Fantasy Grounds Unity KS Announced


Ultimate license holder here.

The move to Unity will be interesting, but probably not in the way it's being presented in this thread.

Unity will be the engine that the FG software will be based on, but rulesets (game systems) will use the existing XML and Lua code.

XML code without even a DTD or XSD so authors can't properly validate their projects.

The API for the FG engine itself is poorly documented, but they've got a framework (CoreRPG) that authors are encouraged to use. A framework that when updated breaks existing community rulesets on the regular.

To say you can just "build whatever you want!" is true, but the amount of work that needs to be done to create a fairly robust game system is...daunting.

The decision to maintain backward compatibility with old rulesets is what really pisses me off. This means that all of the warts and deficiencies are going to be present, just available on a modern engine under the hood. All of the UI/UX frustration will still be present, as it's baked into the game systems (and the framework they're built upon) themselves. Right-click radial menus, bad input options, poor text formatting, etc.

They had an opportunity to bring current design sensibilities in to play, things like "Let's not have MVC stand for Model IS View IS Controller", or "Relative positioning of desktop items could be sensible", or "Vector instead of Raster" for controls/icons and instead chose to maintain the status quo.

Authoring modules is a painful enough experience, with no way to cut and paste your own content without using their own limited formatting options and special quirks.

Authoring a ruleset is a positively sisyphean effort, as evidenced by the lovingly-crafted-but-still-eventually-abandoned trashpile of broken community rules and dead threads on "I'm working on this project..."

A few gatekeepers and grognards seem to be loud enough to hold Smiteworks back from doing the sensible thing, and overhauling the authoring tools and technologies to blow the community up by using the technological touchstones they'd need to invite and encourage real participation.

Without a meaningful update to the rules building and module authoring facet of FG, it's going to be limited to what a (very) few skilled/passionate/eccentric people are willing to put up with, and that severely inhibits real innovation.

TL;DR: This is like updating Netscape Navigator to a current version of Chrome or Firefox, but you'll still be visiting the same old tripod page with blink tags and javascript pop up boxes.

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Ultimate license holder here.

The move to Unity will be interesting, but probably not in the way it's being presented in this thread.

Unity will be the engine that the FG software will be based on, but rulesets (game systems) will use the existing XML and Lua code.

XML code without even a DTD or XSD so authors can't properly validate their projects.

The API for the FG engine itself is poorly documented, but they've got a framework (CoreRPG) that authors are encouraged to use. A framework that when updated breaks existing community rulesets on the regular.

To say you can just "build whatever you want!" is true, but the amount of work that needs to be done to create a fairly robust game system is...daunting.

The decision to maintain backward compatibility with old rulesets is what really pisses me off. This means that all of the warts and deficiencies are going to be present, just available on a modern engine under the hood. All of the UI/UX frustration will still be present, as it's baked into the game systems (and the framework they're built upon) themselves. Right-click radial menus, bad input options, poor text formatting, etc.

They had an opportunity to bring current design sensibilities in to play, things like "Let's not have MVC stand for Model IS View IS Controller", or "Relative positioning of desktop items could be sensible", or "Vector instead of Raster" for controls/icons and instead chose to maintain the status quo.

Authoring modules is a painful enough experience, with no way to cut and paste your own content without using their own limited formatting options and special quirks.

Authoring a ruleset is a positively sisyphean effort, as evidenced by the lovingly-crafted-but-still-eventually-abandoned trashpile of broken community rules and dead threads on "I'm working on this project..."

A few gatekeepers and grognards seem to be loud enough to hold Smiteworks back from doing the sensible thing, and overhauling the authoring tools and technologies to blow the community up by using the technological touchstones they'd need to invite and encourage real participation.

Without a meaningful update to the rules building and module authoring facet of FG, it's going to be limited to what a (very) few skilled/passionate/eccentric people are willing to put up with, and that severely inhibits real innovation.

TL;DR: This is like updating Netscape Navigator to a current version of Chrome or Firefox, but you'll still be visiting the same old tripod page with blink tags and javascript pop up boxes.

I just want to make sure I understand what you want them to do, you want them to break all their existing rulesets and make the new version incompatible with the old version?

Because they have not said that they will not improve the base product, they said they need a new engine to remove the limitations their existing engine has on them. They even hired someone with specific UI experience and imagine what the extra funds will allow for staffing.

Despite your theory on the inability/difficulty to develop in LUA under their framework, they have released 5 new rulesets in the last year (13th Age, Traveler, AD&D 2e, DCC and one other I am blanking on right now). They add to their documentation steadily as well.

edit - 5th ruleset is Symbaroum
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I just want to make sure I understand what you want them to do, you want them to break all their existing rulesets and make the new version incompatible with the old version?

Because they have not said that they will not improve the base product, they said they need a new engine to remove the limitations their existing engine has on them. They even hired someone with specific UI experience and imagine what the extra funds will allow for staffing.

Despite your theory on the inability/difficulty to develop in LUA under their framework, they have released 5 new rulesets in the last year (13th Age, Traveler, AD&D 2e, DCC and one other I am blanking on right now). They add to their documentation steadily as well.

edit - 5th ruleset is Symbaroum

I have more than two decades of experience in the software industry and I can assure that the worse thing you can do regarding a development framework is breaking backwards compatibility abruptly. You evolve your development framework adding new better ways for doing stuff and deprecating older clunker ways but keeping them in, at least for a while. Otherwise you alienate the people using your platform and loose years of tested fully developed code using your tools

I too am baffled by some of your statements.

The first thing you totally seem to ignore is that 99+% of people that use any software, including a VTT are NOT going to change a single thing. Community developers are tiny fraction of users. A very important minority, but even considering those who use community developers 'developments, it is still just a tiny fraction.

The API for the FG engine itself is poorly documented, but they've got a framework (CoreRPG) that authors are encouraged to use. A framework that when updated breaks existing community rulesets on the regular.
So you are arguing that they should never make small incremental changes that impact community content?

To say you can just "build whatever you want!" is true, but the amount of work that needs to be done to create a fairly robust game system is...daunting.
That depends upon what you call robust. If you mean automation like 5E, etc, then yes. But that has more to do with the complexity of RPG rules and developing the logic than coding the object templates.

The decision to maintain backward compatibility with old rulesets is what really pisses me off. This means that all of the warts and deficiencies are going to be present, just available on a modern engine under the hood. All of the UI/UX frustration will still be present, as it's baked into the game systems (and the framework they're built upon) themselves. Right-click radial menus, bad input options, poor text formatting, etc.
You are entitled to your opinion. But there have been hundred of people asking in the various places if they are going to have to re-buy all their DLC and if FGU will be breaking backwards compatibility. So, its pretty clear that its a smart decision to maintain backwards compatibility. The ratio against your opinion is easily 100:1. Especially considering things like you complain about (right click radial menus) are often touted as positive aspects by just as many people who want a different UI.

Authoring modules is a painful enough experience, with no way to cut and paste your own content without using their own limited formatting options and special quirks.
What are you talking about? Have you ever made a module in FG? I have. Sure, you can't format it like a Page Maker file, but it is neither hard, difficult or quirky. And the only quirks are when you try to do something that it was not originally designed to do (like image alignments in reference manuals) which are purely a preference format anyway.

Authoring a ruleset is a positively sisyphean effort, as evidenced by the lovingly-crafted-but-still-eventually-abandoned trashpile of broken community rules and dead threads on "I'm working on this project..."
As pointed out already, 5 community developed rulesets have been released officially this year. And most/all of them by relatively new community developers. So apparently it's not as hard as you imagine.

A few gatekeepers and grognards seem to be loud enough to hold Smiteworks back from doing the sensible thing, and overhauling the authoring tools and technologies to blow the community up by using the technological touchstones they'd need to invite and encourage real participation.
Your argument here fails to provide any basis of fact and seems to be totally dependent upon a single viewpoint informed only by your expectations.

Without a meaningful update to the rules building and module authoring facet of FG, it's going to be limited to what a (very) few skilled/passionate/eccentric people are willing to put up with, and that severely inhibits real innovation.
Again, not supported. 5 new rulesets this year. No other VTT has released more than 1 or maybe 2 in the same time. Thousands of FG products available on the DMsGuild alone which is probably an order of magnitude larger than on Roll20 and several orders than any other VTT.

So, there are factually hundreds of FG creators, producing more content than any other VTT's community. So apparently something is being done right, despite any shortcomings you envision.


Again, not supported. 5 new rulesets this year.

I usually don't bother replying to anything you say. You've never once accepted that another viewpoint could exist, much less changed your mind as a result of a single criticism or adopted a single feature request as necessary at any point.

Case in point, not a single point I raised was even acknowledged, everything I said was absolutely 100% (or 99% lol citation please) incorrect, and I am alone in my opinion that improvements can and should be made.

But I'll point out that at in least one instance, the 2nd Ed ruleset, was aided by the advancement (no, the PUSH) by a skilled developer who stepped in, ignored the gatekeepers and territorial pissing, and patiently but consistently pushed for answers that weren't ever made available in the documentation, but rather held in the heads of a few information hoarders who argue that digging through a decade of forum posts is a rite of passage any ruleset coder should endure. I think it's more like big fish in a little pond keeping the api and tooling obscure.

Oh, and that didn't happen *this year*, it's happened over *several* years. Authoring can't always be easy, but it shouldn't take *years* to refine a system like 2ed on a platform that has three other versions of D&D already. At least not by someone competent, on a platform that's *designed* for building rulesets and has *fully functional examples* of D&D games to examine and/or crib from.

As to the backward compatibility issue, I completely misrepresented myself on that. I'm not saying backward compatibility shouldn't have been a thing. I'm saying they could've done that AND vastly improved the experience. Nothing that is accomplished with the current (ancient) design principles can't be achieved using more modern sensibilities. Like other options for layout than absolute positioning, or a separation of concerns (like layout items and db objects?), or not having 14 sizes of png files in order to scale UI elements, etc.

I guess it's because following along with the "backward compatibility" discussion, it seems not so much that there's backward compatibility (which is sensible), but a direct translation of all the limitations, quirks, and shortcomings as a result of the screaming demands that nothing move forward from a vocal number (way less than hundreds, btw) of traditionalists that don't want anything to change.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope there's no XML schema available 15 years in because they're moving on to something amazing, and not just because six grognards scream it isn't necessary or useful to provide testing/validation and that directing folks to a vbulletin board full of 7 year old posts on how to use notepad++ and "save backups and copy to new folders" version control is some kind of best practice *might* contain a nugget of advice that isn't deprecated or simply broken.

Changing engines was dramatic, and the Unity ecosystem allows them to substantially improve the FG authoring ecosystem as well without requiring them to reinvent any wheels. There's just zero reason why the ruleset or module authoring tasks should require relying on third party software being written to handle the process of formatting text.

But, ya know, any change proposed by a non 12-year-veteran is met with a stone wall of "why absolutely everything you said is wrong, I will not concede a single point" and I imagine that kind of environment can weigh pretty heavily on smiteworks, or bend their development process in a direction (everything will stay the same forever) that really
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Squeatus - my opening to my response to your original post pointed out that you were asking to break backwards compatibility. To be clear, the original straw man argument you made was about the goals of the Kickstarter somehow being misrepresented and then there was a bunch of programmer stuff afterwards.

Smiteworks has made it crystal clear that the underlying Lua/ruleset engine was not being touched and that the main efforts they were making were around networking, expanding the memory space (64 bit), native Mac and Linux, and improving the graphics engine to make it more modern and to allow more tools for mapping in the program itself. They specifically said backwards compatibility was one of the key design goals.

They have a tiny staff and they cannot update all the DLC and ruleset all at once and breaking the current program would kill their business. I think they made the absolute best choice for this KS, and I especially applaud them not adding to the scope as the KS grows but instead adding more free DLC and assets.

I am not a good enough programmer to comment specifically on your programming points, but I have seen little evidence that there is some set of “grognards” that are holding the modernization back. I see two things doing that - resourcing (small staff) and large installed user base in a niche industry with other choices. I can guarantee you that, except for the UI, Smiteworks developers would agree with most of the programming points you are making.

I do still take exception to a few of your points. First, programming a ruleset is hard work. I understand why their small staff so they are not going to leap in and help anyone that says they are starting. In the case of celestian and 2e AD&D, in all my interactions with him he has been quite complimentary of the help he received. He doesn’t like some of the restrictions, but they also changed the base code a few times to help him as well. If I were one of the 2-3 ruleset experts at Smiteworks, I would not get too invested until a programmer has done the work. I also see documentation steadily moving forward.

For the DLC authoring tools, I know that they made changes to almost all the things I complained about. In particular, I voraciously complained about creating classes and backgrounds (you used to need to use an outside tool and special codes inside of it). Now, for 5e (and many other rulesets) you can do that right in the program. I was starting to get loud about reference manuals and the celestian solved that for the community.

Otherwise, my experience with programmers is that many love a specific tool or way of doing something and they seem to love to argue about it. I can’t parse all your suggestions for improvement for importance, but I recognize many of them and can remember Smiteworks comments on quite a few of them. Even Lua is 5.0 and from my limited knowledge a version 5.1 has been out for a while.

The one thing I do know is that they listen to their customers and I am sure they read your comments and where they agree work is already planned in the background.

I am very happy with the success of the KS so far. I think their automation engine is the best for 5e and their DLC available is the deepest. I am looking forward to better networking (I travel a lot and use PureVPN) and less memory problems.

I usually don't bother replying to anything you say. You've never once accepted that another viewpoint could exist, much less changed your mind as a result of a single criticism or adopted a single feature request as necessary at any point.
I'm glad you chose to respond. Though I certainly don't agree that I have not accepted any of your viewpoints and I know I have certainly changed my mind more than once on this board, even when discussing FG. I would ask if you have not already made up your mind in regards to what I might say and therefore don't actually consider what I do say.

Case in point, not a single point I raised was even acknowledged, everything I said was absolutely 100% (or 99% lol citation please) incorrect, and I am alone in my opinion that improvements can and should be made.
Except I agreed that creating highly automated rulesets is daunting and time consuming. I just disagree as to the reason why. I also think I acknowledged your points by responding to them with my perspective. I think most of the time consuming elements come from automating the actual rules. Figuring out the coding logic for the rules, and particularly all the exceptions and use cases for each rule. Whereas it seems you think coding RPG rulesets would be easy if only their was a GUI ruleset builder? I could be wrong as to why I think rulesets take time to develop, but I don't see you countering any of the reasons I've stated (here and multiple times before).

But I'll point out that at in least one instance, the 2nd Ed ruleset, was aided by the advancement (no, the PUSH) by a skilled developer who stepped in, ignored the gatekeepers and territorial pissing, and patiently but consistently pushed for answers that weren't ever made available in the documentation, but rather held in the heads of a few information hoarders who argue that digging through a decade of forum posts is a rite of passage any ruleset coder should endure. I think it's more like big fish in a little pond keeping the api and tooling obscure.

Oh, and that didn't happen *this year*, it's happened over *several* years. Authoring can't always be easy, but it shouldn't take *years* to refine a system like 2ed on a platform that has three other versions of D&D already. At least not by someone competent, on a platform that's *designed* for building rulesets and has *fully functional examples* of D&D games to examine and/or crib from.
For reference, Vodokar's AD&D ruleset project was announced January 8th, 2017 and was based upon the Castles & Crusades ruleset and last supported May 9, 2017. This hints at some of the challenges any ruleset developer faces. (And can be seen again with the WOIN ruleset challenges as well.)

Celestian's AD&D Core ruleset was initially posted April 13, 2017 and is what became the official 2E ruleset this year. So, roughly 2 years to become official, but the ruleset was functional from announcement, and we can only make assumptions on how long it took him to get a functional ruleset, but since he implies he did not like Vodokar's version, it is likely he began after January 9th, 2017. So maybe 3 months? Though I would normally expect much longer than that, I have nothing but speculation to suggest he took longer than that to get a working ruleset out to the community.

As for 'gatekeeping', 'territorial pissing' etc. that is all one plausible explanation. But certainly not the only one. Rather I see it as a developer looking at the landscape, figuring out what he needed to get a ruleset he wanted, and doing it without drama. And then supporting and enhancing it over a period of years. Years in which from one perspective he showed that the ruleset was stable, had a reliable developer to maintain it, and years in which SmiteWorks could approach WotC and get a license to release it. You do understand that this is the first VTT or non-TSR platform to actually publish anything more than PDFs of in a digital format for almost anything from 2E? Do you think it just took a week or two to get a license from WotC? I bet that took 18 months working with an existing partner with a strong and positive relationship to get such a license.

So, even if one could get it so that a highly automated ruleset in FG could be built in a few months (which by Celestian's work indicates it might already be possible), the difficult part is going to be getting a license for it from the IP holder if you want more than a community ruleset. Look at all the demand for a StarWars ruleset and official content. But that is in such a legal quagmire than even the IP holders don't want to bother trying to figure out how they might license a digital product further. Then look at many of the 3PP's who simple don't want to license their products to a VTT (or anything digital beyond PDFs).

Let me also add, I think time and again those 'gatekeepers' with the secret knowledge you talk about. They are not gatekeeping, they do indeed have this knowledge, and they all demonstrated time and again that they are willing to share the knowledge on the forums, the wiki, the developer guide and in You Tube videos. Sure, much of the documentation of this knowledge is outdated, and may be challenging to find. But what you want, concise, consolidated and up to date documentation is not something that comes free, or is maintained without effort.

Who do you expect to provide this documentation you desire? The community volunteers who know the info? What do they get out of doing something they do not enjoy doing? What motivation is there for them to do it? Instead of creating anther ruleset extension for MoreCore, or creating another DOE extension, or publishing another module for the DMsGuild, they would get kudos and thanks from you and others. Each volunteer gets to decide where they spend their free-time, and who gets to judge if they spend that time well or not? I mean if you or one of these other potential community developers wanted to, you could generate the documentation for the community you desire, but I don't see any of those vocal about what such a thing stepping up and actually doing it, just complaining they don't have what they want. (Sure sure, it might take you 10 times longer than a 'gatekeeper' to create such documentation, but if you want it bad enough, you can do it. I have faith in your abilities.)

Now, should SmiteWorks provide the documentation? Maybe. They too have limited resources and have to judge what to spend those resources on. I think it was pretty obvious for years now that the current FG architecture had to be changed, or the software and community would die a slow death of obsolescence. But, in the end what would have them not do that they have done so that they would have the resources to create and update this documentation you desire? No doubt there would be benefits to SW with such documentation, but, would it be of higher return value than what they have chosen to do?

To me, SW seems that a majority of the time they make the right decisions for the continued health and growth of SW and the FG community. I don't see them making screw ups like the Orr Group or Electronic Arts or so many other gaming companies seem to have a history of doing.

As to the backward compatibility issue, I completely misrepresented myself on that. I'm not saying backward compatibility shouldn't have been a thing. I'm saying they could've done that AND vastly improved the experience. Nothing that is accomplished with the current (ancient) design principles can't be achieved using more modern sensibilities. Like other options for layout than absolute positioning, or a separation of concerns (like layout items and db objects?), or not having 14 sizes of png files in order to scale UI elements, etc.

I guess it's because following along with the "backward compatibility" discussion, it seems not so much that there's backward compatibility (which is sensible), but a direct translation of all the limitations, quirks, and shortcomings as a result of the screaming demands that nothing move forward from a vocal number (way less than hundreds, btw) of traditionalists that don't want anything to change.
Sure, at what cost? Another 12 or 16 months of FGU development? I have no idea how long what you want would add to the development cycle. But, FGU has been in dire need for years now. And over the last 6 months has become painfully obvious the network architecture has needed to be changed to simple allow people to use the software. The mandating of IPv6 and the ISP congregating of IPv4 addresses has made solving these issues urgent if not critical.

Now, I also have faith that once FGU launches, SW will continue to make improvements to it. Just like they have with FGC. But, I also suspect such improvements will be no where near fast enough for some critiques. Though I still have faith SW will make the right decisions for the majority of users.

As for 'demands that nothing move forward'.. that's simply an exaggeration. Their are those (myself included) who like the UI as is and don't want to see major changes to it. I would loathe to see some sort of menu driven UI. But all of those grognards look forward to and regularly praise SW for their continue enhancements to the program over the years.

There is a difference between change, and then complaining that they are not making the changes you want.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope there's no XML schema available 15 years in because they're moving on to something amazing, and not just because six grognards scream it isn't necessary or useful to provide testing/validation and that directing folks to a vbulletin board full of 7 year old posts on how to use notepad++ and "save backups and copy to new folders" version control is some kind of best practice *might* contain a nugget of advice that isn't deprecated or simply broken.
Then volunteer your time to develop and document a better way than vbulletin and NPP. I'm sure the community would be very grateful for such a contribution.

Changing engines was dramatic, and the Unity ecosystem allows them to substantially improve the FG authoring ecosystem as well without requiring them to reinvent any wheels. There's just zero reason why the ruleset or module authoring tasks should require relying on third party software being written to handle the process of formatting text.
As pointed out, it doesn't. I have authored FG modules completely inside of FG. And one of those modules has become a best seller on the DMsGuild.

And, since then SW has actually made significant improvements to the authoring tools within FG. Sure, in some situations and use cases the community tools are a better way to author content, but they are not required, nor are they the only way. (Unless you consider Reference Manual, which I don't consider a requirements for most modules).

But, ya know, any change proposed by a non 12-year-veteran is met with a stone wall of "why absolutely everything you said is wrong, I will not concede a single point" and I imagine that kind of environment can weigh pretty heavily on smiteworks, or bend their development process in a direction (everything will stay the same forever) that really
Funny there. Exaggerating again. Assuming you mean me, I've only been using FG for about 4 years (May 2015). Assuming you mean anyone else you are simply wrong. SW has often made developer changes at the request of new developers, like Celestian and Ken L to name a few.

Is the community less than welcoming when a new person jumps in and immediately starts demanding changing or saying everything is screwed up? And when that person obviously has taken no time to learn why things are the way they are and how to work within the system? Sure.
But that is expected behavior in any ecosystem.

Part of what I do is consulting. I get dropped into new companies and ecosystems all the time. If I took the attitude of immediately demanding things change to what I want based upon my experience, I would have no credibility. You are dealing with people and systems. Both are complex with many moving parts. You have to understand why things are the way they are and understand the implications of the changes you want before you will have any credibility or your change requests will be seen with any validity.

Nice post. I hope they make everything easier to accomplish continuous improvement makes things better for everyone.
Don't worry. SW has a ten year track record of continuous improvement.
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