WotC Filing: Wizards of the Coast makes up roughly 70% of Hasbro's value

Today GW's franchises could suffer some troubles and misunderstanding, and being victims of "cancel culture". Hasbro isn't interested into to sell wargame miniatures, or at least, there is more interest into videogames. And we are in the age of the 3D-printers, it is not now the best time to sell expensive miniatures. WotC doesn't need nor Warhammer Fantasy neither Age of Sigmar, and W40K is more difficult to sell than G.I.Joe.

I have seen a teaser of the cominsoon action-live version of "Monster High", a Mattel franchise being produced by Paramount. This means the partnership between Hasbro and Paramount if it is renewed then with different condictions, no exclusive, but more a "open relation". And this could allow partnership deals with other companies, for example Warner (with a purge among the CEOs after the merger with Discovery) and Disney(this losing of lot of popularity in the last weeks).

Hasbro doesn't need GW when there are other companies with their own IPs, and maybe these may be a cheaper option.

* Hasbro could publish a new "Star Crusade", but based in other setting, for example with races from d20 Future, with other name (trademark owned by others) and with an app to be the IA for games with solo players.

Zombicide by CMON has been sold very well. Avalon Hill could try something like that, but based in Gamma World, not only zombies but different type of monsters.
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Today GW's franchises could suffer some troubles and misunderstanding, and being victims of "cancel culture". Hasbro isn't interested into to sell wargame miniatures, or at least, there is more interest into videogames. And we are in the age of the 3D-printers, it is not now the best time to sell expensive miniatures. WotC doesn't need nor Warhammer Fantasy neither Age of Sigmar, and W40K is more difficult to sell than G.I.Joe.

I have seen a teaser of the cominsoon action-live version of "Monster High", a Mattel franchise being produced by Paramount. This means the partnership between Hasbro and Paramount if it is renewed then with different condictions, no exclusive, but more a "open relation". And this could allow partnership deals with other companies, for example Warner (with a purge among the CEOs after the merger with Discovery) and Disney(this losing of lot of popularity in the last weeks).

Hasbro doesn't need GW when there are other companies with their own IPs, and maybe these may be a cheaper option.

* Hasbro could publish a new "Star Crusade", but based in other setting, for example with races from d20 Future, with other name (trademark owned by others) and with an app to be the IA for games with solo players.

Zombicide by CMON has been sold very well. Avalon Hill could try something like that, but based in Gamma World, not only zombies but different type of monsters.

WotC is releasing 4 Warhammer 40k Commander Decks this year, yet the amount of GI Joe and Monster High decks or sets or secret Lairs release? Zero.

As for the possiblity Warhammer could be cancelled, I find it alot less likely this year, then in the past few years as the twitterverse has huge challenge to its power in the form of Elon Musk and a general backlash against cancel culture. I mean CK Louise just won a Grammy for best comedy album.

And Disney is in no position to be making major deals, they are drowning in debt and getting hit by backlashes and its Shanghi Theme Park is locked down. Disney will be lucky if it doesn't go bankrupt in the next few years.

Warner Media Empire is in the middle of a blood bath in terms firings and will likely be radically changed by its new boss, so major partnerships with Hasbro are unlikely at the moment.

The TTRPGs would be very boring without conspirancies. The best years for Netflix ended when other streaming services arrived.

I sorry for Disney, I love their franchises, but not only theme parks were closed during the epidemic but also other reasons. I have read if Steve Jobs was live Apple and Disney had mergered. I don't like that idea because I use a PC, not a Mac.


Pedantic Grognard
Look at the P/E ratio of basically all stocks that are even close to investment grade today. They are all MANY MANY multiples of anything that would allow someone to come out ahead by buying equities for the dividends.
Well, yes, because stock appreciation is tax-advantaged over dividends, because "long-term" capital gains rates are lower than income tax rates. So a sensible modern stockholder who wants the cash a company has earned presses the company to do a stock buyback. The result of this legerdemain is still cash being paid out by the company to stockholders, but with lower taxes paid by the stockholders.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
WotC is releasing 4 Warhammer 40k Commander Decks this year, yet the amount of GI Joe and Monster High decks or sets or secret Lairs release? Zero.

As for the possiblity Warhammer could be cancelled, I find it alot less likely this year, then in the past few years as the twitterverse has huge challenge to its power in the form of Elon Musk and a general backlash against cancel culture. I mean CK Louise just won a Grammy for best comedy album.

And Disney is in no position to be making major deals, they are drowning in debt and getting hit by backlashes and its Shanghi Theme Park is locked down. Disney will be lucky if it doesn't go bankrupt in the next few years.

Warner Media Empire is in the middle of a blood bath in terms firings and will likely be radically changed by its new boss, so major partnerships with Hasbro are unlikely at the moment.
1) I'm curious how much overlap you see between Magic: The Gathering and GI Joe or Monster High. Like are those really potent untapped demographics for a card game that would sell millions of copies?

2) Backlash against Cancel Culture. Hmm. 'Kay. That's certainly a take. "Cancel Culture" is a boogeyman invented by people facing social consequences for their misdeeds in a solid DARVO maneuver. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. "It's not important that I exposed myself to women over the years without consent or warning, what matters is this angry response to my innocent mistake!"

3) Disney's Debt. They hover between 40% and 60% Debt to Equity ratio and always have, because they constantly cycle debts. They're not "Drowning" in debt. They're maintaining it because they can make their bottom line look fatter through loans to offset costs. Walt Disney Debt to Equity Ratio

4) Warner Media Empire. Yup. Lots of firings. Pretty standard practice, really, when a big change is made in the company. And, honestly, with the continual fairly crappiness of their understanding of how to formulate a decent superhero movie (Though "The Batman" is, honestly, shockingly good in that department) we'll probably see another major realignment before things settle down... But. Hasbro is the biggest toy manufacturer around and they've done everything from DC Superheroes Action Figures to Harry Potter Clue. It's a little out there to declare they'll disconnect from their largest option just because they're restructuring internally (Again).

In short: WotC is Fine. Hasbro is Fine. Disney is Fine. Warner Brothers can't do what Marvel did. Cancel Culture is a boogeyman. Stop it.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
1) I'm curious how much overlap you see between Magic: The Gathering and GI Joe or Monster High. Like are those really potent untapped demographics for a card game that would sell millions of copies?

2) Backlash against Cancel Culture. Hmm. 'Kay. That's certainly a take. "Cancel Culture" is a boogeyman invented by people facing social consequences for their misdeeds in a solid DARVO maneuver. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. "It's not important that I exposed myself to women over the years without consent or warning, what matters is this angry response to my innocent mistake!"

3) Disney's Debt. They hover between 40% and 60% Debt to Equity ratio and always have, because they constantly cycle debts. They're not "Drowning" in debt. They're maintaining it because they can make their bottom line look fatter through loans to offset costs. Walt Disney Debt to Equity Ratio

4) Warner Media Empire. Yup. Lots of firings. Pretty standard practice, really, when a big change is made in the company. And, honestly, with the continual fairly crappiness of their understanding of how to formulate a decent superhero movie (Though "The Batman" is, honestly, shockingly good in that department) we'll probably see another major realignment before things settle down... But. Hasbro is the biggest toy manufacturer around and they've done everything from DC Superheroes Action Figures to Harry Potter Clue. It's a little out there to declare they'll disconnect from their largest option just because they're restructuring internally (Again).

In short: WotC is Fine. Hasbro is Fine. Disney is Fine. Warner Brothers can't do what Marvel did. Cancel Culture is a boogeyman. Stop it.
The Warner layoffs have nothing to do with the DCU, and everything to do with the Discovery merger. It's normal merger stuff, not related to genre film at all.

Changues in the chairs of the CEOs from a megacorporation can be normal after a merger, but I guess this time Discovery wants a different market strategy.

Disney franchises and IPs are very loved and popular but the company is losing prestige, and that can cause a lot of economic damage.

Cancel Culture may be sometimes totally unpredictable. Some times it starts after a titles to become enough famous.

DC animated movie and showed worked very well, and the action-live series. They have got team and money, if movies don't work they should wonder where are the mistakes.

Where were the mistakes of the second Michael Bay's second TNMT movie?


WotC buying GW would be terrible. This industry needs more big, sustainable companies, not fewer.
I have mixed feelings about the prospect. On one hand, yeah, you make a valid point. But on the gripping hand, I'd sure like like to see GW change how they market their games. Hell, I'd love for them to actually care about making decent games instead of just churning out nice models.

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