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Fifth Sepulcher - Short Combat-adventure

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Rayex said:
WD: Im ok with that, if it doesnt take 2 weeks to make it :p

Jemal & Scott: Any ETA on those characters? If they're done, please post'em in the RG thread.
sorry...perhaps today!!

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Scott DeWar said:
sorry...perhaps today!!

and here is what i have thus far...Critique anyone?
where is the list of hp via dice found for 75% of max?
75% hp:
1 r 6 +con
2 r 4 +con
3 f 7 +con
4 s 3 +con
5 s 3 +con
6 f 8 +con
7 s 3 +con
8 s 3 +con
9 s 3 +con
10 s 3 +con
11 ek 5 +con
12 ek 4 +con
con bonus = 24
hp =52+24=76
[sblock=Gerard's latest update]
[sblock=personal info]
sorc6/rog2/ftr 2/PRC: Eld. Knt 2
[b]str[/b]   12  +1   4 pt  [b]hp:[/b]76 
[b]dex[/b]   15  +2   8 pt  [b]exp:[/b]66,000
[b]con[/b]   14  +2   6 pt  [b]bab:[/b]+8/+5
[b]Int[/b]   15  +2   8 pt  [b]grapp:[/b]+9
[b]wis[/b]   12  +1   4 pt [b]Init:[/b] +6

[b]chr[/b]   18  +4   8 pt
Level 4, 8 and 12 ability increase: 
+1 to charisma at each.
[b][u]COMBAT:[/b] [/u] 

[b]SAVES: base abil  misc  total[/b]
[u]Fort[/u]      8    +2    --    +10
[u]Reflex[/u]    3    +2    --    +5
[u]will[/u]      5    +1    --    +6

[b]ARMOR:[/b]chain mail, mitheral +3

[B][U]ARMOR CLASS;[/u][/b] 22
[B][U]TOUCH[/B][/U]         17 
[B][U]FLATFOOTED:[/B][/U]  20

[b]type[/b] light [b]bonus:[/b]+5 [b]max dex:[/b]+4 
[b]spell fail:[/b]20% [b]ACP: [/b]-2 
[b]Mv:[/b]   [b]wt[/b]20 lb
[u]chain mail, mithral +3[/u] 
armor bonus +5, dex +2, magic +3,
 ring of protection +2

[u][b]          att  dam   crit rng type[/u][/b]
[u]Rapier[/u]    +13/+8 d6+3 15-20/X2 ---  P
[u]Lte X bow[/u] +11/+6 d8+1 19-20/x2 80 P 
[u]Dagger[/u]    +10/+5 d4+2 19-20/x2 10 P/S 
[u]club[/u]      +11/+6 d6+2 x2   ---   b
vs undead: +13/+8 d6+2d6+4  ---   b
[b][u]Rapier:[/b][/u] +2, Keen
[b][u]x bow bolts:[/b][/u]mwk or magic +1
[b][u]dagger:[/b][/u] +1, 
spell storing: (disrupt undead, gtr 
+10d8 vs undead)
[b][u]club: [/b][/u] +1, disrupting, 
undead bane (dc14 or destroyed)

[sblock=skills and feats]
[b][u]SKILLS AND FEATS:[/b][/u]

Sneak attack (class)
Trap finding (class)
Evasion (class)

Improved Inititive (Human)
2 Weapon fighting (Char lev 1)
2 Weapon Defense (Char lev 3)
Weapon Finesse (Fighter lev 1)
somatic wpnry(fighter lv 2)
-cmp mag pg 47
Practiced Spllcstr(char lv 6)
-cmp arcn pg 82
Acidic splatter(Char Lev 9)
-Comp mage pg 37
Weapon focus, rapier (eld knt lev 1) 
Quick Draw (Char Level 12 ) 

[u]Skill points[/u] 105

[b]SKILLS:[/b]           Ranks Abil misc total
Appraise  int      +1   +2   --  +3
Balence  dex       +1   +2   --  +3
Bluff  cha         +1   +4   --  +5
Climb  str         +2   +1   --  +3
Conctr  con        +8   +2   -- +10
Dciph Script  int  +2   +2   --  +4
Disable Dev  int   +9   +2   -- +11
Disguise  cha      +1   +4   --  +5
Esc Art  dex       +1   +2   --  +3
Gath info  cha     +5   +4   --  +9
Hide  dex          +6   +2   --  +8
Jump  str          +5   +1   --  +6
Know: Arcana  int  +5   +2   --  +7
Know: local  int   +2   +2   --  +4
Listen  wis        +8   +1   --  +9
Move silent  dex   +8   +2   -- +10
Open Locks  dex    +8   +2   -- +10
Ride  dex          +2   +2    -- +4
Search  int        +7   +2   --  +9
Sense Motive  wis  +2   +1   --  +3
Slight of Hand dex +1   +2   --  +3
Spellcraft  int    +6   +2   +2 +10
Spot wis           +7   +1   --  +8
Swim  str          +1   +1   --  +2
Tumble  dex        +4   +2   +2  +8
Use Mag Dev  cha   +1   +4   +2  +7
Use Rope  dex      +1   +2   --  +3
jum:  tumble
Know arcana: spellcraft
spellcraft: use mag dev

[b][u]SPELLS:(casts spells at +4 levls 
fromfeat: praticed spell caster 
and eldrich knight lev 2 add +1)[/u] 
Casts as 11th level[/b]

[b]spells per day:     spells known:[/b]
lv 0: 6 + 0 (ch) = 6     7
lv 1: 6 + 1 (ch) = 7     5
lv 2: 6 + 1 (ch) = 7     3
lv 3: 4 + 1 (ch) = 5     2

[b]SPELL LIST:[/b]
[i]* denotes spell compendium[/i]

[u][b]0 level:[/u] 00000 0[/b] 
Acid Splash
Detect magic
Detect Poisen
Disrupt Undead
*Silent Portal
*Launch bolt

[u][b]1st level:[/u] 00000 00[/b]
Expeditious retreat
Feather Fall
*low light vision
magic missle
Persistant Blade

[u][b]2nd level:[/u] 00000 00[/b]
Melf's acid arrow
bulls str
*Quick Potion

[u][b]3rd level:[/u] 00000[/b]
*Disrupt undead, Gtr
*Weapon of energy
[b][u]EQUIPMENT:[/b][i]** denotes magic item compendium[/i]
[/u]           [b]cost         weight[/b]

Chain mail, 
mitheral, +3        13,150      20 lb
Rapier,mw, +2 Keen  18,320       2 lb
club, +1, undead 
bane, disrupting    18,300
Xbow, lt                35       4.0
 bolts,mwX50 (7 gp ea) 350       5.0
 bolts,+1X20(47 gp ea) 940      2.0
Dagger, +1, spell storing (disrupt undead,gtr
stored  ATM) 8302       1.0
Backpack                2.00      2.0
Bedroll                 0.10      5.0
Flint/steel             1.0      ----
Grapple                 1.0       4.0
Rope, silk (100')      20.00      5.0
rataions x7             3.50      7.0
sunrods x6             14.00      6.0
spell comp pouch        5.00      2.0
thieve's tools, mw    100.00      2.0
whetstone               0.02      1.0
torch                   0.05      5.0 
explorer's oputfit      ---      ----

[u]Amulet of aquatic salvation[/u](M68) 500 gp
Ring of protection +2          8000 gp
Ring of Sustance                 2500 gp
Bag of holding typeII           5000 gp
wt 25 lbs, wt lim 500 lb, vol 70 ft cu
Boots of striding and springing 5500 gp

healthful rest X2         100
blur X2                   600
cure serious X2          1500

spent so faar: 87,845.67 gp 

[u][i][b]Cash:[/b][/u][/i]    144gp   12sp    13cp

generl notes for now:

Born to a prostitute near the docks, he was mostly raised by the madamm or the house...she always taught him how to be shrewed, but also a kindness that she showed to her girls. when his mother was working the streets on night, she run afoul of some dormitian slavers who were trying to take her on a more permanant basis, killing her when she resisted fiercely. the madamm heard of the incursion and sent her own possee after them with the words, "I'll teach them filthy slavers to keep their thievin' hands off my girls!"

this pretty much started an overnight war between dormitians and this one house...he escaped when the fight was brought to his 'home' and as the building burned, he was slipped out the windo to the streets to escape...as far as he knows, he alone survived....

living off the streets as a youngster means only one occupation: thievery. food snatching that led to pickpocketing and cutpurses which led to plain street thuggery. he found a gang that dealt in those things, but once again there was competition for territory and befor he knew it there was a war going on, where all of his gang were killed or assimilated save him...once again he alone escaped...

Still needing to eat, so he started honing his skills in a more refined form of thievery: cat burgler...case a joint, raid it, sell the stuff and then eat for the first time in a week! that is untill he cased the wrong joint...that of the home and temple of Ge' Chen, sorcerer of the dragon blood (rread: dragon heratage)

this kind old man actually caught the young lad sneaking in his home while he had just sat down to a quiet evening of rice and vedgies...he followed him about his house watching how he showed the greatest respect for every thing there, with the exception of the occasionallly snached eaaasy to sell trinket. as the young Gerard was redeaying his exit, the ancient master spoke up, asking him what he wanted with the items he had taken, he answered in the only thing that came to mind: the truth. with an audible gulp, he spoke of eating, bathing and maybe some new clothing.the kind old master was wise so he invited him to joing him for food at his table. While Gerard ate and talked, the wise old master listened and watched...the bow was showning strange, yet familiar actions...while only a lit candle was all that illuminated the room Gerard was able to see even in the dimmist of light available (lo light vision)

this was only possible by the talent of a scerer like himself. He explaind many thing to gerard about what he might have experienced and invited him to stay the night...with the promise that he will let him keep the trinkets taken if he would listen to master Chen in the morning with the audince of one other. the next morning found gerard hampton under warm blankes and a roof over his head. a cup of hot tea, wam bath water soap and clean clothing were in the room as well....the smell of breakfast was just starting to reach his nostrols and that is all it took for him to geet moving.

tea drank, body washed and clean clothing donned, he waks to the commen room to find master chen and one other (none other then Wyace himself). the old master spoke of in born energies that can be shaped and called forth, that he wanted to help him under stand them and to hone his abilities and at the cost of just learning.Gerard was hooked...friendships were made over time, and he actually saw the old master as his father...over the past year Gerard has now learned how to use those energies, but the old hatred was always just under the serface...the dormithian slavers would pay someday...

General information:

escaped the fires of his past and the cold of the lonley nights by the spell Endure elements

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there actually isn't a list, it's just math.
3/4 of 4 is 3
3/4 of 6 is 4.5
3/4 of 8 is 6
3/4 of 10 is 7.5
3/4 of 12 is 9.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
so alternate between 4 and 5 for d6 and 7 and 8 for d10?

so no max at first? if not, then i have my calculations. i left it as is so it can be checked.

am i missing anything on my character? if not I will post him on the RG
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Halford said:
Okay so 6d8 + 6d10+24 for 14 con with one of the d8 being maxed for the first die should come to 107?
times point seven five...and i saw nothing about a maxed first die.


HP: Max first level, then average+1 levels thereafter.
I realized that here, as well as in my other game, I'd made a slight mistake about HP gain on levels. It was supposed to be 3/4 of max, not average+1. Sorry for the confusion about this, please update your characters accordingly!
He's just changing the avg +1 to 3/4.

Halford as Example:
6d8 + 6d10 + 24 =
8 + (5X6) + (6X7.5) + 24=
8 + 30 + 45 + 24 =

MYself as example:
12d8+12 =
8 + (11x6) + 12 =
8 + 66 + 12 =


First Post
Yes, Jemal is Correct. Max first, 3/4 thereafter.

So, still lacking 2 characters in the RG to get this starting.
I've decided to use Excel for mapping, atleast untill I find something better to use (Any ideas or suggestions?)
So as soon as the last 2 characters are up and finalized, we're going.

As for those already in the RG; I've had some looks, and cant really see anything wrong there.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Rayex said:
Ok, as requested, there's a RG thread up. Please post your finalized characters here.

sorry, i just realized you wanted to check them out at the rg thread and not here. I have posted Gerard there. still tweaking the spacing on every theing, but the actual mechanics of the character is all done.


First Post
As to mapping I myself have been having horrendous problems figuring out an easy way to do this - being virtually useless with computers. I settled on Dunnjinni, the demo was great, but you do have to shell out $40. What's more my copy does not work and I had to contact the company for a downloadable version, which I am currently downloading.
If you are interested - and I know $40 is a lot for a mapping program I'll let you know how it goes soon.

Incidently anyone in Raven Marches thats part of the reason I have been so tardy posting I am about to post an apology and brief explaination on the thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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