Fixing the Hunter Feats


Has there been discussion on ways to house rule Agile Hunter and Precise Hunter to make them somewhat on par with other feats available at heroic? Does anyone disagree they should practically never be taken as is? Anecdotally (we didn't have a ranger who actually took them, but we kept the feats in mind as we played), in 8 combats through KOTS, the ranger scored 3 crits. Twice on minions, which meant that Precise Hunter would have been worthless. Once on a BBG, in which case Precise would have been good, but he wouldn't have bothered with the shift from Agile since he was already in CA position. The problem seems to be that for two feats that have such a low percentage of triggering (5%), their utility is also situationally dependent. So here's the proposed fix:

Combine them. One feat, and on a crit, the ranger chooses one of the two benefits (but doesn't get both).

Thoughts? Overpowered? There are other alternatives I considered such as trigger on natural 18-20, also trigger on a kill for Agile Hunter, but this solution seems best (with no playtest yet of course).

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