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For More Than Glory


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Once everything is packed away, Fleck goes to the two small tunnel entrances and casts a spell over each one, sealing them tightly in thick rock. He then climbs onto the cart and heads outside, although Chalkback struggles to carry the heavy load up the steep slope. The cart creaks ominously, and only barely makes it out into the sunlight before there is a snap, and the cart falls at an unatural angle with a jolt.

Fleck releases an uncharacteristic stream of curses, in several languages. He hops down to peer under the cart, and grimaces. "It looks like some acid splashed onto the axel, and it's been eaten away. I can fix it easily enough with the right spells, but we'll have to wait until morning." He shakes his head in disgust, but then looks up and sniffs the air. "If nothing else, it smells nicer out here. Camping won't be too bad, and we'll be better off travelling on another night's rest."

(Since I doubt that I'll be here tomorrow - and if I am, I won't have my character node - I'll just post what Fleck does in the evening, away from the others, but public so other players can see. Trusting the whole IC/OOC separation and all. Ark, if things don't go this smoothly, feel free to retcon what doesn't work.)

That evening, as the dusk begins to settle into night, Fleck stands from his preparations on the disabled cart and looks back at the cave. "Just... one more look. Please ... I have to do this alone. His sincerity seems oddly doubtful, but he waves off any concern for his safety, reminding the others that he sealed the only unguarded entrances. He lights his lamp and heads into the cave, on his own.

Once there, he heads to where the kobold had been captured, and looks up at the ceiling. "It's dusk, and the rest are outside. Now - we had a deal."

A short rope falls out of nowhere, followed up quickly by the kobold cleric. The charms have worn off now, but the gems haven't, and the kobold did give his word, and Fleck has a few more gems if the first lot weren't enough anymore. Fleck watches anxiously as the cleric makes his evening supplications, then produces the preserved fox corpse. Restoring it to normal size, he sets it on the ground, and hands over a fist full of diamonds.

He doesn't look away as the kobold performs the ritual, although some of the details make him cringe. When it is over, Bristletail limps to his feet, extremely disoriented, but Fleck kneels and the fox walks to him, grateful. Fleck looks at the kobold gratefully, and stands, offering one more gem. "They're camped and guarding just outside. We'll be leaving in the morning - you may want to wait until then to escape. They will kill you if they see you; I don't think I could stop them. With that, he picks up the still-burnt, but living, fox, turns his back, and walks out - although Bristletail keeps his eyes on the kobold until he is out of sight.

Fleck reappears outside, carrying a battered, but living, Bristletail. He ignores any looks and questions long enough to cast one more spell, and the stone around the cave mouth flows, sealing up the dragon's cave. On the outside, the stone is flat and featureless, but the seal is not as secure as it looks - one three-foot-square section is paper-thin, with raised letters on the inside reading "BREAK HERE AFTER MORNING" and a single thin crack to let light in. He then glares one more time at Snake, then at Valdir, but says nothing, returning to the wreck of the cart.

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Risslek the kobold cleric gives Fleck a nasty look when he comes down out of the Rope Trick, then hisses out "You tricked me, gnome. You were, sssss, lucky I was bound. But....there was sssssome truth in what you said. I could well kill you now, and Naeron would thank me for your delectable ssssoul....." The kobold stares at Fleck like one would stare at a great treasure, then Risslek hisses again.

"But Naeron demands I hold to my word, ssss, and I would not ssssuffer his wrath when my soul issssss his too.... Nor the revoking of hissss blessings now, when I am without dragon and mage to ssserve my purposes. I will bessssseech lord Naeron to give up your beast's ssssoul, and the dragon's diamondssss will be the trade. You best pray to Naeron he acceptsssss them."

Risslek performs the ritual to raise the dead, and while it is gut-wrenching for Fleck to see Bristletail's soul tear its way back into the little fox's body like some horrid, savage beast, followed by the corpses' nearly bone-snapping convulsions, and then the sound of bones realigning and a hissing sound as flesh unnaturally grows back in place over the mortal wounds that had been inflicted.......finally the fox familiar revives and shudders from the experience, fully alive once more. Naeron has relinquished one small soul, for now. The diamonds Risslek used in the ritual are snatched away by a spectral, clawed hand, and fade away. The kobold utters another prayer to Naeron, and then backs away slightly from Fleck and Bristletail.

The fox barks happily after realizing it's alive again, and runs around Fleck's legs for a moment before standing in front of him and waiting to be carried out, bushy tail wagging. The kobold cleric hisses disdainfully at the display, and walks over towards one of the side-tunnels, then notices as he gets closer that it has been sealed up with stone.

The kobold turns back to hiss loudly again at Fleck, then says "If your comradessss come back in here, I will kill them all. I will not let a dead, arrogant dragon prevent my preparationssss. I can call on ssservants of Naeron nearly as powerful, and I can call many more of them right now. I made certain to prepare the proper invocationsssss to Naeron's proxies, fool gnome. Begone now and I will not sssslay you immediately. You made me promisssse under enchantment that I would restore your pet to life, but in your short-ssssightedness, you did not convince my then-addled mind to let either of you live afterward. SSSSS."

He proceeds to loose a short, draconic chuckle that more resembles a growl. Standing close to one of the sealed side-tunnels now, he is well outside Fleck's gnomish sight in the dark. Fleck leaves quickly at first, slowing as he gets further down the tunnel and feels certain the kobold cleric hasn't followed, or summoned anything to pursue him.

After Fleck has left the main chamber, the kobold cleric Risslek hisses quietly, and turns toward the sealed passage he had approached a few moments ago. With a quick prayer to Naeron, his body seems to ooze through the cracks of the Material Plane's reality, and ethereally he passes through the unimportant stone seal over the side-tunnel, sliding back into place on Aerde's Material Plane on the other side of the seal. Risslek growl-chuckles quietly to himself as he easily heads down the dark, familiar tunnel and leaves through a distant, kobold-hidden exit..........


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Valdir stares in surprise as Fleck walks out with a live Bristletail in tow and again as he seals the entrance to the cave. "How?...but the cleric...Fleck?"

His mind goes to work, 'the bag of dust...the cleric was bound...Fleck's non-chalant attitude when the cleric was found missing...sealing the cave' Then as a semblance of the truth dawns on him, Valdir's eyes grow angry, "Why?! You don't trust us...! You freed him!..." At that point all he can do is turn the other way and shake his head.

Finally, after a few minutes and a sigh, "I realize we can be impulsive and a bit harsh, but are you sure it was wise to spare him?" After receiving no answer and looking at Fleck's face with the returned Bristletail, his eyes soften a bit and he shrugs characteristically. "I sure hope your grief driven decision doesn't come back to bite us...literally."


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The party traveled the rest of the way to the Kinrisari port city Binbar, and along the way Rolf decided to go back on his own to take care of something for his goddess, Nylaethia. In Binbar, the party has done a bit of shopping, resting, and identifying of magic items from the dragon's hoard. Argus found that there's some ship that will be heading for Pari Ka'ansa within the week, but couldn't quite remember details. He thinks it was called the Drunken Harpy or something.


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Fleck watches Argus stumble off again, with some concern. "I think we'll want to confirm the name of that ship for ourselves. He's had drinking on his mind enough as it is."

"So ... once we reach Pari Ka'ansa. If all is well, and there is a Refuge set up, I expect a Dreamwalker will see us as we come in, and contact me. If not ... I don't expect they'll be hard to find, at first, and even under duress, my people are particularly easy to spy upon when they want to be."
He taps his spellbook. "We'll figure out how they're held, then see what we can't do about getting our captured weapons to them."


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(The small magic arrows would probably do nicely, assuming there were a few bows to go with them. Any non-enchanted weapons and armor, since they wouldn't bring in that much being sold. Also, Fleck will suggest that they try to acquire a portable hole instead of a bag of holding, since it has no carried weight limit, just space. It could also be useful for moving contraband in bulk.)


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(Any of the kobold weapons/armor would probably do nicely. If we couldn't pack it all, we could give them directions to where it could be found. That cave, if it hasn't been reoccupied, might be a good base of operations for them too. Just a thought...)


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Valdir eventually makes his way spluttering and spitting out seawater to the main deck. Grabbing his bow, he searches for a foul harpy to vent his frustrations on. Unfortunately, the only one around is laying bleeding to death on the deck. "No sport in that..."

Looking around, Valdir looks around for the captain, a glint of malice in his eyes. "Doesn't need our help, eh!," he mutters to himself. "If it wasn't for us, his friggen crew would be swimming after the harpies. I ought to make him a pincushion just for his arrogance." Of course, in his anger, he completely ignores the fact that he was one of those swimming after the harpies.


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Fleck smiles calmly through Valdir's tirade. "Yeah, I suppose you saved the entire ship ... with your charming example of just what not to do." His voice is thin, though, and he coughs, wincing horribly at the pain. He glances over at Zerash, hoping for a little help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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