Favorite Superhero types


Staff member
NPCs you'd love to play as a PC if you only got the chance.

I need not look any further than DR. ZEUS:

Dr. Zeus: I've decided that he'll be a super-intelligent orangutan who was once a lab animal at the Cavorite Academy. His intelligence was radically increased by one of the Academy's instructors, and to stave off further experimentation upon himself, he killed the scientist and escaped...but not without getting a few supplies.

In my mind, he is going to be a recurring villain- intelligent and resourceful. He may be caught, but he will often escape.

Appearance: This large male ourangutan has a taste for stylish leather trenchcoats, especially in a natural brown leather. Over his eyes, he wears brass pince-nez modified for his simian physiology, but he has a flip-down darkly tinted visor. His hands and feet are covered by large black rubber gloves. The top of his head is covered by a glasslike dome which reveals a brain too large for his skull. He speaks like Mojojojo from Powderpuff Girls.

Powers & Equipment: With the equipment he stole from the lab (and subsequent thefts), he has made a portable lightning gun and grenades based on the technology created by Nicola Tesla. His trenchcoat has some armor plating in it. His visor prevents him from being blinded by flash attacks, including his own. He is phenomenally strong- bench around 2000lbs- and can move about in trees just as fast as he can run.

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Staff member
So awesome I must battle the urge to break into song. Oh what the hell:
"Dr. Zay-us, Dr. Zay-us!"

Ah-HA! Trapped you!

The radically conservative orangutan Dr. from the books, movies, and song from the Simpsons was "Zaius"!

(His name and visuals were chosen to evoke that response, however! :p)


One to you. I never knew the proper spelling of the Planet of the Apes character's name. Now I do and I shall go forth into the world a better educated man. B-) Or something. :hmm:

Thsi thread seems to have died. I think I shall start the one about NPCs you'd like to play.


First Post
I've always prefered the all-rounder type of character regardless of genre. So in a Supers game I'd be trying to put together someone who could fly, zap, and have another power or two just in case. (A bit of Invulnerability or Damage Reduction wouldn't hurt! :D)

That's my preference as well. I prefer for my super-heroes to have some sort of offensive ability, some sort of defensive ability, a means of getting around and some random utility power (super-senses, self-healing, whatever).

Some of my favorites include;

Firedrake looks like an older man, but is far older than he looks, as he's part dragon, able to transform into a nine foot tall, scale-armored, winged, clawed and fire-breathing dragon-man hybrid. In addition to my standards of decent attacks (strong with claws, fire breath) and decent defense (thick scales provide armor like protection) and self-transportation (winged flight), he's also got superhuman senses and heals what a human would heal daily on an hourly basis.

Kensai, the Angel of Blades a mute swords-mistress made of steel. She's tougher, stronger and faster than human (and surprisingly stealthy, for a woman made of shiny metal), and able to create blades of steel (from daggers that she throws, to swords that she wields) with a thought. With concentration, she can slice a rift in space to allow her limited teleportation.

Impact looks like Sebastian Shaw, the Black King, complete with the freaky Victorian outfit. Has the same powers, as well, absorbing kinetic impact and using it to boost his own strength and (to a limited extent) speed. Acts more like swashbuckling Nightcrawler or Fandral of the Warriors Three, complete with a fencing saber. His kinetic energy absorbtion provides him with a good defense, decent offense, and using the energy to increase his running speed, or to power a super-jump, it's a halfway-decent means of transportation.

Totem Native American who has the abilities of various animals native to the pacific northwest. Strong as a bull, fast as a snake, able to fly like an eagle, swim like a fish, deliver a venomous strike like a rattlesnake, etc. Can speak with animals and while not capable of full blown animal control, can suggest courses of action to them. Lots of enhanced senses and minor powers, but is saving his experience to take on the strength of the totem animal he is currently communiing with, the whale. Basically a North American version of Vixen, but limited to animals that his ancestors interacted with. (No cheetah-speed or elephant-strength, for instance.)

Some characters I've toyed with for;


GURPS Supers and

Mutants & Masterminds

I've also got at least a hundred V&V characters lying around (and nearly a hundred CoH, CoV, Champions Online and DCU Online characters), but they never it made it onto my website.

I love designing superheroes.


Steeliest of the dragons
Totem Native American who has the abilities of various animals native to the pacific northwest. Strong as a bull, fast as a snake, able to fly like an eagle, swim like a fish, deliver a venomous strike like a rattlesnake, etc. Can speak with animals and while not capable of full blown animal control, can suggest courses of action to them. Lots of enhanced senses and minor powers, but is saving his experience to take on the strength of the totem animal he is currently communiing with, the whale. Basically a North American version of Vixen, but limited to animals that his ancestors interacted with. (No cheetah-speed or elephant-strength, for instance.)

I love designing superheroes.

Wow. I have the same character! Same name, same powers (minus the speaking with animals part), same concept.

Cool idea. :D


Wednesday Boy

The Nerd WhoFell to Earth
I really like heroes are the ones with powers that have a little twist to them like Skullfire from X-men 2099 who could create explosions (and not until later direct them) and Pyro from X-men who controlled fire but couldn't create it.

Despite being a comics collector I've only played in one superheroes RPG that lasted very briefly. It was in the Aberrant system and I played Fleabag--a guy who could shrink to the size of a flea and who could jump incredible distances.

Voidrunner's Codex

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