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Feat and further build suggestion for 9th level cleric


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Hi all, I have a 9th level human cleric dedicated to buffing and I'm indecisive where to take him next. The build so far looks like this:
- Feats: Able Learner (took this so I can advance some cross class skills that are mostly wisdom dependent: autohypnosis, spot, listen, UMD), Protection Devotion (sacrificed protection domain for this), Extra Turning, Nymph's Kiss, Quicken Spell, DMM Quicken and Divine Vigor. 9th level feat has not yet been chosen.
- Domains: Good and Knowledge. Domain power for Good domain was sacrificed for that alternative class feature from Dungeonscape that lets me cast Restoration spells spontaneously.
- Flaws: Noncombatant and Murky Eyed.
- Relevant knowledge skills are almost all maxed out.
- Currently has 3 uses of protection Devotion per day and 6 TU attempts (3 + 3 from cha + 4 from Extra Turning + 2 from Reliquary Holy Symbol - 6 sacrificed for additional Protection Devotion uses).

I need advise about this 9th level feat and further feats and PrCs. The only thing I already decided is to still leave him dedicated to buffing and to take one level of Contemplative (CD) and pick up Family domain (deity is Boldrei from Eberron btw). For the feat I'm considering Extra Turning so I could DMM Quicken more spells per day.

Also I could use some advice on good party buff spells from of 5th level and higher since, regrettably, none of the campaigns lasted this long ant this one has a potential to take epic proportions :).

As far as books go pretty much everything from 3.5 is allowed but not dragon Magazine since we don't have this.

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Yeah, extra turning's good if you go the divine metamagic approach. But who's your big bad antagonist? That might guide some of the responses a bit. Also, I count an extra feat: human, first, third, sixth, flaw compensation, flaw compensation is six and you have seven.


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The seventh feat is Protection Devotion. There is a section in Complete Champion that states you can get the domain feat for "free" if you sacrifice the corresponding domain and that is what I did here.

About the BBEG, I absolutely have no idea, god knows who haven't we fought through first 8 levels: demons, vampires, various monsters, adult green dragon (this one was at level 8 btw). But knowing my DM I can guess that it will be some outsider - devil, demon or such thing, or some powerful undead since we have some unfinished business with CR 13 vampire for who I have a hunch he's working for someone more powerful than him.

On the side note, what do you think about Monk's Belt + Bracers of Armor for my cleric? I know that this may come to be pretty expensive, especially at our current level, but money isn't a problem in this campaign since we have a lot more than we should have ... heck I'm even considering to start saving now for Tome of Understanding :).


You don't wear armor? Be sure how the DM rules on monk's belt. I personally don't like the idea of non monks gaining wis +1 to AC, and interpret it as ONLY getting the +1 AC from the monk table at level 5 (I'm also thinking of lowering the price a lot, because it's outrageously expensive, then).

As for bracers of mage armor... Get a +1 bracers, then put on any armor special abilities you want, like fortification. Use Magic Vestment spell or have the party arcanist use an eternal wand of mage armor / greater mage armor on you for your actual armor bonus, it'll be cheaper. Really, for only 820 gp, you get 2 hours a day of +4 mage armor, it's a steal. Greater mage armor eternal wand is likewise worth it when you can afford it.

For feats, why not Knowledge Devotion? Won't help with buffing, but will be useful for when you need to fight. I really like Ancestral Knowledge (races of stone), but it's dwarf-only.

EDIT: I also really like Divine Spell Power. Use a turn attemp to add to your CL on a spell. Basically adds whatever level modifer you get from the turning roll, so you can add up to +4. So, take Magic vestment spell. Right now, you're CL 9, so only +2 armor. With DSP, if you can roll enough for +3, you'd be CL 12 and get +3 armor. Feat's also nice for punching through SR, any level-dependent buff, and later on, spells like Holy Word.
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I never thought that special armor enchantments can be attached to bracers of armor, thanks a ton for this :). Can you also use Augment Crystals with bracers of armor?

Regarding the monk belt: with this DM it will give wis + 1 AC and considering monsters he throws at us (CR 13 dragon with 8th level party, plus he added 3HD and an additional 100-120 HP "just for fun") it seems fair to me. Otherwise I know the item can be a little to much if used with right spells like those two mentioned below.

Maybe even better option than wand of mage armor are luminous armor and its greater version from BoED. IIRC they both have sacrifice component (str damage or penalty) but this can easily be bypassed.

I thought about KD but I think I don't need it since there are already four melee types in the party: fighter, knight, duskblade and rogue/swashbuckler/avenger. Now, DSP ... that one I like. Can you recommend me some good ways to increase my turning check and thus get more juice from this since my current check is +5 (+3 cha and +2 Knowledge Religion synergy bonus).

Since I cast a lot of buffs a good Dispel Magic can pretty much ruin my day, so is there something I can do to make me and the party less vulnerable to it besides raising CL via DSP and that ring from some book (can't remember which one) that says your CL is +4 when someone tries to Dispel you spell (works only for this purpose).

Lastly, what are you reffering to with LA? Did you mean SR or I simply didn't get it ;)


As for increasing your turning mod, I'm away from my books right now, and don't really know many ways to do it regardless. The one thing that jumps out as easiest (aside from boosting cha) is circlet of persuasion. If you already have head slot filled, talk to the DM about MIC rules for slots. IMO, the circlet should be available any body slot +cha items are, and I've had a character with a cloak of persuasion before. If not that, it's not too expensive by your level, maybe just pay extra to get it in a different slot or slotless.

Wondrous Items :: d20srd.org

You probably should look to up your cha, though, if you're going to be so turn-focused. Will give more uses per day, and make DSP easier to use. Assuming you already have a +2 item, using eagle's splendor (cast from an ally) solely for an extra +1 on DSP and regular turning might even be a worthwhile buff, at least for long duration spells cast out of battle.

For the BoeD spells...yeah, if you don't mind or can just get rid of the sacrifice cost afterwards and the DM allows it, they're pretty nice. I would probably rule that the spell ends if you remove the sacrifice penalty, but maybe your DM is less strict. :)

EDIT: If you were willing to dip Marshal 1, you could choose the Motivate Charisma aura, and then you'd basically be adding your own cha modifier to charisma checks twice. I don't think it's worth it, though.
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Murkyeyed noncombatant with casting covered with lots o turns who fights mixed opponents...

'Dragonfire channeling' (dragon magic) for a sweet breath weapon that gets thru any resistance.


'Sacred Vitality' (libris mortis) for immunity to energy and stat drain shenanagans ! ( must have for any true paladin )


Check any of the turn feats in the players handbook 2, there is someting for everyone. my fav. is the one were you blow a turn to be able to channel any one ammount of damage you take too an opponent that you hit.. THATS DIVINE power right there!


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Thanks for you help so far, you're great :)

@ insanogeddon: I will be AFB for the day but will check those feats, especially Sacred Vitality.

@ StreamOfTheSky: I agree that losing a CL with Marshal just to up the turn modifier is not worth it. Now, as I recall there were a number of spells in Complete Champion that boost turn mod and I'm interested if those bonuses would apply to DSP? What does the feat say about this (if anything) and which book is it in?

Again, thanks for your help.


The feat is in Complete Divine. I've been with my fiancee all week, basically, so no books to check on the C.Champion spells, but I'd imagine anything that adds to turn checks or charisma checks will work just fine for DSP.

The feat is also listed here, on p. 72: http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Feats.pdf
Note that for the DSP use, you get a free +3 bonus on the turn check. I had forgotten about that. So yeah, it shouldn't be too hard to always get at least +1, and later on, at least +2 CL.

EDIT: Two things reading the turning feats list.
1. I had forgotten about Divine Shield, one of my favorite divine feats, from all the way back in C.Warrior. +cha to AC for (long enough for most combats) is very good, you might want that later.
2. I have a gestalt cloistered cleric myself right now, and wow wow wow does Divine Justice look awesome for him (cha 10, he really sucks at rebuking). Shame his next 4 or so feats are already set in stone... :(
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