Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


Finished. There’s an ogre for scale. I bought this around New Year’s late 2022 and just finished it.

Here’s a tasteful bum shot.

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That is astonishing work! It's all impressive, but I especially love the patchwork rags he's wearing. That took some time and skill!
That's very kind of you, thank you. For the patchwork rags, I painted them with a base coat of Pro Acryl's Light Golden Brown, dry brushed a light color on the edges, and then used various Army Speed Paints. I was going to colored leather, and some of the patches look like it, but the blues and the reds don't really look much like leather. That's okay, it still looks okay.


I'm pretty sure those rags are supposed to be canvas - given his immense size, they're probably the command tents of all the armies he's stepped on, lol.


I’m trying out a new method of painting Imperial Fists for WH40k. Ideally I want something relatively easy that looks good on the table. This was phase 1 of the testing process to establish a general look. Black primer, then brown covering the primer but leaving some of the black, then followed that up with a nice wihite covering up most of the brown, and then went with a yellow to get those gradients you see there.

I'm almost finished with it now, and this has been one of those rare projects where absolutely nothing has gone wrong. Everything, and I mean everything, I had planned out has worked without a hitch. I even tried a few new things and they worked like a charm. As I was staring at the nearly completed model admiring my work, it suddenly dawned on me that it didn't really look all that good. It bummed me out a bit.

But a few minutes later I asked myself an honest question. If someone else had painted this, would I think it looked bad? No. If someone showed up to a game with this model I'd compliment them on it. So what happened? Imposter syndrome. For whatever reason, I simply couldn't accept that I've done a good job on the model so far. And for just a little bit, my enthusiasm in the project was hampered. After all, if the model doesn't look good then why bother going through the effort of completing the snowy, icy base I had planned?

Very often we're much more critical of ourselves than we are of other people. We're often our own worst enemy. Odds are very good your miniature doesn't look as bad as you think it does. Probably. I mean sometimes they really do look that bad. But that's okay. Your painted miniature looks better than an unpainted miniature. Maybe you're a beginner and you're still learning. Maybe you're a pretty good painter and you had a bad day. Don't be so hard on yourself.



I bought the Dreadnought on the right last weekend. Then I looked at the 40k Leviathan boxed set and discovered it came with the exact same model. Oops. So what are you going to do? Paint them both and try something different. I used the exact same colors and technique on both models. The big difference is that I left more black visible on the dread to the left as I built up some layers. The base color for the model on the right was brown and it looks a lot more vibrant and colorful, which as far as I can tell, is what you want on the grim dark battlefield on the 40th millennium.

Dreadnoughts Dos.JPG

Voidrunner's Codex

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