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Farewell, my Friend

Erik Mona

Thanks for all the kind sentiments, folks. They really mean a lot.

The final issue of Dragon is in the can. The approval form from Wizards has been signed, and it is currently at the printer. It's been a great ride working on these magazines, which is really all I ever wanted to do professionally. My love affair with magazines started with Dragon, and while it's now morphing into obsessive-compulsive collecting of old pulps I know it's something I'll carry with me forever.

So allow me to thank all of the folks who ever worked on Dragon, from Tim Kask to Jason Bulmahn, Wes Schneider, and Mike McArtor. You guys are class acts through and through.

And thanks especially to the readers. I'd be a lot more sad if I thought this was the end of our relationship, but given the outpouring of support for Paizo, Pathfinder, and the GameMastery Modules, I suspect we'll be hearing a lot from one another in the months and years to come.

Stick around a while. You will not be disappointed.

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC

Living Greyhawk Editor Dragon #289–#306
Polyhedron Editor Dungeon #89–113
Editor-in-Chief Dungeon #106–138
Editor-in-Chief Dragon #326-#359

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I've got a stack of old Dungeons somewhere, with 2e adventures wich need a conversion to 3.5e.

Guess that'll give me something to do - and to remember the good times before the plug was pulled.

A digital initiative - by my reckoning, that's only 0 or 1. Hmmm...

Any road up - all the best to the Paizo guys. I've read the Pathfinder Preview Campaign Journal from Mr Frost, and it's good. Very good, in fact. One day, when I am richer, and need a campaign, I shall be downloading the PDF of Pathfinder #1 - but not just yet.

After all, I've got SCAP and AoW to DM yet.


Thurbane said:
As I said on the WotC forums, my initial anger, outrage and disbelief at the deicison to end the print version of Dragon (and Dungeon) has died down somewhat, my underlying disappointment has not.


Mine has not.

but anyways ... long life PATHFINDER !!!


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Just wanted to chime in as well and says thanks to all of Paizo for the wonderful job they have done over the years with Dungeon and Dragon. Very long time subscriber to both, even more so with Paizo since each issue just got better since Paizo took over and sad to see it end. Awesome work guys. Can't wait for the first Pathfinder as it has great potential with such a talented team working on it, and due to that is why my subscription is already in place, item unseen.


On another note: Bad WOTC BAD! How could you!?! :mad:


Thank you EriK and company for a truly great magazine. The Paizo years of Dragon and Dungeon shall be praised and made legendary. Every issue was worth every penny.
I truly hope the folks at WoTC have been paying attention. They have a tough act to follow.
Jared Strickland

P.S. I haven't missed an issue since 1992 and the Paizo issues are cream of the crop.


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(grimly, in defiant anger)

It's not over.

They can't beat down the spirit of youth. They can't crush the flame of the human spirit.

They can take Dragon out of circulation, but they can't take Dragon out of our hearts, and they can't take what Dragon is about out of the hearts of those who come after us.

Dragon Magazine will return. It will. Because there is always a need, a desire, for what Dragon Magazine is, in the hearts of those young at heart.

I was there when MichiCon flourished at the Southfield Pavillion, tens of thousands of Gamers making bedlam as light spilled through the high windows.
I was there as Nova waxed friendly and comfortable at the Student Building at Oakland University. And Cubicon at the University of Michigan at Dearborn. And at UCon, at the Student Union at the University of Michigan.
I was there at AndCon, in Toledo, in uproar and grand mayhem. At Three Rivers. At Winter Fantasy.
I was at Gen Con. Origins. I saw the tens of thousands who came, saw why they came, saw what it meant to them.

Just because they aren't making money now, means nothing. What empowered those conventions, what put the sparkle at Conclave and Contraption and Confusion, what drove us to friendship and loyalty and good times, can't be bought ... and it can't be lost because someone is short of money.
It is us. It is We. It is who we are. Forever. Always.

If I were a rebel and a rabble-rouser, I would argue we should form a real life Dumbledore's Army and save our magazine.
But I don't need to. There will *always* be a Dumbledore's Army, and it lies within us, is us, is what we are. They can't beat that, they can't defeat it, they can't bury it or crush it down, cannot put it out.

Dragon and Dungeon Magazines will endure. And they will return. It is as sure as Death and Taxes. You mark my words, these magazines will return. That is, if they ever truly go away at all ... they will return.

Yours Sincerely, and with profound respect and gratitude to all at Dragon and Dungeon Magazines

Kheti sa-Menik

First Post
I played D&D in early high school then quit for six years while in late high school and college. I was brought back into D&D by some friends. I was brought back into the hobby by Dragon and Dungeon. They helped me forge ahead into this world I like so much. They are the only magazines I have wanted to and did subscribe to, the only ones that I considered truly worth my dollars each and every month.
Thanks for getting me back on the path, Paizo.
You will be missed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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