Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

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Filthy Casual (he/him)
Thanks. It just takes a steady hand. I can't do eyes properly, so glasses or visors on minis are godsent.
I have completely given up on ever being able to do eyes. Great job on the figs. I'll be popping into this thread occasionally to hit y'all up for advice. Keep sharing those pics! :D


I have completely given up on ever being able to do eyes. Great job on the figs. I'll be popping into this thread occasionally to hit y'all up for advice. Keep sharing those pics! :D
My hands are not steady enough to do eyes with anything like the precision of some of the folks on this thread, nor do I paint at their level. However, I can do okay eyes for small/medium miniatures by just painting the whole eye black and then adding a dot of white (or whatever colour is needed) on either side. This works for "tabletop ready"; the black makes them pop and the dots give enough suggestion of the whites of the eye that the brain fills in the rest, unless examined up close. Example:


Love the merfolk. They're better than anything I can turn out.
Honestly, probably not. I have quite a bit of practice so I can paint efficiently and do the basics well enough to get good tabletop level miniatures. But I don’t have the vision or technique of folks like MGibster or reelo. Not even close. I consider my painting a good example of where anyone can get just by plugging away at it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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