Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

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This is my latest little giant for Warhammer 40k. The biggest thing I was concentrating on for this mini was working on my skin tones and I'm really happy with the results. I started off with a base coat of red, applied some purple ink to the shadows, some pink to the highlights, and then air brushed Vallejo bronzed flesh. I'm not all that thrilled with the leather pants, but I used some glazes over the brown (you can see the reddish leather on his upper right leg) and I'll experiment more with that in the future.


The giant on the left was painted in March of 2024 and the one on the right I finished a few days ago. I was honestly really proud of the skin on the model to the left. The giant on the right is an improvement in skin quality but not exactly leaps & bounds.


I'm calling this one the Agony of Da Feet.

These feet belong to a giant, a Mega-Gargant, from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This model is a bit bigger than the other giants I've posted. I'm basically using the same skin recipe I did for the giant prior to this post, but I'm trying to take a bit more time to add detail. One thing I wish I did was underpaint some of the veins a nice blue because I think they would show up under the flesh color once painted on. Something to try next time I guess.


I'm calling this one the Agony of Da Feet.

When I cut up a gnome to make a cute little mini-drider, I decided I should do something with the legs. Inspired by the leg lamp in A Christmas Story, I sculpted a stone pedestal ala the golden Incan idol in Raiders of the Lost Ark, painted the severed legs gold and mounted them on top.

I called it I-doll-atry: Worshipping the Golden Calf... :p


I'm calling this one the Agony of Da Feet.

These feet belong to a giant, a Mega-Gargant, from Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This model is a bit bigger than the other giants I've posted. I'm basically using the same skin recipe I did for the giant prior to this post, but I'm trying to take a bit more time to add detail. One thing I wish I did was underpaint some of the veins a nice blue because I think they would show up under the flesh color once painted on. Something to try next time I guess.

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This is next level work.

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