So with all the OGL news it is probably an apt time to reflect on what you feel are some of the best 5e OGL stuff you use or have and really like.
For me Kobold Press has been a big one.
I have used a lot of stuff from two of their monster books Creature Codex and Tome of Beasts in my 5e games. I think I have used about as many monsters from these each as from the core MM. They provide fun options, good lore to latch onto, and are easy to reskin for niches not covered by the MM stock stuff. I run a 5e conversion of the Pathfinder Iron Gods sci-fi D&D adventure path, so having reskin options that are mechanically different from the MM stuff has been great.
I am a fan of their Midgard World Setting for their dark fantasy setting and their Southlands World Book for the Fantasy Africa/Egypt part, I am looking forward to the fantasy Asia World book. I have been a fan since the 3.5 Pathfinder times of the setting and have a lot of the little regional sourcebooks as well. I have incorporated parts into my mashup homebrew, particularly running with the "Gnomes are running from Baba Yaga" storyline. Meaning the whole race are fleeing her vendetta after a gnomish prince wronged her. It worked great when I was running the old Reign of Winter Adventure Path that involves Baba Yaga heavily.
I have not run their modules, but they look like fun from the skims I have read of Tales of the Old Margreve (dark fairy tale type forest adventures) and the Empire of the Ghouls (undead setting area).
So what 5e OGL stuff has been of great value to your games, what 5e OGL stuff do you really like?
For me Kobold Press has been a big one.
I have used a lot of stuff from two of their monster books Creature Codex and Tome of Beasts in my 5e games. I think I have used about as many monsters from these each as from the core MM. They provide fun options, good lore to latch onto, and are easy to reskin for niches not covered by the MM stock stuff. I run a 5e conversion of the Pathfinder Iron Gods sci-fi D&D adventure path, so having reskin options that are mechanically different from the MM stuff has been great.
I am a fan of their Midgard World Setting for their dark fantasy setting and their Southlands World Book for the Fantasy Africa/Egypt part, I am looking forward to the fantasy Asia World book. I have been a fan since the 3.5 Pathfinder times of the setting and have a lot of the little regional sourcebooks as well. I have incorporated parts into my mashup homebrew, particularly running with the "Gnomes are running from Baba Yaga" storyline. Meaning the whole race are fleeing her vendetta after a gnomish prince wronged her. It worked great when I was running the old Reign of Winter Adventure Path that involves Baba Yaga heavily.
I have not run their modules, but they look like fun from the skims I have read of Tales of the Old Margreve (dark fairy tale type forest adventures) and the Empire of the Ghouls (undead setting area).
So what 5e OGL stuff has been of great value to your games, what 5e OGL stuff do you really like?