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FLGS and DnD?


If 4e had dropped in 1999 I would have left D&D ten years sooner.

So if you equate 'would have despised the thing' as 'loved it' then, yeah, I would have loved it.... And consummated my love by leaving it on the store shelves.

Just because you love a game does not meant that anybody everybody else will.

The Auld Grump
Yeah the whole " You people dont like change!!" thing by some of the 4E proponents rings about as hollow and the whole "4E isnt D&D" thing. It's not that it's different or that people are afraid of change. It's just that we tried 4E and DIDNT LIKE IT.

If we were so afraid of change would some of us be playing COMPLETELY different systems? I know of people who have run D&D mods converted over to Fantasy Hero or GURPS. We just dont care for 4E. It's not a terrible game. it didnt kick our puppy or anything. it's just not our cup of tea.

Personally I was ready for a change from 2E and had walked away from it right after the Player's Options books had come out and was playing Champions when I got wind of 3E (through Dragon Magazine. *Sigh* Oh how I miss you...) By that time I was ready for a change. Much in the way that there were some 3E players who were ready for a change to 4E. I can honestly tell you that if what was 4E had come out as 3E? I would have still probably tried it and been like: "PASS".

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On the original topic, my FLGS (Myriad Games) also comes across as anti-4E and with an agenda. The store clerk (the one working that particular day-I am assuming not all feel the same way) felt the need to bash 4E as I was paying for my purchase and declare how older editions are better.
They only get in one or two copies of a new release and then seem surprised when they run out (I go in 3 days after release dates and they are already out).
They put the new releases on the top shelf with the blank spine showing and the spine with the product name facing the back so a person can't find the product.
All in all they are not promoting 4E well at all. It's less an issue of promoting 4E and one of simply not promoting their products and potential sales.

As a side note: I have played every edition of D&D and 4E feels and plays like D&D. It's not the rules, its how you play; the core parts of D&D are still there for me, only with improvements.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I've moved this thread to General Discussion (as it is about FLGS & D&D rather than legacy D&D). I've also modified the title to more accurately reflect what the discussion is about.



First Post
On the original topic, my FLGS (Myriad Games) also comes across as anti-4E and with an agenda. The store clerk (the one working that particular day-I am assuming not all feel the same way) felt the need to bash 4E as I was paying for my purchase and declare how older editions are better.
They only get in one or two copies of a new release and then seem surprised when they run out (I go in 3 days after release dates and they are already out).
They put the new releases on the top shelf with the blank spine showing and the spine with the product name facing the back so a person can't find the product.
All in all they are not promoting 4E well at all. It's less an issue of promoting 4E and one of simply not promoting their products and potential sales.

If stores do this kind of stuff to the edition you like to play, just leave and go to Amazon, or a different store. They do not deserve your business.

As for me, if I saw a store doing this kind of stuff to any edition, whether I like it or not, I would be out the door and not coming back. I really try to avoid spending my money in places where I do not like the owners and workers.


My local game shop stocks them all.
The owner prefers 3.5, though he keeps a lot of AD&D house rules in his games.

He's currently running a Pathfinder game, but gripes about the power-gaming. I know he's read 4th Edition, but I don't know if he's played it.

WOTC offered a special deal to shops who would host 4e games, something like early access to some new releases, and he was willing to do it, but they insisted that it be on a Wednesday night (I think). Apparently they got a bug in their ear about the idea of people all over the country playing 4e all at the same time. They wanted all the games to "check in" via the internet, to prove they were doing it.

He wasn't too thrilled about running a late-night game mid-week. He was tempted to just host it on Sunday night, then do the "check in" on the following Wednesday.

In the end, nobody signed up, and to me that's the "proof of the pudding".

I know that there are a lot of people who swear by 4th Edition, and it may be that we (in this forum) are just hearing the echoes of our own voices and mistaking it for a crowd, but when all was said and done, very little got done.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
They put the new releases on the top shelf with the blank spine showing and the spine with the product name facing the back so a person can't find the product.

That makes no sense at all. If they don't want to sell certain products, buying stock of it and hiding it is just... well, idiotic.

What store is this, that we may mock it publicly?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I know that there are a lot of people who swear by 4th Edition, and it may be that we (in this forum) are just hearing the echoes of our own voices and mistaking it for a crowd, but when all was said and done, very little got done.
The echo chamber effect is dangerous both online and in real life.

"No one plays Game X" really means "no one I've talked to locally plays it," at best. It certainly doesn't reflect anything about the larger world, as regional differences can and do exist -- we've heard from college kids on this board that some schools are all 4E, others are all Pathfinder -- and even then, it's probably just the vocal gaming clubs at each school -- and others don't play anything D&D-related at all.

No one really knows for sure, since the publicly available information is incomplete and doesn't factor in things like WotC's digital subscribers, PDF users, pirates, people using old books and so on.


Staff member
Encounter spells (34 of 97, 35%) are not functionally different from memorizing the same spell multiple times
Yes they are- an Encounter spell (barring some feat or other mechanical twist) may be cast once per encounter. In addition, they are available in the next encounter, which means he can use it as many times per day as he has discreet encounters as defined by his DM, be it 1, 3, 7, 12, or 197.

In contrast, a Vancian spell that has been memorized multiple times may be cast as many times per encounter as you have it memorized, and once they're expended, they're gone for the day.


That makes no sense at all. If they don't want to sell certain products, buying stock of it and hiding it is just... well, idiotic.

What store is this, that we may mock it publicly?
He said Myriad Games.

So just so we're clear. The store buys the 4e books. Then hides them so a customer can't buy them. Thus they pay WotC for the book, but intentionally try to avoid profiting off it.

Makes perfect sense.

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