D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

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Great work on this, have been using it for a while now.

found a little bug.
1st level paladin. Under active features in Character Tab I, it displays Divine Smite. This is a 2nd level feature.


Climb speed

It does not look like the climb speed can be overridden.



It does not look like the climb speed can be overridden.

Nice one, fixed in the next build. As a side note, you can enter in any value for an adjustment or even a formula / named variable. e.g. =CharacterSpeed/2 if you want the result to double your climb speed. It is not limited to the drop down values (in this case +15 to -15 in increments of 5)


First Post
Attempting to add a new Wolf companion to a 3rd level Wood Elf Ranger using the UA Ranger Revised. Part of that involves setting the companion as proficient in all saving throws. For some reason, this appears to be doubling the added amount. I.e. Str is 12, so +1, and adding Str saving throw proficiency boosts that to +5.

Additionally, the animal companion Skill checkboxes are locked, so I can't add any new skill proficiencies outside of modifying the bonus with an adjustment.


Attempting to add a new Wolf companion to a 3rd level Wood Elf Ranger using the UA Ranger Revised. Part of that involves setting the companion as proficient in all saving throws. For some reason, this appears to be doubling the added amount. I.e. Str is 12, so +1, and adding Str saving throw proficiency boosts that to +5.

Additionally, the animal companion Skill checkboxes are locked, so I can't add any new skill proficiencies outside of modifying the bonus with an adjustment.

Thanks for the feedback, those cells are now unlocked in the next build.

Assuming you have selected the Beastmaster Archetype, if the Animal Companion is a beast of CR1/4 or lower then

"Add your proficiency bonus to the beast's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. Its hit point maximum equals its normal maximum or four times your ranger level, whichever is higher."

At 3rd level your ProfBonus is 4 so it adds that to the beast's AC, attack rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it is proficient in. (note this calculation is currently added to the beasts own proficiency bonus). Currently if you override the beasts saving throw proficiency then it will add the beasts proficiency bonus and add your proficiency bonus to that. To be honest here, there is no clear rulings on how this works.


First Post
Active Features Error


Love the updated CS. Outstanding work!!!!

I found an error as I was transferring a character manually from to the current build. On CSI tab under the "Active Features" section when a character takes the "Magic Initiate" feat they get 1st level spell that they can use once per long rest. If you notice in the pictures the "Active Features" you can see that instead of the 1st level "Alarm" spell being listed it is showing the cantrip "Thunderclap" instead.



  • Build 4 Error 1.jpg
    Build 4 Error 1.jpg
    98.7 KB · Views: 678
  • Build 4 Error 2.jpg
    Build 4 Error 2.jpg
    297.2 KB · Views: 627


First Post
Currently if you override the beasts saving throw proficiency then it will add the beasts proficiency bonus and add your proficiency bonus to that. To be honest here, there is no clear rulings on how this works.

Ah. That's what was causing my confusion. I was expecting only the character's proficiency bonus to apply, but I can see how both are perfectly valid interpretations of that verbiage.

Have you checked out the UA Ranger? It seems to solve this issue, as well as fix the overall balance of the class. Is there any chance it'll make it into the sheet at some point? One of my players has the printout alongside his sheet, and having it all integrated would be really nice.

Finally, thank you so much for your continued work on this. All of my players are using this tool, and I've made extensive use of it for pregens and my own characters alike. The new functionality and layout in 2.0 looks great so far! You have my gratitude for what you're doing here.



Love the updated CS. Outstanding work!!!!

I found an error as I was transferring a character manually from to the current build. On CSI tab under the "Active Features" section when a character takes the "Magic Initiate" feat they get 1st level spell that they can use once per long rest. If you notice in the pictures the "Active Features" you can see that instead of the 1st level "Alarm" spell being listed it is showing the cantrip "Thunderclap" instead.


Thanks for the feedback :)

Someone mentioned an issue with the Magic Initiate feat earlier and I have resolved it in the next build. This section will automatically pull the spells data from the spellcasting table. Example below

Active Features.png

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