Favorite D&D Retroclone?


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While C&C did many things right, I never git happy with the prime attributes and the method of calculating target numbers in addition to calculating the modifier to the dice roll.
This seems to be the number one complaint I have read online for C&C. I like the concept of the prime attributes but I do see how many folks dislike the prime/non-prime vs challenge level mechanic. It is a bit bizarre for old school. It is easily modified however. I am using it as written for the time being but I have put some thought into simplifying it.

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I tried to use a fixed Target Number and instead give a bonus to attribute checks, but even though it's actually very easy and obvious, we still got confused all the time when to apply the bonus.

And the editing is horrendous. Even for free pdfs it would be embarassing. For commercially sold books, it really wouldn't have hurt anyone to click the spell checking button before sending it to the printers. I once accidentally ended up on Troll Lords news and update site, which is just as bad. Like a series of articles having two "part 2", two "part 5" and four "part 8".
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This seems to be the number one complaint I have read online for C&C. I like the concept of the prime attributes but I do see how many folks dislike the prime/non-prime vs challenge level mechanic. It is a bit bizarre for old school. It is easily modified however. I am using it as written for the time being but I have put some thought into simplifying it.

I'm enjoying C&C alot. That and ACKs are my favourites.

I also bought the BFRPG for $5 on amazon. Interesting read anyway.


ACKS also looks really good and a solid game. I just don't like the way it handles classes, it's a bit too different for me.


ACKS also looks really good and a solid game. I just don't like the way it handles classes, it's a bit too different for me.

ACKS is a great game, Especialy when you take into account the entire system serounding the game, that is if you like the idea that high level characters gets to do other things than simply going into bigger and better dungeons.

What's your problem with classes? It's the standard why it been handled in BD&D.




For the past year, my group has been searching for an OSR game to use in the off weeks from my Runequest 6 campaign. We recently settled on Blood & Treasure. Lots of character types and game options packed in to a very simple system...plus, it is just a lot of fun!



I ran several sessions of C&C eliminating the (what is essentially a) bonus for Primes.

Instead I took NEXT's Advantage mechanic, and applied it for PRIME attributes. With a flat challenge base of 15 (+/- Challenge level). Primes roll 2 dice and pick the highest. Worked well enough..


ACKS is a great game, Especialy when you take into account the entire system serounding the game, that is if you like the idea that high level characters gets to do other things than simply going into bigger and better dungeons.

What's your problem with classes? It's the standard why it been handled in BD&D.

I never played old D&D. But from what lots of people seem to say, you're kind of supposed to make your own custom classes for every character concept you have. I rather have six or so classes and be done with it.


I never played old D&D. But from what lots of people seem to say, you're kind of supposed to make your own custom classes for every character concept you have. I rather have six or so classes and be done with it.

Not realy, you got the classes already made, unless it's about making a very outlandish concept you got all the archetypes are supported.



Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Not realy, you got the classes already made, unless it's about making a very outlandish concept you got all the archetypes are supported.


What do you mean by outlandish? (non-scholar spellcaster? magical thief? shadow mage?)

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