, but she carries on anyway. They can't have got far. She strains her eyes, trying to make them out, but reasoning also that even if she can't then the aura of Silence around her should be enough to stop them calling out.

[sblock=OOC] Spot Check at +1 to sight one or other of the archers as she makes for their position.[/sblock]


The group sees all three lizardfolk not currently engaged in battle duck down and behind the large trees in the area. With their attempts to hide, the expanse of undergrowth, and the dimness of the night sky, it is difficult for everyone to get a bead on them. Hopefully they haven't moved too far away.

[sblock=Encounter A2 - Jungle Attack: Round 2]
Initiative Order:
23 Rogan
17 Jina
17 Horatio
16 Lizard L1
13 Khalia
12 Ari
12 Aern
6 Lizards L2, L3, L5
5 Jango

Inspire Courage: Rogan, Aern, Horatio, Khalia, Jango: +2 to hit & damage
Bless: Jina, Horatio, Khalia, Ari, Aern: +1 to hit & saves vs. fear


Rogan gives the lizardfolk who failed to hit him a smile as he counter-attacks with both daggers, not bothering to wait for Aern to arrive to help flank. The first swing catches on a bush and misses, but the second one finds purchase and the lizardfolk gurgles once and then drops.

(Attack Dagger on L2: AC 17 + 2 undergrowth = 19 / Conceal 1d5 [1] *miss*)

(Attack Dagger on L2: AC 17 + 2 undergrowth = 19 / Conceal 1d5 [5] *hit*: [12] + 6 + 2 courage = 20 *hit* / [3] = 3 damage *dead*)

The rogue steps over the body to move closer to where the other enemies used to be. (5' step to G11)

Jina sees the hexblade hunter drop the lizard next to her, and she immediately turns to try and find any of the other ones. She does manage to spot the one that was directly across from her, his rear end sticking out a bit from behind the tree. (Spot check: [9] + 1 = 10 *success for L3 only*) She immediately charges across the trail at him with her thinblade poised and catches the creature in his abdomen with a critical success! The speed of her thrust goes right through the creature, and he drops easily and silently.

(Attack Thinblade on L3: AC 17 + 2 undergrowth = 19 / Conceal 1d5 [3] *hit*: [19] + 10 + 1 bless + 2 charge = 27 *hit* / Confirm [9] + 10 + 1 bless + 2 charge = 22 *crit* / [6] + 4 + [2] + 4 = 16 damage *dead*)

Horatio sprints across the field, intending to move around his Wind Wall. But with the heavy wind blowing the bushes, branches and leaves all over the place, he is unable to see any of the lizardfolk who tried to hide.

(Double Move action to O5) (Spot check: [1] + 3 = 4 *failure*)

The lizardman to the north has ducked somewhere into the bushes and with the silenced area around him, the group cannot tell where he is or if he's moving. You do luck out in that wherever he is, he hasn't been able to use the signal whistle yet. Either he's still within the silenced area, or he's just not using it for some reason.

Khalia stays where she is, but keeps her eyes peeled for any of the lizardfolk that tried to hide. She glances by the far west tree and through the windy, waving limbs and leaves, she not only sees Jina attack and kill one of the lizards, she sees the other one standing next to him. She immediately calls out where that second one is.

(Spot check: [13] + 2 = 15 *success for L3/L5 only*)

Ari and Onyx see Jina scamper off westerly to deal with the two lizards that he sees are still over there, and he knows that where she goes, her Silenced area will go too. Thus he decides to take care of the one to the north who not only had a whistle out, but was inside an unmoving silence bubble. He hops onto the trail and moves forward with his companion trailing behind... but his keen hunter eyes are still unable to spot the lizardfolk within the bushes.

(Spot check: [16] + 0 = 16 *success for L3/L5 only*)

With the death of the lizardfolk at Rogan's hands, Aern realizes that all that remains is to find the missing ones. He turns around and sees the two lizardfolk over by Jina, but can't spot the one with the whistle. (Spot check: [12] + 0 = 12 *success for L3/L5 only*) With action all happening around him and no need to help Rogan to flank anymore, he decides on his next action.

As he watches his compatriot get struck down right before his eyes by the young elf girl as well as become completely perplexed why the loud rushing sound of the wind has ceased, the lizardman realizes it's time to defend himself. He immediately drops his longbow and pulls a longsword off his belt. (Move action) His mouth makes the motions of a battle shout, and catches the girl lightly across her arm.

(Attack Longsword on Gina: AC 21 + 2 undergrowth - 2 charge = 21 / Conceal 1d5 [2] *hit*: [17] + 5 = 22 *hit* / [2] + 1 = 3 damage *lightly hurt*)

Jango tries to move through the underbrush, but realizes it isn't as easy as he first thought. He looks in the direction Khalia points to find the lizardman in battle with Jina, and he cuts across and behind her to give him the best angle in which to fire another set of force missiles. (Move action to Q10) He motions and mutters and then like last time, three energy balls fly out towards the lizard behind the tree, nailing him from behind and killing him instantly.

(Cast Empowered Magic Missile: [1] + 1 empower + [4] + 2 empower + [4] + 2 empower + 3 = 17 damage *dead*)

With all the lizards dead except for the one that had the all-important whistle... the group immediately goes in search for the elusive one in the bushes.



Aern still has his Round 2 action to decide on, since his original idea of flanking the lizardfolk was not necessary. The others can all decide what they want to do and where they move in Round 3 in hopes of finding the remaining lizardfolk with the whistle.


First Post
Jango will move in direction of the road and ready again a magic missile to shoot at the last lizardfolk as soon as he get it in sight.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Spell left: 6/5/5[/SBLOCK]


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Aern stopps singing and rushes at a low crouch toward the underbrush (enter underbrush at E6 or so and swing wide and around north) in an attempt to find the missing Lizardfolk while he still looked like one. Doing his best to hide he skulks into the underbrush and into the unmoving area of silence

[sblock=ooc] While looking a Poison Dusk Aern is looking for the other one even if he stumbles over the creature, at the moment in the silence he will be using his 15 disguise and his 9 bluff to convince the hiding Poison Dusk that he is an ally.[/sblock]


First Post
Jina is flushed with success and the adrenaline still pumping around her veins, but the actions of her companion soon make her realize that one of the Lizards must still be unfound. She follows after them, squinting vainly into the jungle.

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