Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


I think its perfect! Then again, I really dont like the color yellow, and even less when its bright.
Yellow is a very, very silly color for a military scheme. I've never been on a modern battlefield, but it seems to me that you wouldn't want to stick out of the terrain like a sore thumb. I don’t know why I picked Imperial Fists, probably because I don’t see them played that often, but I started with them years ago. Here’s an old school terminator I painted years ago next to a new one.


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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Yellow is a very, very silly color for a military scheme. I've never been on a modern battlefield, but it seems to me that you wouldn't want to stick out of the terrain like a sore thumb. I don’t know why I picked Imperial Fists, probably because I don’t see them played that often, but I started with them years ago. Here’s an old school terminator I painted years ago next to a new one.

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My admittedly little experience is that military paint schemes come in two types. Very practical camouflage and non practical dress parade.

CharlesWallace is a reminder of my hubris
A friend of mine had another friend cleaning out their mini collection. Long story short, I got some cool old metal minis from the 1980’s. The first one I painted was the Grenadier Models Chaos Giant!


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