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Fallen World (Mature, Dark)


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Nephtys said:
[sblock]ooc: So the real Canthan is still standing by the gate, and the living guard is in the middle of the melee on the gate-wards side of the wall. (?)[/sblock]
Yes... At least I hope so.

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Y sister
O sister

Ysande steps back in surprise when the wall cuts her off from the battle. Unable to affect the situation directly she waits for one of the others to do something to remove the obstacle. (delays her initiative until last in the round)
William obliges her unspoken wish, smashing his wooden staff into the wall repeatedly, leaving not a scratch on the magical weapon, but creating a five foot breach in the wall.
On the other side of the wall Big enters the battle, charging in like a primal force of nature, mauling the elven warmage with three mighty swings of his axe. (she's down 94 hps) She looks at him in horror and even as she evades his savage bite to her face, gasping in pain.
Kaj steps past William and trough the wall, slashing with all his weakened strength at the elven warrior assaulting Mystic, but like Aeryk he fails to pierce her impressive armour.
The guard turns to flee, to carry out his duty and save himself. A blow from Aeryk leaves him wounded but he still manages to reach the gates where he cries his alarm into the cold, uncaring stone and steel.
Ysande silences him with a word as she steps gracefully trough the wall, and he turns to look at her with a vacuous smile on his lips (Charmed Person).


The young elven warrior-maiden glances across the battlefield with a grim expression but, seeing no way to escape with both her life and dignity intact she sets her fear aside and presses her attack, penetrating Mystic's defenses with three light and precise strikes with her final attack stopped just short of his skin by his magical defenses (Mystic takes another 21 points of damage).
Her punishment is immediate as Aeryk attacks his flanked enemy with both his weapons and all his skill, but only two strikes pass her masterful guard. (-39 hp)


First Post
Mystic steps back, figuring the battle is loud enough. "Bleck'ogghcht! I call thee, and thy mate and son! Come, defeat these elves. Call upon the guidance of Yogge-Sothothe and defeat this warrior-elf! Ia! Shub-Niggurath! Ia! Ia! Ia! The archivist throws up his arms and chants.

[sblock=OOC] Using summon monster vii to call http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1446885/ 3 psuedonatural spiders. Instructing them to use their true strike ability and attack the younger elf who struck him.
Spider #1
Attack [7,11] = (18) +20 from true strike = 38
Regular Damage: [7,8,6] = (21)
Poison: [6] = (6) Str

Spider 2:
Attack: 1d20+11 → [18,11] = (29) +20 from True Strike= 49
Regular Damage: [1,7,6] = (14)
Poison: [7] = (7) Str

Spider 3:
Attack: [6,11] = (17) +20 from truestrike = 37
Regular Damage: [6,7,6] = (19)
Poison: [1] = (1) Str

[sblock=spider stats]
Huge Outsider (web-spinning spider)
HP: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative +3 (but he acts on Mystic's turn)
AC: 16 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 13
BAB/Grapple: +6/+20
Attack/Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (2d8+6 +poison)
Space/Reach: 15ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Poison (DC 18, Initial Damage 1d8 str, Secondary 1d8 str), Web (Web (Ex)

Both types of monstrous spiders often wait in their webs or in trees, then lower themselves silently on silk strands and leap onto prey passing beneath. A single strand is strong enough to support the spider and one creature of the same size. Web-spinners can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets up to one size category larger than the spider. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions whose DCs are given in the table below. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus.

Web-spinners often create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square, depending on the size of the spider. They usually position these sheets to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has the hit points given on the table, and sheet webs have damage reduction 5/—.

A monstrous spider can move across its own web at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its web. B's webs have an escape artist DC of 18, a break DC of 22, and 14 hit points.), true strike, horrifying appearance.
Special Qualities: Spell Resistance 19, Acid & Electricity resistance 10, DR 5/magic, outsider traits, tremorsense 60 ft, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 2
Climb +12, Hide -1*, Jump +4*, Spot +6,* Listen +2 (*Hunting spiders have a +10 racial bonus on Jump checks and a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks. Web-spinning spiders have a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks when using their webs.)
Feats: Ability Focus (poison), Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Alertness

[sblock=Spells Prepared]
0- detect magic (2), light, cure minor wounds,
1- bless, snake's swiftness, silent image, charm person, CLW (2)
2- hold person, silence, mirror image, align fang, augury, mirror image,
3- dispel magic, invisibility purge, haste, suggestion, lightning bolt
4- (5 used)
5-summon monster V, (3 used),
6- magic jar, (2 used)
7-greater teleport, (1 used)


First Post
Canthan casually begins walking away from the great doors stopping with a smile. With laughter he turns to watch the doors. His fingers flexing reflexively. [sblock=ooc] Move 30 feet towards the melee battle. Ready an action to cast wall of stone if defenders come forth from the great doors.

Do any of yo have the links to the talking the talk thread and rogue gallery? My links no longer work.[/sblock]


First Post
Nephtys said:
The young elven warrior-maiden glances across the battlefield with a grim expression but, seeing no way to escape with both her life and dignity intact she sets her fear aside and presses her attack, penetrating Mystic's defenses with three light and precise strikes with her final attack stopped just short of his skin by his magical defenses (Mystic takes another 21 points of damage).
Her punishment is immediate as Aeryk attacks his flanked enemy with both his weapons and all his skill, but only two strikes pass her masterful guard. (-39 hp)
Aeryk continues to attack the elf maiden. If she would only show him an opening he would finish her... she will make an error, give her time. So long as she continues her assault on Mystic, Aeryk uses her flank to his advantage. Better the mage take her blows then him anyways.
[sblock=OOC]I apologize for my absense. Holidays have been busy and I have very few chances to check this thread. Things should start to slow down for me now. I am still interested in playing and am enjoying your game and feel that it is dark indeed. I am very sorry that it is falling short of your expectations. I have not included dice rolls here as my time is limited. I will try and post them a little later. Otherwise feel free to take care of that for me and just post results.[/sblock]


First Post
Ysande takes stock of the situation and perceives that the wizardly elf seems to be struggling, whilst her more martial sister is so far presenting a much bigger problem to her assailants. The mage may yet have some surprises up her sleeve, but that's hypothetical. No guess work is needed to see the threat posed by the warrior elf.

Acting on that conclusion, Ysande begins to sing. It seems almost ridiculous at first, out of place, but her confidence is absolute as she subtly weaves a heady enchantment into the haunting melody. The short couplet she sings is in Elven, taken from an ancient Elven epic that speaks lyrically of a glorious elven city and its past triumphs and wonders. The mocking irony of her tone will surely be apparent to both of the elves, but its arcane power is reserved for the warrior maiden. The enchantment insinuates itself, threatening to incapacitate her entirely.

Kaj meanwhile steps in to cover Mystic's retreat if possible or else takes the flanking position if the warrior elf has already pursued the mage. He continues to test the elf's defences, jabbing and weaving with his short swords and looking for an opportunity to surprise her with a snap of his fanged jaws.

[sblock=OOC]Sorry for that, I think I was expecting the actions of enemies above Ysande in the initiative order to be posted before I posted her actions for the round.

Hold Monster on the stabby elf, Will Save DC 22.

Kaj's Attacks, assuming he can get a flanking position:

1d20+12, damage 5d6+2
1d20+12, damage 5d6+1
1d20+11, damage 5d6+1

or else -2 from all attacks and -4d6 from all damage if he can't flank.

Tried to do the rolls myself but Invisible Castle seems to be down. I'll edit in the rolls later if I get the chance, or else please make them for me. :) [/sblock]


First Post
Big tries to finish off the older elf quickly so he can assist with the more spry one.

[sblock=ooc]Gonna be gone for a couple days and I don't have time for rolling right now I'm afraid. :confused: I imagine this round of attacks should finish the older elf though. Happy new year everybody! :D [/sblock]


First Post
As the deep thunder of duergar alarm bells begin to toll beyond the gates Canthan stands ready to face whatever comes forth. Trough an arrowslit above the gates (15 ft off the ground) he can see shapes moving in the deep shadows.
The elven spellcaster backs away from her assailant, a torrent of arcane syllables flowing from her lips. She finishes her tirade by opening her fist and suddenly a solid acidious fog covers the combatants, glowing with refracted moonlight, starting beyond the breached wall of stone and ending just inches from her self and her sister. Aeryk and Canthan are safely outside the area of the spell, but the others suffer the effects, though Kaj barely notices the searing acid. (Big -5 hp, Mystic -3 hp, William -8 hp, Ysande -7 hp)
Mystic, his sight blocked beyond a few feet by the fog that burns at his vulnerable eyes, fails to spot his target and instead turns his powers against the young maiden. As he begins to incant his spell her blade once again pierces his flesh (-9 hp), but the distraction is not nearly enough to stop him. Her eyes go wide as the spell strikes trough her impressive fortitude, then her mouth too widens. She slowly grows thicker and shorter, her skin turns a filthy greenish brown and with a single horrified croak and an audible pop of inrushing air she suddenly seems to vanish. Looking down Mystic can see the blurred outlines of something tiny and panicked where she once stood. (Y Sister polymorphed) Smiling happily to himself he takes one step forwards and crushes the tiny aminal underfoot as he emerges from the fog. (Y sister dead)
William, caught deep within the fog, can do nothing but struggle against its sour embrace. Everything beyond a few feet is completely obscured and even the sounds of the battle seem muted and distant. He takes two step forwards in air as thick as the desert sands of his distant home, but that is all. (5ft move)
Big grins, even as the molasses-like fog eats away at his skin, and takes a long slow step to the edge of the mist where he swings his cruel axe twise, bringing the spellcaster almost to the edge of death (O sister -42 HP)
Kaj sneers, disappointed that his foe was already defeated, and steps slowly out of the fog. He can hear the older elf cry out under Big's assault, but with the edges of the spell blocking his sight he can do nothing to aid in her defeat, for now.
The charmed guard frowns as his new friend vanishes in the fog and turns his gaze at Canthan. He knew that one was still an enemy, an impersonator and infiltrator, a threat. Shaking his head against his contradictory feelings he cries out a feeble elven war-cry and charges Canthan. Canthan, sensing that expending a wall of stone on an enemy of this caliber would be a misuse of his resources, merely tries to dodge the attack. His overconfidence is payed for in blood as the guards blade strikes deep into his shoulder. (Canthan -15 hp)
Ysande frowns as the fates once again seem to conspire to keep her from assisting her allies. Most of her spells needed a visible target, but there was yet one thing she could do. Raising her voice in a song made hauntingly beautiful by the distortions of the fog she lifts the spirits of her allies and renews their strength (Bardsong, inspire competence) while slowly forcing her way trough the searing constricting mist. Even as the acid threatens to choke her she carries on as she too takes a long slow step trough the fog.
With his target eliminated by the Mystics spell before he could finish her off Aeryk turns towards the one remaining threat. Walking swiftly around the edges of the mist he easily flanks the elven spellcaster and plunges his dark sword into her side. She turns as she falls and looks at Aeryk, her features drawn taught against her skull, her eyes and mouth wide open in horror. As she slowly slides down his sword she keens softly like a wounded animal, but her voice rises even as her face blackens and begins to wither away. Her scream as her body decays with horrifying speed and agonizing slowness is like the voice of the Abyss itself, like nothing any living being should have to hear but no worse than what you have already lived trough a hundred times. The reeking pile of refuse that remains as she falls to the ground bears no resemblence to anything that was once alive. (critical hit, soul drained, O Sister Dead)

ooc: Ysande and William are deep within the Acid Fog (though you don't know how far it extends in each direction). The others are either just at its edge or already outside it. I had to change a few of your actions to adapt to the situation. Please let me know if I've taken too many liberties with your characters and also tell me if I've overlooked some effect or immunity that should apply to the outcome.

ooc: And a happy new year to all :]
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First Post
OOC: confused about my action, though the baleful polymorph had been ignored. Replace the summons with:

Moving out of the fog, Mystic, grinning, lifts his foot. "Frog Legs, anyone?" he smirks, attempting to dispel the acid fog.

[sblock=spells prepared]

0- detect magic (2), light, cure minor wounds,
1- bless, snake's swiftness, silent image, charm person, CLW (2)
2- hold person, silence, mirror image, align fang, augury, mirror image,
3- invisibility purge, haste, suggestion, lightning bolt
4- (5 used)
5-summon monster V, (3 used),
6- magic jar, (2 used)
7-greater teleport, summon monster VII

OOC: Casting dispel magic, dispel check http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1449477/ 14


First Post
ooc: I didn't ignore it, I just had to wait for others to post their actions before I could react to it. You got a bit ahead of the others, that's all.

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