NPCs you'd love to play as a PC if you only got the chance.
I need not look any further than DR. ZEUS:
Dr. Zeus: I've decided that he'll be a super-intelligent orangutan who was once a lab animal at the Cavorite Academy. His intelligence was radically increased by one of the Academy's instructors, and to stave off further experimentation upon himself, he killed the scientist and escaped...but not without getting a few supplies.
In my mind, he is going to be a recurring villain- intelligent and resourceful. He may be caught, but he will often escape.
Appearance: This large male ourangutan has a taste for stylish leather trenchcoats, especially in a natural brown leather. Over his eyes, he wears brass pince-nez modified for his simian physiology, but he has a flip-down darkly tinted visor. His hands and feet are covered by large black rubber gloves. The top of his head is covered by a glasslike dome which reveals a brain too large for his skull. He speaks like Mojojojo from Powderpuff Girls.
Powers & Equipment: With the equipment he stole from the lab (and subsequent thefts), he has made a portable lightning gun and grenades based on the technology created by Nicola Tesla. His trenchcoat has some armor plating in it. His visor prevents him from being blinded by flash attacks, including his own. He is phenomenally strong- bench around 2000lbs- and can move about in trees just as fast as he can run.